Chapter 489

PS: yesterday I uploaded a chapter again. I'm very sorry, so today this chapter is free as compensation.


On the broad plain, the army of Dayu and the soldiers of Japanese pirates kept approaching.

Lu Fei looked solemn and calmly commanded the army to complete the second round of shooting. Suddenly, the Japanese pirates in the front row fell down again, but the Japanese pirates in the back came forward again and immediately filled the gap.

In the artillery position, Xiao Ming watched the array of Japanese pirates coldly. At this time, the two sides faced each other like two vertical lines in the vast open field.

After the Japanese artillery was destroyed by Luo Xin in 7788, his artillery began to bombard the Japanese line fiercely. After each bombardment, the Japanese line was always broken by shells. However, these Japanese are very tenacious and will make up for the soldiers quickly every time.

This scene not only made the generals of Qingzhou army put away their contempt, but also made Xiao Ming put away his contempt.

According to Wang Xuan's information, a kind of bushido spirit is being carried forward in the territory of Japan today. From the scientific and technological crystal materials, Xiao Ming learned that this bushido spirit existed in Japan since ancient times, but it was constantly used by those who were attentive later.

This is true today, and it is still true today. Nobuta Yamada vigorously promotes this spirit, that is, he will sacrifice himself for his warriors and soldiers.

Therefore, in Xiao Ming's view, what is terrible about Japan now is not the fire rope gun, but the dangerous trend of thought of foreign aggression.

This trend of thought will turn a group of sheep into fierce beasts. In fact, the Japanese nation is developing in this direction.

Under one attack after another, Sakai led a line of three soldiers to approach the range of the muskets. At this time, he called out: "shoot!"

At this time, he was suddenly full of self-confidence. He believed that as long as the state of Dayu suffered the same losses, these troops would collapse. In fact, when attacking the coastal areas, the army of Dayu would always flee at the loss of one tenth.

"Ping Ping..."

The white smoke and the flames were puffing. The soldiers of Qingzhou army standing in the front were under the first round of shooting from the Japanese pirates. The bullets exploded on the body and spattered blood. Many soldiers of Qingzhou army fell down with a snort.

The soldiers in the back row immediately went forward to fill up the vacancy, while the other soldiers did not forget to fill in the bullets.




On the battlefield, the two armies fire at each other. The roar of artillery never stops for a moment. Lu Fei looks at the fallen soldiers with red eyes, but he knows that they can't retreat. This is the soul of Qingzhou army and the dignity of a nation.

When these soldiers pick up their guns, they understand why they are fighting.

The soldiers of Qingzhou army didn't panic. Death is a kind of glory to them. The Yingling hall outside the city of Qingzhou army always tells them what a soldier should have.

"Bang Bang..."

The gunfire continued to ring, and the advantage of flint gun was highlighted in the war. The firing frequency and power of Qingzhou army were obviously better than that of Japanese soldiers.

At this time, Qingzhou army's tight array, orderly command and artillery support made the casualties of Japanese pirates increase continuously. Gradually, the soldiers in the Japanese pirates' line began to become confused.

Seizing this opportunity, after another round of volley, Lufei suddenly pulled out the steel knife and yelled: "go!"

With his roar, a charge sounded in the queue, Qingzhou soldiers armed with bayonets launched a collective charge against the Japanese pirates.

"How could that be?"

Sakai looks at the soldiers of Dayu who are rushing over like a flood. They are unbelievable. Shouldn't the soldiers of Dayu be insensitive? Shouldn't the soldiers of Dayu be cowards? Shouldn't the soldiers of the state of Dayu be defeated immediately?

Why are these soldiers so brave and fearless of death, and why are they so demoralized?

But now there's no time for them to think. With a loud shout, the warriors hiding behind the array come forward one after another. These warriors are masters of enlightenment in Japanese pirates. Their fighting skills and spirit, and the swords in their hands cut off the swords in the hands of the soldiers in the state of Dayu.

With the sharpness of samurai and samurai sword, these Samurai became the existence of fear of coastal soldiers.

On the high ground, Luo Xin aimed his artillery at the back of the Japanese pirates and continued to bombard them. He witnessed the whole process of the battle and said, "Your Highness, these Japanese pirates are really powerful. No wonder the king of Chu and the king of Wei are also so upset."

"That's true. In the case of such a big loss, these Japanese pirates have not yet broken up. It's really hard to deal with them now." Xiao Ming pondered.

But he doesn't worry about Bushido, spirit and so on. Facts have proved that the advantages of science and technology can't be made up only by spirit.

In the course of this confrontation, the weapons, training and soldier array of the Japanese pirates were not as good as the Qingzhou army.

If the Qingzhou army is as solid as a rock when shooting at each other, the Japanese soldiers can only be as stable as Qingsong, but Qingsong is not as good as the rock after all.

The massive corpses left by the Japanese pirates also prove that the Japanese pirates have lost in the shooting, and now they are only confident in the warriors.However, this kind of self-confidence disappeared in the face of the bayonet charge of Qingzhou army.

When a samurai wielded the bayonet of Bushido to chop the Qingzhou army, they found that they didn't cut the thin weapon into two parts.

When he recovered, the dense bayonets of Qingzhou army thrust forward at the same time. He didn't have time to dodge and was pierced by several bayonets.

At the same time, more and more warriors are killed by bayonets without any chance to show their skills.

The soldiers of Qingzhou army have been killed red eyed. They watch their companions fall down beside them. This hatred for the enemy turns into anger in their hearts.

They were bullied by the barbarians in the north, and now the small barbarian country in the East has raised its butcher's knife to them. Under the influence of a long history, they have understood what is a country and what is a nation.

Now, they are no longer ignorant and numb in the face of national crisis. They want to say "no" to the insults of foreigners to their own nation.


The morale of the soldiers of Qingzhou army is still high. They rush to the tottering array of Japanese pirates one after another.

At this moment, the Japanese samurai collapsed in heavy casualties, followed by the collapse of the firearm team, they have scattered.

"No retreat! No retreat Sakai's expression is distorted, he constantly waves Bushido to kill the escaped soldiers, but it still can't stop the soldiers from collapsing.

Seeing more and more soldiers escape, Sakai gradually despair, unwilling to forget the Qingzhou army artillery position on eye highland, he sneaks into the soldiers to escape.

Looking at everything on the battlefield through the telescope, Xiao Ming's heart fell to the ground, but he was not proud, because in his view, these Japanese pirates were just miscellaneous soldiers. , the fastest update of the webnovel!