Chapter 426

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Dungeon of Scorching Heat (5)

Now, what should we do today?

Gonna be a shut-in~

The day after arriving in the town of Gista, when I asked what we should do, the children immediately suggested being a hikikomori. Perhaps because they found out they had never done it before, they decided to put it into practice right away.

Well, its not a bad idea for a day of rest. So, should we spend today reading books or something?

Will do that~

So, we spent the entire day holed up in our accommodation, taking it easy.

The day after our hikikomori episode, we went out into the town for some shopping. It was under the pretext of restocking supplies for dungeon exploration, but we didnt really need to replenish even our food supplies. So, we just wandered around the shops in this new town, buying things that caught our eye.

Will do our best~

After spending two days in the town, we returned to the dungeon.

We could have rested a bit more, but it seemed that two days were enough for Allen and Elena.

Alright then, lets head to the fifth floor.


We used the teleportation device to go to the innermost chamber of the fifth floor and then descended the stairs to the sixth floor.

Its cool here~

As expected, the sixth floor had a cooler temperature, just as we had heard.

According to Sieg-sans information, theres hardly anything to mine on this floor What should we do?

Will give it a try~

Yeah. Thats what I thought.

If the kids could mine even the halite that was thought not to appear until the double digits floor, they should be able to find something here.

Will try digging here~

Without delay, the children raised their pickaxes and began to dig into the wall.

(Radian will dig too~)

(Well, I guess Ill join in too~)

(In that case, Ill take care of the monsters~)

Following Allen and Elena, Radian and Vector also began digging into the wall, while Joule kept an eye on the surroundings to protect those who were mining.

Theres really nothing to do during the time the children are mining, right?


(There really isnt~)

(Nothing to do!)

And so, I, Feat, Bolt, and Mile were in full-on watch duty mode.

What should we do? Should we try digging somewhere too?

(I feel like well just end up with empty hands if we do that.)

Yeah~ youre right.

(Aniue, how about doing some cooking?)

It would be fine if we stayed in one place for longer, but since well be moving around a lot, its not quite possible, I guess?

(Takumi Nii, just quietly watch over them!)

Yeah. I better do that~)

(Oh, yeah, thats a good point. This Konjac fruit? There might be fruits of different colors too, no?)

Items from the dungeons sometimes come in different colors~ It might be worth looking around?

Lets look~

And so, they decided to search for Konjac fruits of different colors.

I found some white ones here~

Black ones over there~

(Oniichan, there are yellow ones over here~)


(Niichan, there are also gray and green ones~)

Then, the kids found fruits of various colors one after another, and in large quantities.

(Niisama, we found a lot, didnt we?)

(Such a great variety.)

(And theres so many of them!)

No kidding. I never expected there would be so many.

I thought it would be great to have white and black ones, but I never imagined finding such a colorful variety. Actually, they were quite easy to find, but in Gista, these fruits were not sold, probably because theyre mostly flavorless despite being called fruits.

Well then, lets get right to it, I want to try cooking with Konjac fruits right away, so how about we finish this floor and cook at the teleportation device?

Good! Lets do that!

(Im in favor too since I want to taste it!)

(Fufu, Im looking forward to it. Well then, lets move on quickly.)

(Im excited too. Oh, Ill go for a little reconnaissance from above.)

(Ya~y! Im looking forward to Niichans cooking~

Takumi Nii, lets hurry up!)

(Meal, so excited~)

Everyone agreed to my proposal, and we quickly conquered the seventh floor.

Well then, everyone, lets take a break.

What about helping~?

Its okay. Ill ask for your help next time.


Once we arrived at the teleportation device area, I immediately started cooking.

First, lets prepare these.

Konjac fruits didnt have any peels or anything, and they were growing just as they were, so I started by rinsing them with magic. Next, I added salt to the konjac and lightly kneaded it. After letting it sit for a while, I boiled it in boiling water for a few minutes and drained it.

Since this konjac seemed different from what I knew, I might not have needed to prep it, but it wouldnt hurt to do it just in case.

Once the prep was done, it was time to cook. However, I didnt know much about konjac dishes~ Therefore, I decided to make a sweet and spicy stir-fry with soy sauce, sugar, sake, and red pepper.

For the children, I decided to make a milder version, so the one for me had a slightly spicier kick.

Still, Its so colorful~

The Konjac was made by mixing all the colors, but it turned out to be interesting to look at. As for the finished product, I used the white Konjac as a guide, so I am sure it will be fine.

As for the side dishes, I went with rice and miso soup and Orc miso-grilledwith pickled Chinese cabbage.


(Konjac fruits have an interesting texture, dont they?)

Everyone seemed to enjoy the texture of the Konjac, so the next day, we returned to the seventh floor to search for Konjac fruits once again.