Tang Yue thought that the speed of carrying so many cumbersome teams would be very slow. It never occurred to him that they would arrive in Qinyang City in less than half a month.

Qinyang City is in the southwest of Ye City. It has always been a serious banditry area. There are many mountains and few fields. The people can't cultivate, so they take the mountain as the king and rely on plundering the passing merchants to survive.

To the west of Qinyang City, there is a place of barbarians, which is rich in medicinal materials and rich in tinned ores. All the caravans passing through this road, which is also the reason why the imperial court is in a hurry to suppress bandits.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid we'll have to sleep in the mountains tonight." Hu Jinpeng was dressed in military uniform, with a heavy iron sword hanging on his waist.

"It's not the first time I've been sleeping out. Why are you so nervous? "Zhao Sanlang, riding on horseback, has already had some tough man's style in terms of temperament.

Beside the carriage, there is a half big foal, jujube red, only two-thirds of the height of an adult horse, trotting to keep up with the pace of the large team.

Tang Yue, sitting on the horse's back, was holding the reins tightly with both hands, and his legs were rigidly clamped. He was even less like a knight than the worst ride.

This morning, Tang Yue suddenly wanted to learn how to ride a horse. Prince Zhao asked people to find this small and medium-sized underage horse in the city he passed by. He had a lively character, but he was very gentle. He was only suitable for beginners.

Under the guidance of Hu Jinpeng, Tang Yue was able to sit upright on the horse. At first, he was led by a guard. Later, he thought it was too ugly, so he had to ride by himself.

Fortunately, after entering the hilly terrain, the speed of the team slowed down, and he could follow Wang zizhao's carriage with his pony.

It's not boring for them to talk and see the scenery along the way.

Tang Yue supported the horse's back. His legs were not his own. He had no sense at all. He could not feel the effect of gravity when he stepped on the ground.

"How do you feel?" Wang zizhao walked steadily over. After a comparison, Tang Yue became the wounded man with inconvenient legs.

Because there was no spacious flat land, the team could only be camped in several areas, and Tang Yue had the least number of people. Naturally, he joined Prince Zhao's team without looking at Zhao Sanlang and Ping Shun's sad eyes.

"It's very good. Don't you think I ride very smoothly? You'll soon be able to get a handsome adult horse Tang Yue just finished, and stepped on a pit under his feet, and the whole person fell forward.

"Let Well... " The prince Zhao in front has no time to avoid it, and bears the collision of Tang Yue with his back.

Tang Yue's whole face bumped into Wang zizhao's back. His teeth hit his lips, and a sweet smell poured into his mouth. His hands subconsciously kept the support, and the whole man fell on Wang zizhao's back.

Wang zizhao leaned forward, only a moment to stabilize his body. Looking at his hands on his waist, he felt that the skin was inexplicably hot.

He has little physical contact with people, except for his ignorant childhood, it seems that he only contacts with Tang Yue.

There was some pain in the hit area of the back, but then it was dispelled by warm breathing, and there was a slight itching.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Tang Yue took the cool air to stand up straight. His hard touch made him linger for a while, and then moved away naturally.

Prince zhaodun for a little while, and naturally continued to walk forward, only slightly raised the volume and said, "come on, Tang Xiaolang's legs don't feel well. Help him walk."

Tang Yue patted his numb legs and was embarrassed to accept the help of others.

After setting up the camp account, Tang Yue found that his previous single room treatment had been cancelled, and he even wanted to squeeze a room with Hu Jinpeng.

"The mountain forest terrain is uneven, the camp account that can build is limited, make do with live." Hu Jinpeng took off his armor and explained.

Tang Yue didn't mind sharing the house with others. He went out. Before, he took the train or crowded with hundreds of people. The treatment between them was pretty good.

It's just that such a handsome guy lives with himself. In case some bad ideas come out in the middle of the night, is he willing to bear it or go all out?

