
Finding that he would soon be surrounded by these monsters outside the car, Zhou Chen knew that he had to deal with this opponent quickly, otherwise he would probably fail to come out this time, or even be dragged back.

He immediately took out the sly whip and activated the restraint ability on the sly girl, making her instantly entangled by the sly whip and unable to move, and then just like dealing with the red-clothed scorpion, he inserted one of his hands into this sly girl's illusion. in the body.

He only used one hand because he had to defend against other monsters.

Seeing that he wrapped the handle and a section of the whip around his arm, he took out a long sword with a faint black aura from the backpack space, which was the one he had not used since he obtained it.

Taking out the trick sword, Zhou Chen used it to stab the trapped trick girl, and found that the other party didn't seem to have much response.

"The psychic damage of this creepy sword is a bit low, not as good as my fist... attack mode!"

Seeing that the effect of holding a staggered sword is not great, Zhou Chen turned on the attack mode of the staggering sword. In this mode, the staggering sword will become stronger and consume more at the same time, reducing Zhou Chen's lifespan by eight minutes per second.

Zhou Chen intends to take a little extravagance to see how the attack mode of this stupefying sword is. If it is too overwhelming, just let it go out, don't waste his precious life.

In an instant, following Zhou Chen's order, the strange sword with a faint black air in his hand, which did not seem to be very conspicuous, came out of his hand and jumped into the air more than ten meters high. The ancient sword of the Celestial Dynasty grows from a zhang to a huge flying sword.

As soon as the larger-than-human flying sword took shape, it swooped down on its own, and slashed towards the head of the strange girl who was bound by Zhou Chen below.

Zhou Chen saw the Feijian with a volume comparable to the door rushing down, and quickly squatted down to avoid it, he didn't want this guy to accidentally hurt himself.

However, the flying sword soon crossed the girl's head, causing her to let out a wailing, and Zhou Chen was not accidentally injured by his own sword.

"It doesn't seem to hurt that much..."

Zhou Chen frowned after discovering that the giant staggered sword completed an attack. He found that the staggered sword's damage did increase in attack mode, but it didn't become particularly high, which made him feel that it was not worth it compared to the consumption of lifespan.

But before he decided to take back the stupefying sword, it was too late to think about it, because the monsters outside the bus had already swarmed!

I saw an old granny-like evil spirit rushing towards Zhou Chen's back, wanting to pounce on him, Zhou Chen hurriedly turned around and kicked out, knocking him back.

"Another evil spirit monster..."

Zhou Chen felt that he didn't hit the real thing with this kick, and only relied on the damage of the evil touch to repel the opponent, which made him feel that the situation was not good.

However, he still had time to sigh that new monsters appeared in all his left, right, front, back, up, and down positions.

These monsters have different shapes, some are like people who have suffered a car accident, some are like indescribable creatures, they have used their fangs and claws to attack Zhou Chen, causing Zhou Chen to have many wounds.

"Fuck! The whole TM is here, I can't even stack up the madness!"

Zhou Chen, who was surrounded, squatted down immediately, inserted one hand into the bound girl's body to cause damage to it, and protected his face with the other for defense, so he had no time to fight back.

He has a lot of wounds on his body now, but the furious passive skill is not fully stacked in an instant, because the violent passive skill has a limitation, that is, it can only be stacked once a second, and he has to wait for several seconds to fully stack this passive skill. to a state of rapid recovery.

Zhou Chen just held on like this for two seconds, and was a little surprised to find that his pressure suddenly eased. He separated his fingers and looked out, and found that it was the huge staggering sword in attack mode that started frantically attacking those surrounding him. The monsters attracted the attention of some monsters. These monsters were not very smart. After being attacked by the monsters, they did not dodge immediately, but jumped up and launched a counterattack to the flying swords in the sky. .

Zhou Chen is naturally happy to see such a situation. Currently, he is under too much pressure, and there are wounds all over his body. Although they are all minor injuries, there are always monsters attacking him, making it difficult for his injuries to recover.

"Boil it a little longer, and the fury will be folded soon."

Zhou Chen thought about it in his heart, and felt that he still couldn't escape, at least kill one and go back, otherwise he would lose money this time.

