When he hit Zhao Sanlang's stomach with a fist, he felt that he had not been brave in his whole life.

Since he was young, he had a good time. His name was in accordance with his name. He did not learn from those dandies who bullied the common people. His only hobby was female sex.

However, in Tang Yue's words, he is not a hobby, just a pastime when he is bored.

As long as he finds something more interesting to do, he will not be bored with women all day long.

The fight ended with Zhao Sanlang's subduing to the ground without moving. There was no surprise at all. The crowd cheered, but no one dared to shout: "Shizi, you've grown white!"

"Ha ha..."

Zhao's mouth was crooked with a smile, and he patted his smooth head, no matter how much the blue and red on his face would damage the image of his four most beautiful men. He patted his smooth head and said, "good, call me brother!"

The pig's face was as smooth as a grunt.

"What, I didn't hear you clearly." "Louder," Zhao said with a laugh

Smooth and hard struggle up, but the whole body is soft and soft, there is no strength, or can not push away Zhao Sanlang's suppression, had to shout a: "brother!"

"Ha ha Darling From now on, you will be my brother Zhao Sanlang, covering you for him

Tang Yue chuckled, the two silly goods, fight on the contrary to enhance the feelings, if really can take care of each other, it is estimated that they can form a group of two.

Zhao Sanlang got up and reached out to pull Pingshun up from the ground. However, he didn't move Pingshun for half a day. The audience, who had already been about to disperse, started laughing again.

Wang zizhao walked over and held his smooth arm in one hand and lifted him up easily.

As soon as Zhao saw him, he immediately moved away from his sight and ran away.

And smooth is not much better than him, and he has little sense of shame at the moment, he would like to turn back the clock and cut off all the scenes of fighting with Zhao Sanlang.

"You two..." As soon as Wang zizhao opened his mouth, the two young masters were all tensed up and did not dare to run.

"From tomorrow, you will train together with Vice General Hu from Mao every day. I think you are new people and can reduce the training level by half."

Zhao Sanlang suddenly suffered. He didn't dare to retort, but Pingshun didn't understand what had happened. He was at a loss.

Wang zizhao didn't care about this. After the notice, he gave up and left. Tang Yue came to comfort them and patted them, "Hey, please help yourself."

"Tang, Xiao, Lang!" Zhao Sanlang rushed over with clenched teeth. "It's all caused by you. If it wasn't for you who encouraged the fat man to go crazy, how could Prince Zhao fail to see it?"

Tang Yue raised his foot against his knee and pulled out the scalpel he was carrying. "You know that others can't see it. It's so bad!"

His scalpel was moving flexibly between his fingers, and the blade was flashing, which made Zhao Sanlang step back subconsciously.

He looked straight at Tang Yue's hand, "this How is this done? "

Tang Yue turned the scalpel to the palm of his hand, and the small knife turned quickly in his palm. He held the scalpel in his palm with five fingers.

"Everything you want to do well has to work hard. Do you think I can do it in two days a day?"

Zhao shook his head.

Tang Yue picked up a dead tree branch from the ground, broke out a small section, peeled off the hard skin, and quickly carved on the branch with a knife. Saw the sawdust falling down, the finger thick branch side had the rudiment of a dragon.

Smooth in the side has been watching a daze, Zhao Sanlang also can't turn his eyes to see seriously.

He knew that Tang Yue was good at carving, but he didn't see it with his own eyes. He didn't expect to be so magical.

Many people gathered around and expressed their admiration for Tang Yue's sculptors. They thought that the young military doctor was just a medical genius, and they had never thought that he had such a wonderful sculptor.

How much does God care for him? This kind of person is born to attack others.

The fire gradually lit up the open space. Tang Yue took advantage of the weak light to finish the last few steps. He raised his head and told Zhao Sanlang, "go and find a burnt stick."

Zhao Sanlang nodded stupidly, turned and ran to the fire. He picked a thin charcoal and brought it back to Tang Yue. Then he watched him point two points on the dragon's eyes with the black charcoal branch.

