「Hi there, young lady」


Arena who eagerly supporting La Veil on the audience seat was approached by an unknown man and started a conversation. It was a young man, black haired and black eyes that resembled someone. However, because he greeted her with a smile, Arena decided to respond.


「You see, I would like to confirm something, do you belong to the party 『Fairy’s Banquet』? 」

「Un, that’s right」

「Actually, I was asked to call out to you by Aidle, If it doesn’t bother you, I would be really saved if you we moved to that waiting area right now」

Then Arena slapped the approaching hand and said a single word after looking as if she was thinking for a bit.



What Arena did was confirmed things from Aidle through 『Synchronization』. She instructed Arena to escape from that place immediately, but Arena stubbornly refused to leave that area.

「I see, I won’t let you escape so for now just sleep for a bit.」

Hino drove a punch to Arena which she tried to parry. But with the effect of his Holy Sword, Arena got knocked out. Then by using concealment skills, he faded from the audience without being noticed. Hino walked away from that place without any problems.

That is without noticing that someone else already noticed his existence.

『Arena!! Arena!!!! 』

She refused at the moment when I told her to escape. I was monitoring the man that was in Arena’s vision as we were 『Synchronized』, but it got cut off when Arena probably fainted.

The fact that the synchronization got cut off means that she probably lost consciousness or was brought to a distant or hidden location. However, because the synchronization area limit for the two of us can cover even all of the country, the latter idea would be out so the former one is to be considered.

『La Veil!! Can you synchronize with Arena!? 』

『What is it, why ask all of a sudden, I can of course… but, eh? Why is Arena moving away while unconscious? 』

Alright, the link between Arena and La Veil is much stronger because of the contract. With this we can easily track her.

『Can you tell the current place where Arena is? 』

『Let’s see… this is… outside the stadium… Ehhh, no way, could it be…』

『…Yeah, they’ve done it…』

The opponent was probably concealed in some way that makes others not recognize him while carrying the fainted Arena. That was probably another Hero judging from the color of his hair and eyes. I did not expect that they would move in such a way though.

『What we need right now is information, Arena is still alive right? 』

When I asked La Veil to confirm, she affirmed it while groaning.

『That’s how it is huh… I wonder what their aim is deciding to leave this place, or maybe they are trying to hide something. Where they that scared…』

『La Veil. I have confirmed that the opponent this time is a Hero, but which of us should go and rescue Arena. As we are both participating in this tournament, we can’t move flashily… You understand that right』

『Yeah, but is there a way you can think of?』

『There is one… but it might be a little bit dangerous for La Veil to do…』

『I will still do it if needed and be more careful about. So what’s the plan? 』

『Oh OK… the plan is…』

When I talked to her about the plan, she immediately accepts while adding two more suggestions. The suggestions were also going to make the plan much better, so I decided to add it to the plan.

『With this, the plan to save Arena is good to go. You can leave the rest to me』

『I am going to use some serious Fairy Magic tonight as a countermeasure 』

『I’ll be relying on you for that, well then see you later. 』

『Yup, see yah』

Aahh… Well, if they did try challenging us head on they I definitely won’t hold back. No way, are they foolishly going to attempt to do something to my precious treasured person. It seems that they she was asking death wish. If they think this was something like a game, it would probably be that part were they will try to use arena against me while I suffer from being held back until I finally broke.

But there’s no way they could do that, if they did so then I will bring them down even along with this country if I have to.

I will not hold back this time. Play time is OVER. They completely crossed over something they shouldn’t have.

Arena… I’m sorry. Just hold on for a bit until tomorrow. Everything will be okay…

「Ah, it’s finally your turn to fight, Participant Aidle!!」

「…Got it」

『The winner for this match is Participant Genkaku!! You will now be proceeding into the Semi-finals!! After all I knew Jasper would lose. Good luck and try again next year!!』

「Shut up idiot, you’re being too noisy!!」

Jasper was being carried in a stretcher who suffered from Genkaku’s iai attack. He managed to close in and attack Genkaku, but it still ended in just a single blow.

『Well then, then battle for the quarterfinals, as you have all known by the word 『Eden of Snow Flowers』 Aidle-chan is……… Hnnn!!??』

Shivers run down her spine…

The moment Senial-san was announcing Idol’s entrance, her body stopped from the intense pressure she felt. She dropped her voice enlarger tool and curved into a ball hugging her body with both hands, she couldn’t understand what happened and she lost strength in her body.

The spectators felt the same. The adventurers somehow managed to withstand the pressure, but the danger signals they felt didn’t stop, to the point that some of them wanted to escape from that place immediately. The extremely dense pressure and bloodlust dominated the whole tournament grounds.