When Tang Yue returned to Hou's house, he was still dizzy and didn't know whether his decision was right or not.

It's easier to ask God than to send him away. It's not so easy to retreat when you enter the Zhao palace.

As soon as he entered the door, Tang Yue ran into a face to face with a pair of horse eyes.

Startled, he stepped back and asked, "father is going out?"

With a smile on his face, Marquis of oak Yang took Tang Yue's arm and said excitedly, "yue'er, come and have a look. This is the bottle block inlaid for the horse's hooves according to the method of Prince Zhao. The horse's running clatters and sounds good."

Tang Yue squatted down to examine the horse's four hooves, and got up after making sure there was no wound. "So you are going to walk the horse?"

"Some old people want to say that their horses are good, and they are their fathers. So they will show them their ponies and let them have a close look at what is a good horse!"

Tang Yue didn't study animals. However, the horse led by Marquis Liyang sold well. It was vigorous, with uniform coat and divine eyes. Just now, he was given a glance. Obviously, he was a high-spirited master.

"Prince Zhao is really the reincarnation of emperor Xing. He is brilliant and brave. He is really the blessing of the Southern Jin Dynasty." The Marquis of Liyang couldn't help praising Wang zizhao.

Tang Yue secretly turned a white eye, these can be brought by their own patents, cheap Prince Zhao.

He thought, since the Marquis of queryang had such a high opinion of Prince Zhao, he must know that he would not be furious if he wanted to marry himself?

What descendants, fall on their own head, afraid is not to have.

"Father..." The Marquis Tang Yueyang called in.

"What's the matter?" The Marquis of oak Yang ran his hand along the hair on the horse's neck, and the other party made a comfortable snort.

"Nothing..." Tang Yue swallowed the words to export, and turned aside the topic and said, "when the breeding horses of North Vietnam are transported back, I will match you with a better horse."

The Marquis of oak Yang shakes his head, "no need, this old horse has been with his father for several years, and he has got along with his feelings. No matter how good he is."

Father and son said goodbye, Tang Yue into their own yard, always feel that they have forgotten a thing, but for a moment can not remember forever.

When he saw that Ping Shun was playing basketball with the guards, he suddenly remembered what he had forgotten, "I went and I forgot Zhang Chun!"

He also wanted to know how to punish the boy, and let Wang zizhao deal with it lightly. Anyway, it's all about him.

I'm really sorry for my fellow countrymen.

"Tang Xiaolang has just written from Zhao Sanlang. Ten days later, on the day of winter, we will go to Tengyun villa to make soup and have roast deer meat." He took time to shout.

Tang more and more surprised, "already nearly winter?" He lived in the north in the past life, and the winter gave him the feeling of being dry and cold. However, the current climate was only slightly cool, which made him have no sense of winter.

"You don't know?" Some of the clothes are thin and smooth, and some of them are strong.

"Every year on the beginning of winter, everyone goes to Tengyun villa to make soup. There are 100 dancers raised by xinlingjun, which is a man's paradise."

Tang Yue saw his face and slapped his head fiercely. "Even if there is a woman, you don't have your share. If you dare to mess around, I won't let you go out."

Smooth screamed, covered his head and glared over, "my son has not been near a woman for months! How can I do if my body is choked down again? "

Tang Yue wants to say: I haven't been close to a woman for decades, don't you live well?

He took a glance at his smooth lower body and sneered: "if you are closer to a woman, you will be doomed. If you use it too much, you can't be humane or light. Be careful to kill yourself!"

Smoothly subconsciously covered his crotch and looked at him with a bitter face, "Tang Xiaolang, you will threaten my son!"

"Do you want to frighten you to find a doctor to see it, but even if they know it in their hearts, they may not dare to say it. It's hard to tell the truth!"

Tang Yue finished, regardless of smooth face into what kind of face, head held high to enter the room.

The next morning, when Tang Yue was still in his sleep, the door of the room was clapped and cracked, as if to break into the door at the next moment.

Tang Yue was awakened instantly and roared: "who is it?"

