TL: Yuki


『Well then, today is one of our most awaited matches!! It’s the battle between Participant La Veil and the Hero Kousaka Ayane!! It is a battle of two Participants who have effortlessly defeated their opponents until now, and this time, it is totally unpredictable as to who will winn this match!! How far will they show their abilities on to us!! Please show us the limits of what humans can achieve. La Veil-Nee-san!!』

「Have you received that message?」

「Oh, yeah. Following what you said, are sure you are going to keep your promise of not taking away Arena’s life? 」

「I don’t break my promises. Well, you can struggle more until you are one step away from dying.」

「Come at me, for the sake of my friends」

Although she knew that she would end up dismembered after this, La Veil didn’t show impatience and was only monitoring Kousaka. It was not a sign of anger that was shown in her eyes, it was composure. However, Kousaka who didn’t understand, switch feelings quickly, although it does kind of bother her.

(The burning feelings of rage was not there which should have been good… but well, she probably won’t forsake your friend)

『First Round for the semi-finals Start!!』


*clank *clank *clank *clank

「Ha, wai, you’re joking right!?」

「Is this the extent of what a hero can dooooooo!!!!」

『La Veil-Nee-san is amazing!! She is currently sending a fierce amount of attacks towards the Hero!! 』

On the first few minutes, La Veil was seriously trying to kill the Hero. She didn’t really intend to do so though, but still want to vent a bit. And it’s also true that she wants to eagerly fight the Hero.

「Yo, you understand what situation you’re in right?」

「I will properly lose! But, I will vent out a bit to you, little girl!!!」

「I’m already an adult Oba-san!! Holy Sword Activate!!」

Kousaka whose attack power was increased and heavy attacks assaulted La Veil using her Holy Sword. Because of the 10 times increase in status, the situation was immediately reversed. This time La Veil was being pressed.

「You may be a monster if compared to others I’ve faced, but won’t be able to win against me even at this state… Hey, hey, what’s wrong, can’t keep up? Are you just all bark Oba-san!!」


La Veil Jumpe high above the stage and created a giant fireball. From there she assaulted the hero with innumerable small fireballs along with the giant ball of flame.


「Oi, Are you really a human!!? But… That attack is useless!!」

Once Kousaka swings her sword, the the giant fireball vanished and only the small bullets remained. It was a repeat of the fight against Morial. After seeing that, La Veil finally understood the characteristics of Kousaka’s Holy Sword.

「Hmmm, I see, so magic absorption was you holy sword’s characteristics」

「Even if you know that about my Holy Sword!! It would still be useless if you cannot win!!」

When all the effects of the magic and light show finished, La Veil descended and once more posed with her Halberd. A smile then appeared on her face.

「I understood that magic is useless, then I can only fight with my flesh and blood. Let’s do this, a battle so fierce that it makes your blood and flesh tremble, Come Herooooo!!!! 」

La Veil continued on confronting the Hero. Even with her strong body, the damage of the Holy Sword still penetrated her defenses including the effect of her dragon scales. But even if she sheds blood all over her body, La Veil did not stop, even when her legs were torn and her wrists were slashed and was already blown away she still continued.

There were sorrowful cries from the audience, and there even some that were pleading to already stop the match. But each time they declared to stop it, La Veil refused with only eye contact. Kousaka didn’t care about it, she continued to chop up La Veil as much as she liked, and at the end, La Veil was left stand with missing arms bathed in blood and was barely standing.

「Haaaah… Haaah… Seriously… You’re too persistent…」

Kousaka was out breath from too much movement. There wasn’t even one among the demons that she faced that were as study as her.

And as for La Veil, she only admired the strength of the Holy Sword. Losing to some legendary weapon was something she hasn’t experienced for quite a long time now.

「……Again, as expected, A Holy Sword is indeed strong…」

「Of course… It is something that can defeat a Demon King even if the wielders are only Humans after all. 」

「Kukuku… I guess so, this is probably good enough right?」

「… It can’t be helped… Because killing you is not possible, I will let you go this time, then see ya later…」

「…Is that really how you feel」

「Why you!!」

At that moment Kousaka turned back after trying to leave the place and then delivered a kick to La Veil sending her crashing into the wall. La Veil stops right after hitting the wall and a cloud of dust surrounded her.

『The match have already been decided!! Please stop any more attempts of attacking!! Recovery team, please immediately help La Veil-san as soon as possible, hurry!!! 』

In the fight that ended up becoming too unreal, the inside of the stadium became turbulent. The stage was a mess with all the blood and flesh splattered about. The arms and feet that rolled around was making it even more graphic.

「Eh, you are… Participant Aidle-san?」

Before everyone noticed, Aidle was already at the place were La Veil is, and she was sitting holding La Veil in her hands which was supposed to be buried in the rubble of the broken wall. She was holding a Red Jewel in her hand and was gently stroking the cheeks of La Veil. Her expression covered by her hood cannot be seen.

「Because I’ll be the one to help La Veil from here on, you can go, I can use Recovery Magic」

「Oh, Oou…」

After saying that to the recovery team, Aidle carried La Veil while restoring her form as moves to her waiting room. Restoring her appearance perfectly without blemished totally shocked and left the recovery magicians dumbfounded who witnessed the feat.

When she arrived at the waiting room, she stored La Veil’s 『Skin』. Only her main body remained in her hands. Then after pouring magic power on it, she made 『Teleport』 using dimension magic, and then Aidle walked quietly once more.

Her fist was clenched so much that it was wounded which was cured immediately with Fairy Magic.