The king of the Southern Jin Dynasty didn't show up on his face. He secretly blamed Yi'an Hou for not opening the pot.

Princess Tangxi was the right wife he had chosen for zhao'er at that time. Although he didn't give a formal order to marry, everyone knew that it was a matter of course.

At that time, she was the only one in the princess's family who couldn't wait for her to cry.

The so-called grievance naturally means that Princess Tangxi should marry a disabled man.

The king of the Southern Jin Dynasty had no reason to force him to marry his daughter. He and the old princess were not only cousins, but also brothers who had been on the battlefield together and could give their backs to each other.

At first, he chose Princess Tangxi as the future crown princess. Because of this relationship, the old princess and his family were their absolute supporters.

However, even if the bottle was so disgraced, it would be hard to break it. Moreover, the king of the Southern Jin Dynasty was still the head of a country, and his face was more important than anything else.

"Father, you don't have to worry about choosing a concubine for your son's minister if you have a favorite candidate." Wang zizhao's words made a great stir again.

Hu Jinpeng took a look at him and murmured from the bottom of his heart: you have not yet decided on the candidate. Do you want to say it in front of everyone now?

Isn't that forced marriage? If the king gives a marriage order, will Tang Xiaolang accept it or not? Of course, the answer will only be the former.

"Oh? Which lady does zhao'er like, and which daughter of Aiqing's family is so lucky? " The king of the Southern Jin Dynasty jumped in his heart and carefully swept the people in the hall.

"It's not the wife of any family. This person has not agreed to the courtship of his son's minister, so he can't say it for the time being."

It's not the girl of any family? The meaning of this sentence is profound.

Do people hire Tang Yue felt his chin and thought about whether he could take out his marriage to do business.

If it is in the 21st century, it is not necessary to think about it, but here, he is about to face the biggest problem of marriage.

At the age of 16, he can start a family and start a family. Even if he finds an excuse not to start a family for the time being, he must have several children.

There are only a few male descendants in the Marquis of queryang. The whole family is staring at him, hoping that he can carry on the family line.

If he married Prince Zhao, it would solve the problem, but the Marquis of Liyang and the old lady would be disappointed.

"My father has only one son. What are you going to use to persuade him to marry your only son?" Can't we just grab it?

"In the future, our children can adopt a Marquis of Liyang, and his title will certainly be promoted. As the abbot of the state, he can enjoy a lot of benefits." Wang zizhao did not feel that he could not persuade the Marquis of Liyang, and he did not dare to oppose it.

"Wait, our children..." Tang Yue looks at Wang zizhao's belly in horror. Is he a woman?

Wang zizhao frowned and looked at him, puzzled and asked, "this king's child is naturally your child. What's wrong with it?"

“……” Tang Yue took a deep breath to control the impulse to escape.

There is a gap of more than one thousand years between the ages. Even though Tang Yue has tried his best to adapt to the world, he still can't accept polygamy.

Especially when polygamy is going to happen to yourself, it is even more intolerable!

"Ha ha..." Tang Yue low smile two times, once again looked up has changed a pair of calm face.

"Since it's an engagement, we have to make it clear." Tang Yue put on a business like appearance and sat opposite Wang zizhao.

Wang zizhao always felt something was wrong, but he didn't make it clear for a moment. He made a gesture and said, "please speak."

"First of all, it's certain that you'll have to pay me monthly."

"Pay? You can take and use the property of the whole Prince Zhao's residence at will. Why do you need to start the construction

Tang Yue shook his head. "I can help you to manage the things in your house for the time being, but they are not my property." It's not good to have a divorce in the future.

"Secondly, there can't be concubines in my yard. If you need something, you'd better not let me know. Oh, of course, you can't have sex outside." I can't make him watch his nominal partner kiss me with a woman.

"It's natural. I don't like women."

"Not even men!" Tang Yue emphasized.

Prince Zhao looked at him one eye, light ground smile, "listen to you."

Tang Yue inexplicably some ear heat, how can these three words listen so smoothly?

He calmed down his unsteady heartbeat and continued, "do you need a roommate after marriage?"

"What is husband and wife in different rooms?" Wang zizhao felt that the questions he asked were more and more strange.

"Since you want to have a roommate, you'll have to pay another standard." Tang Yue reported a number to him, and the other party nodded.

"Do you want to share the same bed? Maybe you can make a floor Tang Yue finished his own retort, "OK, then I play the floor.""What do you mean? Why do couples have separate beds? Do you sleep in different beds

Tang Yue secretly rolled a white eye, although the beauty is very attractive, but he has a bottom line.

"Well, you can't go to bed without washing your feet, and you can't kiss without brushing your teeth. That's the limit. If you want other special services, it's another concept. I'm afraid you won't want to do this transaction."

Prince Zhao realizes that he and Tang Yue may have different ideas, but what does it matter? Anyway, Tang Xiaolang always said something he didn't understand.

As long as you get people home first, there is plenty of time for good communication.

Wang zizhao nodded, "listen to you."

Tang more choked, such a good-natured employer, can not he do not want to leave in the future.

However, to solve the current problem is to close the chain, we can't wait for the elder to send the woman to his bed to think about countermeasures.

Although they had been talking with each other for a long time, they finally reached an agreement and both were happy.

Tang Yue: "boss, you've crossed the line!"

Wang zizhao: "where is the boundary?"

Tang Yue: "at the beginning, we agreed that only the same room and bed, not including special services."

Wang zizhao: "that makes up can, want how much reward you say!"

Tang Yue: "ha ha It's not about the money. "

Wang zizhao: what's the problem

Tang Yue: "first, first call out the property and transfer it to my name. Second, no concubines are allowed. Third, infidelity is not allowed both physically and mentally."

Wang zizhao: "please speak to others!"

Tang Yue: "it's just