But two seconds later, Zhou Chen's rage was not yet full, and there were still so many wounds on his body, but he discovered something bad first: the tricky girl who was bound by his tricky whip broke free and started to run away !

"Fuck! Can't you just suffer to death?!"

Zhou Chen suddenly felt a tragedy, he stood up instantly, knocked out a few monsters that were attacking him with two punches and kicks, put away the monster whip, and rushed towards the fleeing monster girl.

But that weird girl's IQ was obviously good. It found that Zhou Chen was chasing her and quickly headed away from the passenger car channel, trying to lead Zhou Chen to the point of no return.

Zhou Chen chased a distance with all his strength, and soon judged that it would be difficult for him to catch up with the opponent in a short period of time, because the opponent, as an evil spirit, was fast even if he was injured, and there were now a large number of monsters around him, chasing and blocking him. , even if he had the tricky sword to share the pressure, he couldn't use it.

"You all want to die, don't you! Then let it be for you!"

At this time, Zhou Chen kicked a tall, human-shaped monster that suddenly fell in front of him, and pulled the distance from the monster girl in front of him even further. He instantly decided to give up chasing the opponent, and was about to move the target.

As for who to transfer to, it was the tall humanoid monster he hit just now, because from the effect of the attack just now, he could see that the opponent was a real monster!

"The strangeness of the entity, I can be considered to have found it."

Zhou Chen, who has been disgusted by incorporeal monsters recently, felt endless anger in his heart. He was very troublesome to fight illusory evil spirits and monsters, but he was very good at fighting physical monsters.

What's more, he is now full of rage, his strength and speed have increased by 240%, and his body recovery speed has doubled to the level of almost instant recovery. The previous injuries are basically intact.

As a result, a large number of monsters who were besieging Zhou Chen saw that Zhou Chen suddenly changed his direction, turned his head and rushed towards the tall monster that looked like a zombie who had just been kicked away by him.

Then in an instant, he approached the opponent, punched the opponent's head fiercely, and caused a continuous explosion in the air!

boom! ~

Then there was only a bang, and the tall zombie monster just stood up from the ground and didn't know who the opponent was, and was knocked out again. Quickly covered with a layer of white frost.

"This guy is so tough... I thought I could kill it in seconds..."

Zhou Chen was a little surprised to see that his full punch did not end the opponent. His current physical attack power is terrifyingly high. Fan Xiang, but even so, the physical monster was only dented in the head by him, and did not die on the spot.

"If you can't do it with one punch, do it a few more times!"

Without thinking much, Zhou Chen rushed towards the zombie monster that was knocked into the air by him again, and his body also triggered the freeze passive skill that was temporarily immobile. After he approached the opponent almost instantly, he even attacked it frantically with his fists and feet, making it hard. The body that is far more than steel quickly becomes inhuman, and the body is full of pits!

Then, at a certain moment, Zhou Chen slammed the weird head straight into the air, causing it to explode like a watermelon!

In this attack, he happened to trigger the passive skill of a brutal blow. Although this passive skill is not high in level, the critical strike is always the most powerful. It immediately increased Zhou Chen's physical damage to 2.5 times, and completed the headshot instant kill. .

[You killed Tie Tie and got a reward: Tie Coffin. 】

[Passive looter trigger: You have plundered the passive skill "Bronze Iron Bone IV" of Iron Trick, and it is detected that it is better than the passive skill of the same name that you currently have, and it will automatically cover and fuse. 】

"I've finally gained something... I'm still suitable for fighting physical monsters, even if I have a silver-level copper-skin iron-bone passive skill, I can beat me to death."

Hearing the system's reward broadcast in his mind, Zhou Chen felt at ease both physically and mentally. As the power of the system descended to strengthen his body, he turned his head and rushed towards the monsters who had already surrounded himself.

"Physical trickery! Where is the entity tricky?!"

The strength of the body increased again, and the berserk Zhou Chen was full of red arrogance. He looked like one of these monsters. He rushed into the pile of monsters, trying to find another real monster. kill.

But he didn't give face to these monsters who were like madmen. Except for those who were entangled with the monsters, they all attacked Zhou Chen, causing a lot of wounds to appear on Zhou Chen's body again.

