With these two horses as examples, Prince Zhao asked people to check all the horses in the army. According to Tang Yue's request, any wound, regardless of its size or depth, should be found out.

As long as the wound is treated timely, the probability of tetanus will be greatly reduced, which can also minimize the death and injury of military horses.

The whole team was busy because of this. There were many people and great strength. After all, there were only a few horses in the team. There were not 100 horses in total. The inspection was completed soon.

Tang Yue ordered people to take good care of the wounded horses. If there was something wrong, he should go to him immediately. The disease should be found and treated as soon as possible, so as not to delay the best treatment time.

Dinner is very simple, cold corn cake with a big bowl of hot wild vegetable soup, taste not good, but also can let everyone eat.

Tang Yue originally thought that it was impossible for Prince Zhaohe and several princes to eat such food. As a result, when the kitchen came to deliver the meal, they gave the same food to everyone. However, Prince Zhao had a special body and added a bowl of stewed pigeon soup.

"This is it?" Zhao first protested.

Then why is there no peace He longingly looked at the meat in the prince's bowl and swallowed it.

"When marching outside, the officers and men should share weal and woe." Prince Zhao glanced at both of them, picked up the corn cake, tore off a small piece and put it into his mouth.

Zhao Sanlang and Pingshun immediately became honest. He ate hard cakes obediently. Tang Yue ate them silently. When he saw that Wang zizhao ate such food, he knew that there could be no change.

As Wang zizhao, it's not that he can't get delicious food. He takes a thousand guards on the road and hunts a wild game, which is enough for him to have a good meal, but he doesn't have it. Such spirit can be included in the textbook.

After dinner, Tang Yue talked to Prince Zhao privately and said, "tetanus can be cured!"

Wang zizhao sat up straight with his eyes like a torch, "what do you need?"

He knew that since Tang Yue could make the pathology clear, he should have seen such a disease, and his expression at that time was just helpless, but not an incurable disappointment.

Combined with the method that he used to treat his wounds, Tang Yue's treatment may just lack something.

Tang Yue smiles, and it's really easy to talk to such a smart person. "Tetanus is a specific infection caused by paroxysmal muscle spasm caused by bacteria entering the body and growing without timely disinfection and cleaning.

Don't ask me what bacteria is, what is disinfection, what is infection. You don't need to understand these medical terms. As long as you know, prevention is more important than treatment.

Tetanus can be prevented by injection of tetanus toxoid, active immunization, proper treatment of wounds, and passive immunization after injury.

The difficulty lies in the fact that immunization with anti-virus serum can hardly be achieved. This kind of serum has to be extracted from the blood of horses who have been cured of tetanus, and then the serum is extracted and injected into the sick horse to play an immune role.

It's not just for livestock, it's the same for people, and I'm afraid there's not a small number of soldiers dying of tetanus

Although Wang zizhao didn't quite understand the meaning of some words, he heard clearly what Tang Yue wanted to express, and the word of guanchain was still in the so-called anti drug serum.

Although he has never heard of such a treatment, he can try it as long as there is hope. Is that the truth?

"How to find what you call Antiviral serum? "

"The blood is extracted from the recovered horses, and then the serum is injected into the sick horse or patient."

"It's not difficult to find such a horse, and it's not difficult to get blood. But how to separate the blood from the blood?" Wang zizhao felt that he had been white for more than ten years before, and he felt that he was ignorant.

Tang Yue thought carefully, "I need some complicated tools. I'm afraid I can't do it well for a moment and a half. I hope you can help me when I return to Yecheng."

"As long as I can find it, you can mention it."

Tang Yue is relieved. Although he may not be able to make a centrifuge, at least there is hope. Moreover, he plans to make the syringe first, which is not difficult.

"This is the great gift you want to give to my king?" Wang zizhao smiles. Although the ceremony is heavy, it may not be realized.

Tang Yue shook his head again and again, "no, it's another big gift related to the war horse."

"Oh?" Wang zizhao regained his serious expression and asked him to continue.

He had no doubt that the young gentleman would say something that would surprise him. There were many things in him that could not be explained by his own knowledge.

"Horseshoes wear easily. This should be a big problem for war horses, right?"

