Chapter 605

The soldiers came out of Chuzhou City one by one.

All the soldiers who surrendered were required to drop their weapons, remove their armor, and leave only a cloth suit.

The soldiers of the southern expeditionary army supervise the soldiers coming out of the city with flint guns to prevent them from taking the opportunity to cause chaos. Following the soldiers, Xiao Han also comes out of the city.

Lu Fei has been waiting for Xiao Han. Seeing Xiao Han come out, he said, "Your Highness, you have made a wise decision, otherwise you don't know how many soldiers will die in vain."

"What general Lu said is that Xiao Wang made this decision just because he pitied the soldiers. I hope that general Lu will have a good word for Xiao Wang in front of his highness in the future."

"Of course, there is no problem with that. I mean what I say." Said Luffy.

Xiao Han said with a bitter smile, "thank you, general."

Lu Fei nodded. At this time, he asked Luo Hong to take Xiao Han to a camp to take care of him. Like the king of Wei, Xiao Han also belongs to the royal family. These people can only be dealt with by Xiao Ming's own order, and others dare not do it at will.

Taking Xiao Han in custody, Lu Fei frowned at the numerous prisoners. Bai Mu noticed Lu Fei's look. He said, "general, it's troublesome. There are too many soldiers. We don't have enough food to stay in the army, and it's also a hidden danger to keep these people in the rear."

Lu Fei is also thinking about this problem. He said: "these people are a burden to us now. In this way, after these soldiers have eaten, they will be given three days of dry food for each of them to return home."

"Well, that's a way." White wood nodded, these more than 100000 people will also eat them down.

"And to let these soldiers go back can also publicize our kindness, and at the same time, it can hurt the morale of the defenders in other cities," Luffy said

Lu Fei sent the soldiers to Qingzhou City. The next day, he asked the soldiers to give the prisoners three days of dry food. The soldiers on the ship were soldiers. If they took off their uniforms, they would be ordinary people. In the future, they would also be the people of the state. It was because of this that he was so generous.

At the same time, Lufei began to reorganize the southern expeditionary army and set out for the southern cities. Today's Weidi, Tongzhou, Yangzhou, Jinling, Pengzhou, huaizhou and Chuzhou were all conquered, leaving only seven cities.

These seven cities are very close to each other. Lufei believes that he can win these seven cities in one month.


Three days after Lu Fei took Chuzhou City, Xiao Han arrived at Qingzhou camp with the war report.

Xiao Ming, who got the news, arrived at Qingzhou camp with Fiji for the first time.

When he saw Xiao Han in the cage, Fiji said, "Your Highness, yes, this is Xiao Han, the eldest son of the king of Wei."

"Your Highness, this is the report of Lufei's war. This time, he sent 120000 troops. After seizing their weapons and armor, Lufei gave them three days' dry food to leave on their own." Niu said.

Fijian nodded after hearing the speech. He said: "Lufei has dealt with it well this time. It's also a consumption of food for these demobilized soldiers to stay in the army. It's better to let them go back to farming."

Xiao Ming glanced at the war report. It was the same as Niu Zhen's saying that these demobilized soldiers could not pose a threat to the southern army, but they were a burden to Qingzhou. If he turned these people into slaves, it would certainly cause the discontent of the people in Wei. It was the best choice for them to leave on their own.

"He didn't spend all this time in Bowen college." Xiao Ming said.

At this time, Xiao Ming looked at Xiao Han, and in the war report, Lu Fei said that he promised to spare Xiao Han's life and asked Xiao Ming to spare Xiao Han's death. He said to Xiao Han, "you and I are both Royal clansmen, and we have made some contributions to this surrender. We won't kill you, but we can avoid death and live crime. We have decided to demote you to Ryukyu Island as a common people, will you?"

Xiao Han was sad in his heart. He had already prepared for this result. He said, "thank you, your highness. I just want to ask for one more thing. Please let him reunite with his family."

"If they are still in Jinling, I will take them to Qingzhou and go to Ryukyu with you." Xiao Ming said that although he didn't like the Wei family very much, now that he has promised others, and Xiao Han has committed crimes and rendered meritorious service, he can only give Xiao Han a way to live.

However, it is inevitable that there will be some remaining evils in Wei when he stays in the feudal state. He will have some thoughts in his heart. That's why he sent Xiao Han to Ryukyu. In such a place surrounded by the sea, he can't make waves any more.

Having said this, Xiao Ming motioned to the officer to detain Xiao Han temporarily, and then the three went to niuzhen's camp.

There is a huge sand table in Niu Zhen's barracks at this time. This sand table is the city and topographic map of Wei. Niu Zhen points to the seven cities that have not yet been conquered and says: "Your Highness, now there are only seven cities left. Lu Fei's army will continue to move forward. If the north and South attack each other, Wei will recover within a month."

Xiao Ming nodded. The army of Chuzhou City surrendered. Wei's situation is gone. Now it's just a matter of picking up some disabled soldiers. It's not a big problem. Now his most disturbing thing is not the war, but how to deal with so many cities.Fiji is a little excited. Now it's time to take such cities as Wei Di. These cities must be managed by officials. In this way, the officials of Chang'an who have nothing to do in Qingzhou will have a place to go.

So he said, "Your Highness, it's time to prepare officials for these cities."

Xiao Ming nodded. It is precisely because of this problem that he brought Fiji out this time. Weidi prefecture has a large population, so it is necessary to manage this place with a large number of officials.

These officials from Chang'an are proficient in government affairs one by one. Even if they no longer study in Bowen college, they can manage Weidi. Now that they have learned the knowledge of Bowen college, they have no problem.

"In this case, you will assess them these two days. If they are qualified, you will arrange corresponding positions for them." Xiao Ming said.

Fiji nodded. He was better at this than Xiao Ming.

Niu Zhen said: "Your Highness, what about the garrison of these cities? Wei Di has just been captured. For a period of time, it is bound to be full of chaotic troops and thieves. We have to guard against them."

Xiao Ming had his own idea about this problem for a long time. He couldn't set up an army in every state, so he said, "it's not difficult either. Your leader's office will set up a guard station in the local area, and the guard station will be responsible for the local security."

Xiao Ming's post is the post in the last administrative reform, which is basically the modern police organization.

However, because Wei may be very chaotic for a period of time, he will increase the number of guards. , the fastest update of the webnovel!