Chapter 606

"Yes, your highness."

Fijian is excited to appoint officials in the Qingzhou camp. These days, he is bored by these idle officials.

However, thinking of one thing, he asked: "Your Highness, I heard that even the innocent of Wei's powerful family would be confiscated this time. I don't know if it happened?"

"it happened. It was the policy of dealing with the powerful family three years ago." Xiao Ming nodded, waiting for the news.

Hearing this, Fiji looked worried. He said: "Your Highness, the policy of three years ago is not suitable for Weidi. This time, the southern expeditionary army is able to take Weidi's city so quickly. First, the southern expeditionary army is powerful. Second, the highness promised to let go of the surrendered aristocratic children. Now, your highness takes over their property. I'm afraid that their hatred will be repeated in their hearts It will be more difficult to govern Wei. Don't forget, your highness. Even today, there are still some powerful families who have fallen into the enemy's hands and plundered their homes. "

"It's not that his highness is unkind, but that after his highness bypassed these powerful families in those years, they not only didn't feel grateful, but also tried to murder his highness. The powerful families in Wei are more deeply rooted than feudalism. If they don't eliminate evil, they will suffer in the future."

"What Niu Dudu said is just what the king worried about. Compared with the number and power of the local tyrants in Wei Dynasty, the feudal tyrants were nothing more than a small Witch, but the confiscation of their property by the king was only part of their greedy people. What's wrong with that?" said Xiao Ming.

Fijian gave a slight smile. He said: "during these days when I get along with your highness, my highness has found that his Highness has a strong character. It's a good thing for a king, but it's easy to break if he's hard. If your highness wants to become a virtuous leader, he must have the strength of a tiger and the cunning of a fox."

Xiao Ming was stunned for a moment. Pang Yukun once said that about him, but he thought that he had changed a lot. He didn't expect that he still had this image in Fiji's eyes.

"Mr. Feige, let's just say it."

Xiao Ming can still listen to harsh advice. Moreover, Fiji is knowledgeable and has a deeper understanding of the state of Dayu than him. He is also willing to learn from it.

"Then I'll be talkative." Fiji pondered for a moment, he said: "now your Highness's main thing is not to suppress the powerful families, and to end the domestic disputes and unify the state of Dayu. Although the powerful families in Wei are still powerful, they can no longer threaten your highness. After all, the king of Wei can't fight against his highness. Who can be better than the king of Wei?"

Xiao Ming nodded.

Fijian continued: "since no one can threaten his Highness's rule over Weidi, why should he make enemies in Weidi, so that a wealthy Weidi will continue to fall into war and civil strife. Now his highness is determined to be in the world and needs money, food and supporters. All the powerful families in the past dynasties are grass on the wall. If his highness is gracious, they will become his highness And when your highness conquers the world, the powerful families in the vassal states will not be matched by death. "

Niu Zhen took a look at Fiji. He looked a little complicated.

"I know that my highness was nearly murdered by the powerful families three years ago, but the incident has moved. My highness today is not the weak highness of that year, and I also agree with the treatment of the feudal families three years ago. After all, there were domestic and foreign troubles at that time, so I can't leave hidden dangers at home." Fiji said.

"Well, what does Fei Ge Lao mean is to let the king win the support of the powerful families?" Xiao Mingyin said that the most important thing for his highness is to unify the state of Dayu. He understood the idea of Fiji.

"It's right that we should suppress the local tyrants of Wei, but we must not force them against each other. In this way, Wei can quickly resume production and become his Highness's granary."

Xiao Ming frowned. He looked at the Wei land on the sand table. The area of the 13 states was larger than that of his original state, and the number of people on the land was three times that of the six states.

As Fiji said, it is a very troublesome thing to force the Haozu to the opposite side, because it means that the cost of managing Weidi will be greatly increased. At that time, he will even need to dispatch some soldiers to suppress the rebellion.

In this way, he may fall into the mire of war and waste his national strength, which is extremely unfavorable to him, because the real enemy he faces is the vassal.

When he solved these vassals, there would be no separatist forces in the country. At that time, it would not be too late for him to solve these powerful families.

However, shelving for the time being does not mean that he does not deal with it at all. Instead, he changed the way of boiling frogs in warm water. Looking at Fiji, he wanted to continue to test Fiji's ability, so he said, "then tell me what to do with it?"

"First, confiscate the land of the powerful families in each state, distribute it to the local people, and confiscate their property, because these powerful families are the firm supporters of the king of Wei, and most of their children hold official posts in the government. Second, restrain the medium-sized powerful families and unite with the small powerful families. There are a large number of such powerful families. They are attached to the local powerful families, but they are resentful of the suppression of the powerful families Part of their land and property can be expropriated. The third is that some of the more enlightened and virtuous families in each state and county should be appeased and their support won by his highness. In this way, Wei can decide. " Fijian said with a smile.

Xiao Ming burst out laughing. He said to Fijian, "did Mr. Figge read any interesting books in Bowen college these days?""Did your highness guess?" Fiji is a bit embarrassed.

Xiao Ming said, "these books are written by Wang. How can we not know? You're right. This time, the king was a little negligent and didn't make a decree for Wei in time. But it's not too late now. The matter of dealing with Wei's powerful families will be handed over to Fei Ge Lao. As you said, the king needs a stable and prosperous Wei, not a war-torn Wei. "

Fiji was relieved. Since he was scolded by Xiao Ming last time, he studied hard in the school of liberal arts and gradually learned some magical policies.

This time, he boldly put forward it at the risk of being scolded, but this time he was right.

"Yes, your highness. I will live up to your Highness's expectations." Fiji said solemnly.

Niu Zhen gradually understood under the explanation of Fiji, and said: "the old figuer is not at fault. If the Wei government is well-informed and the people are harmonious, the southern expedition army would not have to spend on suppressing bandits in Wei."

After a pause, he confidently said to Xiao Ming: "Your Highness, the battle of Wei is enough to prove the fighting power of the Fengguo army. In the view of the final general, none of the other vassal Kings is his Highness's opponent. After taking Wei, his highness should take the initiative to strike out Liuhe and ascend the throne of God as soon as possible." , the fastest update of the webnovel!