Chapter 425

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Information Exchange

The dishes seemed to have been prepared by the man who welcomed us at the inn, possibly the innkeeper. He happened to serve us, but he actually seems to be the chef.

In these types of inns, its often run by a husband and wife, with the husband as the chef and the wife handling reception and service.

Yum! Boss, this is definitely better than usual! Is it because of that salt?

The dishes themselves consisted mainly of meat stir-fry and soup commonly served in dining halls, but Oscar-san seemed to notice a difference in taste after just one bite.

Oscar, can you really tell the difference in taste?

I might not know much about art, but I know whether food is good or not!

Well, you certainly dont have any aesthetic sense, Oscar.

So heartless~

Oscar-san and the innkeeper bantered back and forth. It seemed like they got along well, possibly because they had been based here for a long time.

What can I say it has an elegant finish, dont you think?

Do you think so too, Warren? I felt the same way when I was making it.

The innkeeper agreed with the words Warren-san said while savoring his food.

Indeed, it had an elegant taste~ It might be because of the high-quality rock salt, which lacked any impurities.

What do you think, kids?

Its yummy~

Its very tasty.

Im glad to hear that. Oh, thats right. Niichan, heres the remaining rock salt. Ill leave it here. Thank you for letting me use such a precious ingredient.

The innkeeper wore a satisfied expression as he asked for our opinions, and then he placed the leftover halite on the table before leaving the room.

Oniichan, this is delish too~!

Really? Then give me a bit.Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m


It didnt feel like we were chatting while eating instead, we focused on our meals without much conversation.

Wah~ that was so good~ Since we dont do much mining, I thought we wouldnt get a chance to taste this, but todays our lucky day~ Takumi, thanks for sharing this with us!

No problem, Im glad you enjoyed it.

After finishing our meal, we started talking again. The Ice Blade party seemed to be focused on obtaining monster materials and dungeon exploration, and it appeared they had never gone mining for rock salt.

Do adventurers who primarily focus on mining exist around here?

They do, they do! The current trend is mining on the eighth floor. It seems high-quality minerals can be found there.


No, no, no!

Does Zeke-sans group have no sort of pride, thinking they should always be the best? Or is it simply stubbornness? Do they have no stubbornness at all?

Wouldnt your group feel frustrated if we easily surpassed your record!?

Hm? I wonder? You guys seem quite extraordinary.

Yeah, not just extraordinary, abnormal might be a more suitable word.

Oh yeah~ they give off that kind of feeling.

If they easily break the past records, wouldnt peoples expectations for us decrease?

Well, thats something wed definitely would want to happen.

None of them seem to care about it!? Some of them even have harsh comments!

Is the guild, or rather, the Adventurers Guild, the one that expects the most since youre the ones making the most progress?

When we return from the dungeon, we always get summoned by the Guild Master without fail.

Every time without fail? Whoah~ that might be annoying.

The other day, when we finished the twelfth level, the Guild Master was very happy. This dungeon is not a very easy one to conquer, so when we return to the town in the middle of clearing a floor, its obvious that people are disappointed.

Uwah, that sounds really unpleasant!

It seems like Zeke-sans group is going through quite a bit of mental struggle.

Thats something that really needs to be addressed, right~

Or if they have such high expectations of us, they should at least provide support, I think.

No, if we receive support, theyll expect even greater results. I absolutely want to avoid that.

It really seems like they are struggling.

Thats why I sincerely want you guys to do your best.

You guys have too high expectations of us!

Not at all. Do your best!

Will do~

No, really, wait.

Zeke-san seemed determined to motivate Alan and Elena to the fullest.

Well, its because theyve been going through a lot.

We will do our best~

After this, we received various pieces of information from Zeke-sans group for a while It felt like they were expecting us to hurry up and catch up to them.

And the children were getting even more motivated I have a feeling I wont be able to stop them.