Chapter 432

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To the Sea

Dragon meat.

When will we eat it?

Huh? N~

To eat it, we needed to dismantle it. However, dismantling a Blue Dragon If we asked the Adventurers Guild for help, it would likely cause a commotion. So, do we need to dismantle it ourselves?

Can I even dismantle it?

Cant you?

Cleanly and efficiently might be difficult. But if I just cut off parts, like scales and skin from a certain area and remove the bones, would that work?

Then, lets do that!

Alright, alright. Ill cut a managable portion well eat and left the dismantling for later.

I selected a portion small enough to handle and stored the rest of the dragon in the Infinite Storage for dismantling at a later date.

Thats it for now. Well dismantle the rest when its time to eat.


Well then, Kaiser. You would be basically returning to where you came from, but we were planning to head to the sea.

I informed Kaiser of our plans.

If I can accompany you guys, it doesnt matter where we go. If youre going to the sea, how about visiting the Blue Waters Shrine? The folks there have been wanting to see you again.

The Miko Himesama and others? Come to think of it, we havent seen them since leaving Bailey. We havent introduced Joule and the others, either. Shall we go?

Lets go~

The plan was set in motion, even though we had only decided to go to the sea.

Alright, lets go~

I mounted Joule, while Allen and Elena rode Feat.

Kaiser remained in human form and hopped onto Vector.

(Lets go~)

Ohh, youve got some strong legs there.Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

It was Vectors first time carrying a passenger on his back, and he eagerly galloped with a speed befitting the word dash. Whats more, Kaiser handled the ride with ease and composure.

Once we reached the sea, it was time for a long swim. While Joule and the others had played in shallow waters and lakes before, they had never done a full-fledged long swim. However, with Radian included, they quickly picked up the skill.

Hello, its been a while.


Oh my! You came, welcome!

Upon arriving at the underwater mermaid village, the Miko Himesama, the village chief Gard-san, and the mermaid Mirena, whom we had met the first time we were here, warmly welcomed us.

Thank you for the mermaid bracelets. Thanks to them, my Contracted Beasts could come along today.

They are splendid Contracted Beasts~ and your little contract beasts are so adorable~ Im glad the mermaid bracelets have been useful~ Do you have enough of them? Ive prepared a few more since just in case, and I can give them to you later.

But, maybe its better not to walk around town wearing that?


Because youd stand out due to its uniqueness.

It would definitely attract a lot of attention.

What about parties?

Parties? Oh, for a birthday party or something, it might be fine. But I think we should consult with Rebecca-san first. If we make it more flashy


Then, Ill prepare ceremonial attire for you! Itll be extra sparkly and elegant!

You will!?

Yes, leave it to me.

Thank you!

It seemed they also had more elaborate ceremonial attire available, and Allen and Elena quickly agreed to have those made.

Takumi, how does it look?


It suits all three of you very well. It looks very comfortable.

The kids had also tried on the summer kimonos (jinbei), and for some reason, Kaiser had joined in the excitement.

But were just receiving gifts~

You dont need to worry about that at all. Were indebted to you in many ways.

Since our trip to the sea was decided rather suddenly, we hadnt prepared any souvenirs or gifts.

But its making me somewhat uneasy~ Oh, do you eat fruits?

Oh my! Were delighted.

You have fruits weve never seen before~

I took various kinds of fruits out of my Infinite Storage, and the Miko Himesama and Mirena-san seemed quite pleased. Since they didnt have easy access to fruits, I provided a generous amount.

Miko Himesama, havent you forgotten something important?

As the conversation settled, Gard-san whispered something to the Miko Himesama. She appeared to have suddenly remembered and looked a bit flustered.

My, oh my, I completely forgot!

Whats the matter?

Takumi-sama, theres something Id like to request from you.

A request? What is it?

It seemed there was something she wanted to ask me about.

That Takumi-sama, could you visit the Cerulean Shrine?

The Cerulean Shrine?

A term I wasnt familiar with came up.