Tang Yue massage action is very professional, also know the human body acupuncture point thoroughly, Wang zizhao was massaged by him for half an hour, felt that the legs were much lighter.

On one side, when the transparent man's boy handed a wet cloth towel to Tang Yue to wipe his hands, Tang Yue found that he was an old acquaintance, who had been his assistant.

He didn't get fired. It seems that this boy has something special.

The brigade walked very slowly. After a lunch and a short rest, they continued to leave for a quarter of an hour. When the sun set near the mountain, Hu Jinpeng asked people to camp on the spot.

Tang Yue sat in the carriage for a whole day, but his back and legs hurt. He jumped out of the car and moved his muscles and bones. He planned to go to see the smoothness.

I don't know if he can ride a horse in this figure. If not, let him run with the team, which is definitely the best satin.

Asked his location, Tang Yue with a group of guards to find the past, it is easy to see the huge boy in the crowd.

Before the departure, Duke Heng said that he had sent a hundred guards with him. However, these people had to listen to Tang Yue's advice and only played a protective role in peace.

He sat on the grass smoothly, opened his legs, was bending his head in the inner thigh liniment, using the Sanqi powder that Tang Yue prepared for him.

"Worn out on horseback?" Tang Yue was a bit surprised. He didn't expect that the boy would dare to ride a horse. He was really worried about the horse. After running for a day with heavy load, he didn't know if his mouth was full of white foam.

Tang Yue's worry just came out, there was a small soldier rushed to shout: "no good, Shizi ye, the horse of hengguo mansion suddenly fell down two horses."

Smooth eyes blankly looking at him, it seems that the white horse fell down, what is the use of looking for him?

He had never been in charge of his affairs at home. At first he was at a loss when he heard such news.

Tang Yue slapped him on the forehead. "Go, go and have a look. You can't let others worry about your horse."

In this era, horses are very important resources. They are expensive and can not be abandoned easily.

Smoothly reluctantly stood up, with a strange walking posture to follow Tang Yue behind, together with the small soldier to Wu.

Tang Yue asked him about some horses, and the other side replied smoothly: "it was still good before, but suddenly fell down, and the flesh and legs were hard and drooling..."

"Are you in charge of the horses?" Tang Yue sees his answer is very detailed, must not be a novice.

The little soldier was afraid of responsibility and shook his head, "my humble duty is only responsible for feeding the horses." In particular: "the two fallen horses have not eaten yet."

I didn't fall down after eating my food.

Tang Yue nodded and went to the place where the horse was tied. He saw a group of horses standing in a crowd, surrounded by a fence with branches and grass on the ground. Most of them were eating.

And the two fallen horses were carried out, and two elderly veterans were muttering about something.

They didn't have a veterinarian on this trip. They thought that such a thing would not happen to them on their short-term mission. They did not know that they ran into each other on the first day of departure.

What do you see Tang Yue asked behind their backs.

The two veterans were startled and hastened to salute before answering: "this kind of situation is very common in the army. I remember that the horse shepherd once mentioned the name of the wind..."

"Tetanus? The wind

"This I can't remember my humble duty

Tang Yue walked around the two horses twice. The two horses had neat fur, shiny fur and strong body. They must be taken good care of on weekdays.

He called Ping Shun over and said, "look carefully at the wounds on these two horses."

Smooth refused, "why do you want my son to see it?" Say hello to the side of the small soldier on the stage.

Tang Yue took a look at him. He just wanted to make the boy move and see more. How could he know that he was so smooth in commanding people.

Without waiting for the soldier to act, the two veterans had already answered, "I have checked my humble duty. There is no wound on the horse."

Tang Yue did not know much about the condition of animals, but some common diseases were still heard of.

"If it's the wind, the horse will be afraid of the light, the wind and the sound, and must be tied to the dark room." Tang Yue squatted down and carefully identified the symptoms. The symptoms of the two horses were similar, with some asthma, tight teeth, sweating and drooling

From the symptom, how a bit like tetanus just right?

"Is there really no wound? The healed one is counted. " Tang Yue asked.

The two veterans looked at each other and said, "my humble position has just come into contact with these two horses. I don't know if they have been injured. Lang Jun can invite people from hengguo government to ask."

Tang Yue looked at the smooth one eye, this boy this time finally flexible once, sent the person to lead the escort to come.

The answer is still no injury, Tang more difficult to live, how can such symptoms not be tetanus?

"This I am not a professional veterinarian either... " Seeing everyone's eyes burning at him, Tang Yue coughed, "or First mortgage saddle wind's condition to treat? "

He murmured in a low voice: "is this a dead horse a living horse doctor?"