This time, Zhou Chen felt that the wound on his body was shallower than before, but due to the constant destruction of the monsters, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Why are all the evil spirits... I'll be playing a fart like this..."

Zhou Chen, who was besieged by the monsters, pondered in his heart while counterattacking with his fists and kicks. He really didn't have much to do with evil spirits and monsters. Physical attacks were useless, which meant that his current level of Eight Desolate True Power was useless. He can only use the passive skill of Touch of Evil to grind them, but they are all powerful and numerous, and the attack also carries some mental damage. Even if Zhou Chen is full of madness, the recovery speed is at a disadvantage.

"Yes! Master is not fighting!"

After holding on for another half a minute, Zhou Chen judged that there was no future in this way, and if he continued to hold on to the monster without being beaten to death by him, he would be exhausted.

So he covered his head with both hands, burst out with all his strength, forcibly rushed out of the encirclement of the monsters, and headed for the bus that had already traveled far away.

In the process of escaping, he also reached out and recalled the stupefying sword and put it back into the backpack space.

Although the Strange Sword failed to kill any monsters during this period, Zhou Chen knew that its effect was not small. Without its crazy attacks involving some monsters, Zhou Chen would be more difficult at the initial stage, and then kill the entity. Stupid won't be so smooth.

"It's just a pity that I didn't kill that weird girl. This kind of evil spirit and monster is too difficult to kill. Without a one-on-one environment and enough time, I would be wasting time to fight them."

Zhou Chen thought to himself while running at high speed under the huge speed bonus full of fury.

At the same time, he flexibly changed his direction to avoid the sporadic monsters blocking the front.

It only took about ten seconds for Zhou Chen, who was at an amazing speed, to catch up with the bus, then approached the small window of the bus door, launched a mirror jump, and reached the inside.

As soon as he came in, Zhou Chen found that the place seemed to be in normal condition. The passengers were all sitting honestly in their seats, and the windows were closed tightly, and no strange creatures came in.

In the next second, a woman in the bus screamed, causing Zhou Chen to frown.

He quickly took out a camouflage suit from the backpack space and put it on himself so that he no longer looked like an almost naked hooligan.

No way, his clothes have been highly damaged in the previous battle, he can only change a new one.

This set of camouflage suits was given to him by Li Guofu in the last dungeon. Fortunately, after returning to Blue Star, he washed it and put it into the backpack space for backup.

After quickly changing clothes, the bus finally calmed down a lot, and with Uncle Wang, He Jin and others maintaining order, the bus returned to normal again.

At present, the monsters outside have not caught up, so no one in the bus is in a state of hallucination, and everyone is relatively calm.

Zhou Chen first asked about the situation of Xiaohong who was hiding in the car door through a mental connection, and found that there was nothing to deal with, so he turned on the system and started to check the rewards he just got.

【Strange coffin

Type: Silver-level entry-level item.

This is a coffin with strange power, it can make the person lying in it gain powerful strength, but it needs to pay a certain price.

Partial Stupidity: Those who lie in this Stupid Coffin can gain partial Stupidity, allowing themselves to gain part of the power of Stupidity.

Part of the deception can choose the eyes, arms, legs and other organs to be deceived. The time required for the deception process varies from an hour to a day. Caused himself to lose his mind and eventually turned into a crazy and brutal monster.

Full Stupidity: The person lying in this Stupid Coffin can gain full Stupidity and gain the power of random Stupidity.

Beguiling is divided into three levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced, corresponding to the strength of Bronze Intermediate, Bronze Advanced, and Silver Beginner. The deception process takes 1 hour, 1 day, and 1 month, respectively. The cost is the loss of five years, ten years, and forty years of life. 】

"Why is this? This thing is of no use to me..."

After quickly reading the introduction of the coffin, Zhou Chen felt that this thing was almost useless to him. It was impossible for him to do some part of the coffin and completely deceive it, because the cost was too high, and if he had that kind of mind, he might as well cultivate his own eight Wasn't the Huangpanlong Xuangong and the achievement of a martial artist immortal? And the lifespan will be greatly extended.

"It's a loss, a heartbreak."

After shutting down the system, Zhou Chen couldn't help shaking his head.