"Here, here you are. I hope you will be able to fly thousands of miles in the future." Tang Yue stuffed the wood carving to Zhao Sanlang. The other party held it carefully in the palm of his hand and let out an exclamation.

The wood carving is yellow, palm size, not very delicate, but such materials, such an environment in such a short time, can complete such a work has been very admirable.

"It's your good fortune that you live freely, do not worry about the weather or the earth, and don't understand the hardships of the people. If this kind of luck can care for you all your life, it will be better for you to be carefree all your life.

But in this world, nine out of ten things are not as good as they are. If one day you lose your willful capital, can you survive in this world? "Zhao Sanlang frowned and argued: "I dare not say that I learned from the rich five chariots, but I am not as ignorant as Pingshun. Even if there is no Zhenguo government, you can become an official in the dynasty."

Tang Yue patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "being an official is not as simple as you think."

If the boy didn't have a backer, he would have been counted for many times.

The smooth figure still has a label of "I'm not easy to offend", while Zhao Sanlang looks like he has a sign on his head: "I'm very simple, come and cheat me.".

Smoothly moved over, poked Tang Yue's back and asked in a low voice, "Tang Yue, can my son of the world want a dragon?"

Tang Yue turned his head and said, "OK, as long as you can lose three Jin when you arrive at Qinyang City, I will carve you a more detailed one."

In this era, the dragon has not become exclusive to the royal family. It is still living in the myth. The Dragon Robe has not yet come out. People's attitude towards the dragon is not so cautious.

He nodded smoothly, his eyes were bright, and his peach blossom eyes were wonderful. If he only looked at these eyes, Tang Yue felt that few women could escape.

For dinner, he had thick porridge, with wild vegetables, and the sound of purring porridge was everywhere. Tang Yue felt that his appetite was much better, and he was not so picky.

Of course, even if he wants to choose, he doesn't have that condition.

Wang zizhao is the only one who can open a small stove in the team. People take care of his body and treat him like a crystal doll. They want to give him up.

And other people want to open a small stove, unless secretly do not let people know, or it is the end of the military law.

After dinner, Zhao sat by the river with the dragon in his hand. He looked up at the mountain with only one outline in the distance. He didn't know what he was thinking.

No one told him that. No one dared to assume in front of him that the town government did not exist. His mother was just a decoration at home and had no right to speak. His father would only complain that he liked leisure and hated work, and that he hated bottles but not steel. Therefore, he paid more attention to his active and progressive brother-in-law.

He never thought it was bad, but today he watched Tang Yue play with his knife skillfully. He thought about his superb medical skills, sculptors, and cooking skills that men rarely know. That kind of self-confidence and that kind of randomness are what he always yearn for but can't get.

How did a 16-year-old learn so much skill? How did he grow up?

Zhao grabs his hair impatiently. He doesn't understand why he wants to sit here and think about it.

How could he be disturbed by a word or two when he claimed to live at will?

All blame this damned Tang Xiaolang for preaching to himself. Is it because he is addicted to educating the fat recently? Want to be a model?

He got up and patted his buttocks, ready to put these messy ideas behind him. Before turning around, he heard someone behind him saying, "Saburo, you shouldn't have come."

He looked back at his brother's uncertain face and pulled down the corner of his mouth, "what's the meaning of this?"

"You have been spoiled since you were a child. You can't bear hardships. When you come, you will not only lose your own face, but also the face of the town government. My father will be angry."

Zhao Sanlang sneered: "you don't have to save a lot of faces for your family. You have to mind your own business."

"It's also for you. How can you get a foothold in the court after losing face in front of Prince Zhao?"

"So you should be a flatterer like you?"

Zhao's face was tight, almost angry, and finally controlled himself, "you are still young, don't understand these, for brother just want to warn you, come, but don't make a fool of yourself."

Zhao Sanlang glared and snorted, "you can take care of yourself."