Chapter 490

PS: I thought it would be free, but the price of the last chapter is only half less. If I come back tomorrow, it will be a free chapter.

"It's a pity that the cavalry didn't come this time, otherwise none of these Japanese pirates would want to run away." Lu Fei walked up to the high ground with blood all over his body. "These Japanese pirates want to compete with the end generals in martial arts. They're looking for death."

With that, Lufei threw three samurai swords on the ground. He continued: "Your Highness, these Japanese samurai swords are really good. If the previous weapons can't stand the chopping of these samurai swords."

In history, the quality of Japanese samurai swords is really good, but Xiao Ming can't see these things now. Japanese silver, gold and sulfur are what he wants.

Now that the war is still going on, Lu Fei is here to ask Xiao Ming for his next order.

"Luo Xin, you now cooperate with Luffy and immediately take the contract of Michaela. Another 4000 people will be sent to support Claire. Their situation seems not good." Xiao Ming said.

From where he stands, Xiao Ming can also see that Claire is commanding the army to fight against the Japanese reinforcements. In front of the absolute number of Japanese pirates, the Dutch still have a lot to lose. "

"Yes, your highness!" Luffy and rosin answered at the same time.

Then rosin immediately directed the soldiers to use horses to lead field guns to the direction of michila castle, while Luffy gathered 4000 people to go to Claire's direction, and he took the rest of the soldiers to the direction of michila castle.

After getting the support of the Qingzhou army, the Japanese reinforcements in the direction of Claire were soon defeated, and taking advantage of the chaos, Luo Xin and Lu Fei also successfully won the michila castle.

After the victory, the Dutch army and Xiao Ming continued to send soldiers to eliminate the remaining Japanese pirates, and most of the soldiers were stationed in the castle of michila.

The war lasted from noon to evening. When night fell, Lu Fei gave Xiao Ming the data of the battle.

"Your Highness, we have destroyed 6000 Japanese pirates this time. In addition, we have captured more than 1000 Japanese pirates. All the remaining Japanese pirates have escaped. We have not found the bodies of Sakai and Murano Chunming." Said Luffy.

"It's a pity that Sakai escaped again." Rod said bitterly.

Clare is still distressed for the loss of more than 700 soldiers. After the Japanese rebellion, their strength in Ryukyu was further weakened.

Through this campaign, he also understood the strength of the Qi King's army, which was not a weak brigade.

In his view, this army has been very close to their European Musketeers.

"Sakai is no longer important. Now we have regained michila castle, and the Japanese pirates have no place on the island." Said Claire.

Xiao Ming nodded. This time, the Japanese pirates were defeated and basically lost their fighting power. They were unable to fight against him who occupied michila castle. Now he is in control of Ryukyu Island and sea routes.

Because in this period, the merchant ships going south had to pass through the Strait to the west of Ryukyu. Now he was able to directly cut off the trade between Korea and Japanese pirates going south. Of course, the king of Chu and the king of Wei were no exception.

"Count Clare, this battle is enough to prove the king's loyalty to the contract. I hope you can also faithfully fulfill the contents of the contract. From now on, you must stop all trade with the Japanese pirates."

In Xiao Ming's opinion, this campaign is the best deterrent to Claire. If he is not too stupid, he should know what to do next.

With a sigh in his heart, Clare understood that he had no choice now. Holland was thousands of miles away from here, so he could not send tens of thousands of troops to East Asia. In fact, with the decline of national strength, it was very difficult to maintain the existing colonies, and Britain was eyeing their colonies.

"As you wish, your highness, from now on, the contract is in effect. I will fulfill the contents of the contract. From now on, Ryukyu Island and Michaela lenburg will be officially handed over to your highness. At the same time, I hope your highness will send two thousand permanent troops to the city of geranque." There was a sense of shame in Clare's heart. It was one nation bowing to another.

However, the current trend of thought in Europe is that "white people are the most important and the rest are the worst", because there has never been a case in which Europeans lost to people of color and were forced to sign a bullying agreement.

Therefore, Claire is extremely unwilling now. Although he chose to give in for the benefit of the company, like the mainstream trend of thought in Europe, he despises people of color from the heart.

In his view, these people of color only deserve to be their slaves and servants.

Xiao Ming noticed the fleeting arrogance in Claire's eyes, and he also understood that Claire was unwilling now, because compared with Claire's forbearance, the Dutch soldiers' emotions were more direct and clear.

But he enjoys this feeling, because he is trying to prove that they lose in technology, not in the color of their skin. In the future, he will let more Europeans understand this truth and let them put away their arrogance.

In a moment of silence, Claire and rod leave the castle with Dutch soldiers.

Watching the Dutchman leave, Xiao Ming's mouth is filled with a smile. He has to admit that he is the stage of Europe in the modern era of sea navigation, but here he will not be absent from this feast."Your Highness, these red haired ghosts don't look very happy." Luffy scratched his head and said.

Luo Xin turned his lips. "Of course, they are not happy. Now they are under our control. They can only become our vassals."

Xiao Ming nodded, "what Luoxin said is right. We and the Dutch just use each other. We can't trust each other completely. After all, they are Europeans. They are very wary of people outside Europe."

Luffy and rosin nodded.

After a pause, Xiao Ming continued: "have the wounded soldiers been properly placed?"

"All right, they are being treated by the Dutch medical officer in the castle." Said Luffy.

Compared with the heavy losses of the Japanese nation, the Qingzhou army performed well this time. After all, the advantage of the range of the flint gun was still reflected in this battle. Relatively speaking, the loss of Qingzhou was small.

"Your Highness, what about these captured Japanese pirates?" Luffy asked again.

Xiao Ming went to a table. On the table was a map with the details of Ryukyu Island. He said, "just stay on the island as a slave and use it as a coolie. There are so many sugarcane on the island that they are short of manpower to ship."

"Sugar cane?" He said, "is sugarcane planted on Ryukyu Island? It's very sweet. "

Luffy had never eaten sugarcane before, and now he was confused.

During the Dutch occupation of Ryukyu, they mainly planted sugarcane and rice on the island. Now is the time for a bumper harvest of sugarcane. The most important thing is that the Dutch also set up sugar mills on the island. , the fastest update of the webnovel!