Tang Yue looked at Hu Jinpeng's back for a while and asked subconsciously, "brother Hu, how old are you on the battlefield? I'm afraid this scar on the back is nearly ten years old. "

"Xiaolang is worthy of being a miracle doctor. This wound was indeed suffered ten years ago. When he was just on the battlefield, he was reckless and was slashed from the back. Is it really frightening to see

"No, man. It's only a few scars to be handsome. If you could meet me at that time, the scar would not be so obvious." Proper treatment of the wound will also affect the appearance of the skin after healing.

So a lot of people like to go to the plastic surgery hospital to suture after injury, just to avoid leaving scar after the injury.

"Ha ha At that time, little Lang Jun was only born a few years ago. Even if you really met him, what could you do? "

Tang Yue also laughed. Indeed, ten years ago, he had no intersection with the world. It was impossible to meet him.

Not long after, someone sent food, Tang Yue smell even better than the previous few days to eat.

He picked a piece of meat from the dish and said, "it's really a group to serve meat today. What's the big deal?"Hu Jinpeng eats with a big mouth. People who mix with the army are like this. It's delicious to eat.

When they arrive in the city, they don't have to worry about food until they arrive

"I see." Tang Yue bit that piece of meat that was not fragrant, and suddenly felt that it tasted very good. No wonder people said that decapitated rice was particularly delicious.

Pooh! Children's words! Tang Yue spat secretly.

"After you arrive in Qinyang City, you should have a rest before suppressing the bandits?"

Hu Jinpeng shook his head: "according to the location reported, it's on the only way to Qinyang City. Maybe we can't wait to enter the city."

Tang Yue listened to him say so, three mouth two mouth picked up rice, left his job to find Zhao Sanlang and peace.

He didn't forget that there was still a life on these two fools. He didn't know whether they wanted other people's lives or were taken away.

Zhao Sanlang and Pingshun live on the other side of the mountain. Tang Yue shuttles through the mountain forest for half an hour when he encounters a group of wolves, a tiger and several frightened rabbits and dogs.

Fortunately, he took many people with him. The wolves retreated without action from a distance. The tiger who could not judge the situation was destroyed by the mountain and others.

Tang Yue looked at the country's former first-class protected animals in the pool of blood, but also very heartless, secretly blamed himself for a long time.

After finding Zhao Sanlang, Tang Yue finds that he has started fighting peacefully again. The guards of the two families each occupy a camp and encourage their own people one after another.

By the time Tang Yue arrived, the fight was almost over, and Zhao Sanlang still won, but it didn't take much advantage. The old wounds on his face add new ones, and the beauty of a beautiful man is long gone.

"With this physical strength and fighting spirit, tomorrow you don't have to worry that you will be killed if you can't kill the enemy." Tang Yue joked.

"Tomorrow..." The two young masters cried out at the same time, with their mouths open.

The interest of fighting was no longer there. The two men changed their swords into jade and silk, washed their hands with the same basin of water, and pulled Tang Yue into the tent for a good discussion.

Tang Yue taught smooth before those small moves are also taught to Zhao Sanlang, even medicine also prepared for him.

"Remember, don't try to be brave. Nothing is more important than your life. If you really want to drive a carriage, I will..."

"Come with us?" Zhao asked excitedly.

Tang Yue rolled a white eye, "this childe will never do such a face losing thing, but it can give you some spiritual comfort."

"What is spiritual comfort?"

"This is it..." Tang Yue said that they hugged Zhao Sanlang and Pingshun respectively, "make great efforts to open up the eyes of Prince Zhao!"

The two people who were hugged still can't react. In this era, such intimate actions are not popular. In addition to frightening people, they also make people have bad misunderstandings.

Zhao Sanlang, in particular, lowered his head and was embarrassed to say nothing. After half a sound, he said, "I love Princess Huizhu. You You There's no chance. "

“……” Tang Yue's mouth a smoke, wish to throw him to the mountain to feed the wolf.

"Even if you have this idea, you don't look up to you. What advantage do you have besides this face?"

Zhao Sanlang refused, "face is also a big advantage. Every time I go to the street, I don't know how many women throw handkerchief to this young man."

"Then you have the ability to invite them to help you kill people." Tang Yue snorted.

Zhao Sanlang shouldered his spear and threw a beautiful posture. "These days, I've been working hard to deal with a few small thieves. It's certainly not a problem."