Tang Yue's old face was red and glared at him. "Let me see it again." Then he continued to look at the two horses, and he was surprised too.There was a long delay here, and more people came to see the excitement. Zhao Sanlang ran over with a long gun on his shoulder. Before the people arrived, he cried out: "Oh, Tang Xiaolang, you can not only treat people, but also treat animals?"

He didn't have any sarcasm in his voice, but some of the listeners wanted to be crooked and laughed loudly.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhao Sanlang slowly found that his words were not very good. He threw a long gun out and almost didn't stab the man through his heart.

Tang Yue ignored him and pulled a horse's hoof to check the condition between the hooves.

"I've never seen a horse like this before. I'm a layman at first sight!"

"Although the young master is a miracle doctor, he is only a doctor for human beings. It is hard to avoid being a layman when he looks at the animals. It is like a mountain apart."

"I don't know if it can be cured."

"Judging from the condition of the two horses, I'm afraid it's not good. I've seen this kind of disease in the past, and almost all of them have become more and more serious."

"Well, it's a pity that the two Colts."

The crowd suddenly quiet down, Tang Yue still did not look up, only heard behind someone asked: "what discovery?"

He suddenly turned his head, and saw Prince Zhao behind his hands, looking at him with awe.

"Still under investigation." Tang Yue frowned and looked at the horse's hooves and said to himself, "it seems that the horseshoe bottle has not been invented in this era."

In the days when there was no horseshoe bottle, the soldiers' horses had to repair their hooves by themselves, and these two horses should have had their hooves repaired before they set out.

His heart moved, and he specially looked at the limbs of the two horses, especially the hooves.

"It's true!" Tang Yue exhaled his breath and turned to Wang zizhao and said, "come and see..." He opened the hind hoof of a horse, pointed between the hard shell and the soft shell and said, "the wound is here. It should have been left by accident when repairing the hoof."

"So what?" Prince Zhao is no stranger to mend the hoof of a horse. Because of long-term running, the hard shell on the horse's paw is easy to fall off, which makes the horseshoe wear seriously. Most of the horses in the Southern Jin Dynasty were lost on its four hooves.

"Has your highness ever heard of sepsis and coagulation?"

Wang zizhao shook his head, "blood clotting hoof? What kind of disease is it? Does it have a big impact on horses? "

Tang Yue explained to him roughly, "if the horse's hoof is damaged due to careless repair of the hoof, there will be a wound. If the wound is not handled properly, it will Well, inflammation. This kind of disease can be latent for seven or eight days, or it may happen in a day. These two horses should have been driven all day, so the disease has accelerated. "

"What is inflammation?"

I knew you were going to ask that! Tang Yue helped his forehead and organized a language in his heart to reply: "to be more popular, it is because of improper care of the wound, redness, fever and even pus and ulceration. It is also the same after people are injured. This is the main reason why the wound can not heal for a long time."

Wang zizhao nodded, "are these two horses treated?"

"This..." Tang Yue frowned. The treatment of tetanus needs antitoxic serum. He can't extract such serum. Naturally, he can't cure these two horses.

He was in a low mood. His medical skills were really difficult to do in ancient times. Even if he had more experience, what would he do? Blood loss too much, can not find the same blood type of blood transfusion, no antibiotics, no antitoxin, even no infusion.

If these problems are not solved, his surgical skills are nothing but empty talk.

Wang zizhao could see the answer from his expression. He ordered people to record the symptoms of the two horses in detail and hand them over to the Royal Horse warden when they went back. He also warned them that they should be careful not to leave a wound in repairing the hooves of horses in the future.

Tang Yue's mouth moved and wanted to tell him that the best way is to put a bottle on the horse's hooves, which can reduce the loss of military horses, but Is he really going to tell him these experiences that should have been developed from history?

Tang more confused, he made a brush just for writing convenience, he wanted to make paper, but also for his own convenience, at least not so painful to go to the toilet.

He wants to introduce western medicine because he is good at it. In order to start his career again, what about those things that have nothing to do with him?

No one could tell him what to do. Tang Yue couldn't tell the significance of his coming to this era.

Does God want him to change the world? Obviously not.

Is that to let him experience the life of the ancients? That made it more direct for him to be reborn into slavery.

"You don't have to blame yourself. You can live and die. Whether it's animal or human, you can do your best." Calm voice into the ear, Tang Yue back to God, on the prince Zhao deep eyes, the heart seems to settle down.

He felt that he had fallen into a huge misunderstanding. Why should he care about the impact of his actions on the times and whether he would change the track of history.

He could not shake the whole earth by himself, nor could he transform the Southern Jin Dynasty from feudal society to socialist society. What he could change was extremely limited.

He is not a God. Why should he live with foresight and foresight and do what he wants to do.He slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "I'll give you a big gift later."