Chapter 433

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To The Cerulean Shrine

The Cerulean Shrine. Its a settlement of merfolk who live in a palace made of sea crystals with a slightly different hue from here.

Heh, so there are shrines other than the Blue Waters Shrine?

Yes, there are several scattered throughout the ocean. However, we do not have interactions with every settlement, so I cant give you an exact number.


So, there are other merfolk settlements~ It seems that there are other places in addition to the Cerulean Shrine

So, whats the matter with the Cerulean Shrine?

Well, its a very impolite request, but

The Shrine Princess seemed very hesitant, her gaze wandering.

I can refuse if I dont want to do it, so could you please tell me first?

Well, um, we would like you to help with the garbage collection at the Cerulean Shrine!


The request was unexpectedly about garbage collection.

Well you see, the garbage is a problem in every settlement and, during a conversation with the people from the Cerulean Shrine that

Miko Himesama accidentally mentioned that you had helped us with the collection.

Goodness! Gard! I told you to keep that a secret, didnt I!?

The people from the Cerulean Shrine are in regular contact with us, and the idea was brought up to formally request Takumi-samas assistance. Im really sorry for our Miko Himesama.



It seemed the cause of this request was the Miko Himesamas unintentional revelation. Although she said unintentional, it wasnt as if I had asked her to keep it a secret.

N? Ah, but even if its garbage collection

I think the contents are similar to whats here.

I remember that it was mostly things like shells, bones, seaweed, and so on all of which had some use. And, above all, there were many oversized pearls, which should be rare by nature~

While I can accept the collection itself

Youre opposed to it, after all?

No, its not that Im opposed to it.


The things I collected here before are still inside my Infinite Storage at the moment.

So, it would only mean more items gathering dust.

Lets see~ Id like to visit the Cerulean Shrine, so Ill accept the request.

Oh my! Really!?

This Blue Waters Shrine made of sea crystals is beautiful, and the idea of a shrine with a different color is intriguing.

Can I appraise it?

Of course.

With Kaisers permission, I used Appraisal on the item, and I found out that the earring was a magic item for changing equipment.

Equipment change?

Umu, indeed. This is a magic item that allows me to instantly put on or change into clothes that have been registered with it!

It seems that Kaiser uses the equipment-changing magic item when transforming into a human to put on clothes and removes it when changing back to his original form.

Furthermore, this magic tool can be used not only for changing in and out of regular clothes but also for instantly changing into combat attire.

Wow~ so there are magic tools like that, too. Thats really convenient.

I typically have no significant difference between regular attire and combat gear, but I think this magic tool would be incredibly useful for people who need to switch into armor for battle.

Yes, when I found this in my lair, I was really pleased. With this, theres no worry about tearing clothes anymore.

At the very least, there was one time when he transformed back to his original form while still wearing clothes and ended up tearing them.

(Oniichan, Oniichan! Lets look for this equipment-changing magic tool along with the magic rings!)

Joule proposed collecting equipment-changing magic tools with shining eyes.

N? I do think its a handy magic item, but do you want it that much?

(Yeah! We might learn the Humanization skill too, right? For times when we need it, I want to collect them in advance!)

Not only Joule but the rest of the Contracted Beasts were also nodding eagerly.

While its unclear how to acquire the Humanization skill, they know that such a skill exists, so it seems Joule and the others are aiming to acquire the skill.

They want to be well-prepared for when they do acquire it.

Understood. Well look for it in the dungeons, but we should also keep an eye out in shops and auctions.

Allen will help too~!

Elena will do her best too~!

(Okay, we will leave it to you, Oniichan, Allen, and Elena too!

Allen and Elena also offered their assistance while hugging Joule.

If Joule and the others could humanize, the future would likely be even more fun than it is now~

Oh, Im sorry for keeping you waiting.

We had gotten lost in our conversation, and we had kept the merfolk guide waiting.

Nono, its not a problem at all. Thanks to Kaiser-sama, we arrived here quite early.

Indeed. Since we overheard your conversation, we will inform the Miko Himesama about the matter of the equipment-changing magic tools, and well keep it in mind as well.

Oh, you dont have to do that.

We are very grateful to Takumi-sama for all the help hes given us, so this is a small matter for us.

Is that so? Well then, please just keep it in mind.

You can count on us!

Finding an equipment-changing magic tools doesnt seem like an easy task, so having more people looking for it is honestly appreciated.

So, Ill ask them to search, and once they find it, Ill make sure to reward them properly.