"Xiao Lang, get up quickly, there's someone from Zhao's mansion!" Uncle Quan, the housekeeper's voice, remembered that Tang Yue was a member of Prince Zhao's residence. He immediately jumped up from the bed, rushed to open the door and asked, "who's here? What do you do? "

"I don't know. It's Deputy General Hu who talked with the Marquis for a long time. The Marquis asked his subordinates to come to you. It seems that he is very anxious."

Tang Yue went back to the house to get dressed. He splashed cold water on his face and went out. He didn't know what was wrong with Hu Jinpeng. He had to go to the house early in the morning to mix up.

Knock on the door of the study, Tang Yue will hear inside oak Yang Hou dull voice, "come in."

"Father, what is the matter with your son?" Tang Yue quickly swept the study, did not see the prince Zhao, the heart a little more stable.The Marquis of Liyang didn't speak. He looked at Tang Yue with a new look. He sighed when he saw Tang Yue.

Tang Yue feels something and throws a look of inquiry to Hu Jinpeng. The other party shrugs and says it has nothing to do with himself.

"Yue'er, come here and have a look at this list." The Marquis of oak Yang pushed out a box. The top-quality purple wood, carved with exquisite patterns, is worth a lot.

Tang Yue took over and opened it. There were all sheepskins in it. He wrote a neat list of materials with a brush. Looking at everything, Tang Yue felt that he was ignorant again.

He did not dare to show off the night pearl given to him by Prince Zhao last time, for fear that it would affect Wang zizhao's reputation and the king's mood.

I didn't expect that this time, the other party even openly sent such a box of gift list, and it seems that it is still a betrothal gift.

"This is..." He insisted on asking the Marquis of Liyang, trying to show "I don't know anything".

"Prince Zhao wants to marry you. What do you think?" The Marquis of Liyang asked.

"This When the parents are in charge of marriage, the son will listen to his father Tang Yue sold a good boy and wanted to see how the Marquis of queryang looked at this matter.

"I'm not afraid to laugh at you for my father. You are the only male heir of the Marquis's house, and bear the responsibility of continuing the incense. If other men have this idea, I'll give my father a discount if I fight for this life!"

Tang more embarrassed smile, also know his old man found that his son was abducted run what kind of mood.

"But it was Wang zizhao who opened his mouth. No, he was given the imperial edict yesterday. Now he is the prince's highness. As a father, he has no right to refuse."

There is no right to refuse, that is, to refuse and dare not, Tang Yue also does not know how Hu Jinpeng said to him, let his cheap father face helpless.

"What do you mean?" The Marquis of oak Yang asked his son, "if you don't have this idea, you can't be wronged by your father."

Always can't let a good straight man marry a man, that heart and body are certainly unacceptable.

"This The son is not aggrieved, just feel guilty to the Tang family. "

One sentence is enough to understand his son's mind. He sighed, "well, it's the dream of many people to get married with the prince's highness. Now it's occupied by a small Marquis's house. It's more face-to-face than any horse Liangju."

"It's best for you to think so. When you come, your highness will tell you. If you are dissatisfied, he will come to talk with you in detail."

The Marquis of Liyang said, "how dare you?" How dare they refuse to look up to their Marquis house for their great face?

"That's very good, your highness said. The nearer the marriage date is, the better. If you don't mind, he'll let people start choosing dates."

"There is one thing that needs to be done, your highness." Pointing to Tang Yue, the Marquis of Liyang said, "my son met an eminent monk when he was young. He criticized him and said that he should not marry prematurely. Otherwise, his life would be harmed if he was light, and the family would be harmed if he was serious. How about delaying a few years?"

Hu Jinpeng looked at Tang Yue in surprise. The old God of the other side stood there at ease. He didn't know whether it was true or not.

As for the meaning of this, it will depend on whether your highness will tell you the truth

"Thank you, Lieutenant General Hu."

Seeing Hu Jinpeng off, the father and son locked up in the study with big eyes and small eyes staring for a long time. Tang Yue was seen as hairy all over the body. Listening to him sighing again and again, he was helpless.

"It's a blessing and a curse to marry your highness." The Marquis of Liyang couldn't help telling him: "since your highness can see you, it's your honor. In the future, you should not be arrogant. You should be careful and do more than you say."

"Why is it my pleasure?" Tang Yuefu: in addition to his status, he has some of his own, but he may not have some of his own, and he has not climbed much.