Wang zizhao nodded, "there are few broad grasslands in the Southern Jin Dynasty. The horses bred are small in size, lack of endurance, and light in weight. They are not suitable for long-distance travel. Compared with the horses in North Vietnam, they are much inferior.

In addition to the casualties caused by horseshoe wear, war horses have always been the most important and scarce resource in the Southern Jin Dynasty"What if there is a way to reduce the wear of the horse's hooves?"

Wang zizhao rarely moved, and asked eagerly, "what is the method?"

Tang Yue used a brush to draw a few figures on the white cloth. "There is a kind of thing called a horseshoe bottle. It is a kind of smooth bottle plate, which is bent into a ring at each end and can be used to protect the horse's hooves.

You see, you can ask the craftsman to fix the horseshoe bottle on the horny skin of the horse's hoof with ruthenium, that is to say, the "horse's shoe bottle" is burnt and cast into shape, and then put it under the horse's foot. With a hammer and nail, this thick bottle of ruthenium is put into the foot of the horse, and the barb of the nail is used to fix it on the ankle bone of the horse to avoid falling off.

In addition, you can make some wavy shapes on the edge of the horse's hooves, so that the horse's hooves can step on the ground more forcefully and firmly, and help the horse grasp the ground

Wang zizhao was both shocked and excited. Such things were no different. Therefore, the best protection of horses could not only reduce the loss of horses, but also improve the speed and quality of cavalry.

"Tang Yue..." Wang zizhao called softly.

Tang Yue's heart trembled, looked up to his eyes, only feel that the soft eyes can melt people.

"You are the king's blessing!"

Tang Yue's old face is red. Don't look at it. "Your Highness..." The more I try my best, I hope your highness will not go to the bottom of the matter. "

Wang zizhao understood what he meant. The knowledge possessed by Tang Yue was definitely not what ordinary people in the Southern Jin Dynasty could learn. His origin is a big problem worthy of further study.

However, Wang zizhao did not intend to go deep into it. Since he chose to tell himself what others did not know, it was his trust in himself. Whether from the Southern Jin Dynasty or from a personal point of view, he should protect the whole person, rather than persecute him because of his unknown identity.

"Don't worry, as long as you are in one day, you will be able to protect you well!"

Tang Yue almost choked with saliva, and his eyes wandered to think: how could this sound a little numb? What a love talk!

However, when a young man made such a powerful promise, how could he feel that he could not hold his face?

"You can say that you think of it yourself, but don't pull me out."

"You don't want the credit?"

Tang Yue shrugged his shoulders and said arrogantly, "I don't lack money!" In the end, the credit is also the benefit, but Tang Yue is really not lack of these.

The huge property of the Marquis of queryang was there, and he could not spend it at will. There was no need to make trouble for himself for a little profit.

Of course, he still likes the feeling of making money and spending his own money.

Wang zizhao shook his head and grinned bitterly. He had never seen such an open-minded person. No matter where he came from, he would be lucky in the Southern Jin Dynasty.

"Do you mind if you have not popularized the brush before?"

Tang Yue touched his nose and thought: no wonder there is no writing brush on the market. He thought it was because everyone could not accept this new thing.

"As long as your highness can pay me a little patent fee, it's OK to promote it."

"Royalty?" Wang zizhao thought for a while, nodded his head and said, "indeed, if you sell these things, you will make a lot of money."

Wang zizhao wrote down a contract and thrust it into Tang Yue's hand. The other party glanced at it and immediately laughed with satisfaction.

"Your Highness is really generous. When the Hou's house falls down, I'll think of some good ideas to exchange for money."

Wang zizhao's head is covered with black lines. How can anyone curse his family like that?

"Listen to Xiao Lang's words, I wish the Marquis house of Liyang will fall down tomorrow." Wang zizhao said that he laughed first. If this can promote Tang Yue to contribute something good, he really wants to use his hands and feet.

However, we can only think about it. Judging from Tang Yue's attitude towards the son of a noble family, he is a person who attaches great importance to family relations. If he hurts his family, he may get a lot of resistance.

Tang Yue Shan a smile, "all when I did not say."