TL: Yuki



The one responsible for spreading that out was the supposedly charming and lovely girl, just that one person called Aidle. Nothing has changed in regards to her appearance. But they noticed that she is now masked with a serious look and that’s not all. What emanated from her was a physical pressure so strong it made the surrounding felt that their spirits were being crushed.

Although they don’t want to focus, they still can’t remove their eyes away from her. They all felt that they might be killed if they take their eyes off even for just a second.

She then got closer to Senial who was left cowering as she continues. Senial suffering from the pressure tried backing while screeching for a bit,

But then all that pressure vanished.

「Sorry about that, It’s alright now」

She moves closer to Senial and pats her head. After a bit, Senial finally relaxed and was able to stand up, and once more got hold of her magic tool. After seeing that, Aidle returned to her predetermined position.

『Well… That was a really shocking event but everything is fine now!! Everyone, please be at ease!! And so Participant Aidle-san is now with us on stage, let us begin the match!! 』

Then the match was started immediately, but Aidle approached Aleid and grasped his shoulders who was still frozen and haven’t returned to reality.

「Are you alright? Calm down for now, breathe slowly…」


Aleid was also in the same state as Senial, someone who was also in direct contact with the pressure released by Aidle. Blood finally returned to his face and his breathing returned to normal. When he could finally relax from the pressure, put his weight on his cane and wiped his sweat off covering his face. I was quite impressive that he didn’t faint after receiving directly all that intense pressure at close range despite his age.

「Seriously… What kind of gruesome massacre were you trying to do?」

「That, well, sorry… So are we going to proceed with the fight now?」

Aleid swings his head sideways and made a bitter smile then answering 「Impossible, impossible, it’s just impossible」

「I’ve decided to abstain. It’s not a joke. It’s not like I’m afraid or not confident in my strength, but I know it won’t even matter if I continue and fight. O~oi, I deicided I will surrender!! 」

『Ah, hai. Due to Participant Aleid surrendering, Participant Aidle will now move on to the semi-finals!! 』

This time, there no cries of cheers. A few minutes after Aidle left the stage, all the tension finally broke and it became noisy once more.

「About today’s thing, you went a little overboard」

「Yeah, only a bit. Because I felt like I might explode if I didn’t release that much」

When night arrived I and La Veil were locked inside the room. La Veil discovered a letter that was placed on the part were Arena previously was seated and they both confirmed the contents.

『If you want your friend to be returned, lose when you fought against the Hero』 was the content of the letter.

「It seems like their aim was to boast the power of the Hero huh. There are probably no worries in regards to Arena staying alive for now in this case.」

「Yeah… That in itself is good」

At that time during my fight, if the Hero showed himself, I might have thrown away the fight and just ended up slaughtering him. And as a result of that, this kingdom might have been turned into nothing more than a vacant plot of land. It was because of seeing the figure of Senial-san who was crying in fear in front of me that I was able to stop myself from unconsciously releasing that tremendous killing intent.

「I probably have been too used to being human and was not able to do things as a fairy recently so I wasn’t able to completely prepare for such matters… I should have forced Arena to stay in fairy state at that time, yeah forcibly if have to… and because of that I have to let La Veil do something really dangerous」

「That is not the case this time Master, as long as we continue with this trip, it’s bound to happen someday too, now is also in the same case. I did a contract expecting there might be unpredictable things that would happen. So don’t hold back and rely on me at these times!!」

La Veil pounding her chest stood up and showed a face full of self-confidence.

「This is not the face of the Master that I have fell in love with that I want to see, I want you to continue laughing and playing around with Arena. The elimination of obstacles that obstruct that should be left to me. That is what I have sworn」

「That’s not what we really promised… Iya, mou if that’s what you really want then. You’re really serious about this right? 」

「No problem. Please go on Master」

After nodding to her affirmation, I pressed the Fairy Magic I created in my hand into La Veil’s chest. Immediately after that, I was assaulted by intense heat and lost consciousness……

「…Did she fall asleep」

I said after she blacked out when she used that Fairy Magic. I knew that she would suffer a considerable amount of burden since what she did was actually manipulating someone else’s status.

La Veil (1653)  Lv. 1024

Inherent Race: Red Dragon (Ancient Dragon)

: Condition Humanized

HP: 38,543/38,543

MP: 19,666/19,666

ATK: 50,427

DEF: 82,934

MATK: 127,640

MDEF: 130,004

INT: 2000

SPD: 255,444

【Inherent Skills】 Dragon Scale, Flame Prison, Super Snchronization

Skill: Dragon Magic (S), Fire Magic (S+), Body Difference Correction (A+)

-Super Synchronization

『You can increase the synchronization rate with the contractor for 5 minutes and borrow status. Synchronization with the contractor will be disable once the skill entered it’s cooling down time』

With this skill, I can definitely win against a Hero. You can’t think of ordinary fairies at all, when you see one that can actually grant unique skills to others. It’s impossible even for the Old Ancient Dragons. How Master thinks is still something that I can’t grasps which is kind of fun by itself.

(In actuality, How can she understand that fairy magic is like this, this is not even on the realms of magic anymore…)

All I understand is that it’s a kind of magic that doesn’t consume magic power. I have heard that beastmen also have such kinds of skills. However, I have never heard of any magic that you can freely manipulate such as this. This is already something else.

As for my Dragon Magic which is an inherent skill, it still consumes a suitable amount of Magic Power if used. Not to mention, it is something that I can’t freely manipulate. Well, even if I think hard about it, I will never understand just how absurd this unique fairy is.

「Because a god of this world was also a Fairy, it must have been a power that was granted to her」

While stroking the head of the quietly sleeping fairy, I kept myself on guard until morning.