By the time the Tang Yue family arrived, carriages had already stopped outside, and the whole street was blocked by soldiers, which was solemn and heavy.

The original Zhao palace has now been replaced with the plaque of the prince's house. There are two copper Qilin town houses at the gate, and two huge red lanterns are hung under the eaves.

"The Marquis of Liyang arrives..." Exclaimed the porter, and the eyes of the people around him came through.

"That's the young gentleman your highness is seeking to marry?" Someone pointed to Tang Yue and asked secretly.

"That's him. It's said that he is a miracle doctor who cured his Highness's legs."

"It's not only that, but also succeeded in making the prince of hengguo lose 50 Jin. You haven't seen it. The prince of hengguo is very handsome now."

When Cao Cao arrived, the porter called out: "the Duke of hengguo has arrived...".

Tang Yue was a latecomer, and many people in Yecheng didn't know him, but Pingshun was a native of Yecheng. Naturally, these people have seen him.

So at first sight of the thin son of the aristocracy, all the people glared and sighed: "is this really the son of the Duke of Heng?" Don't you look at it? Look at those eyes It's really pretty. "

"Is that really the credit of Tang Xiaolang? How did he do it? So many doctors can't do anything... ".

"What is this? He is a miracle doctor. How can you cure your Highness's leg? "

Suddenly someone howled and cried, "my poor old mother, if she could live another two years, she would wait for a miracle doctor."

Tang jiejie was startled. He quickly hid behind the Marquis of Liyang, hoping to disguise himself as a flower girl. The eyes of these people were almost comparable to that of a laser, and they could see a hole.

Someone quickly covered his mouth, dragged people to one side, gently reprimanded: "you are crazy, do not see where this is, what day is today?"

Pingshun saw Tang Yue rush to his house immediately. The boy secretly ran home without telling Tang Yue. He thought he was missing. Fortunately, some guards saw him climb out. After that, they saw him enter the government of hengguo. Otherwise, Tang jiejie would go all over the world to find him.

"You are so happy to say goodbye?" Tang Yue glared at him, then changed into a smiling face, and said hello to the Duke of Heng behind Ping Shun: "how are you?"

"Ha ha My dear nephew, my uncle did not mistake you. My young man has a bright future The Duke of Heng praised Tang Yue severely. Tang Yue felt that such a father was good or not, because he was easy to get used to people's problems.

Just look at smoothness.

As soon as he entered the door, Tang Yue was invited to the backyard alone, so he said goodbye to his family and followed the boy named Ke.

Tang Yue once doubted the relationship between the boy and Li Zhao. Now I think about it, I still feel quite confused.

"How long have you been with your highness?" Tang Yue pretended to ask casually.

"The slave has followed his highness since he was a child for more than ten years."

"What can a little boy do?"

"When the queen saw that her highness had no playmates, she chose several slaves of the same age to grow up with him. Only Ke is the only one who can live to this day."

"Why? How did they die? " Tang Yue was shocked, and why did a prince choose a playmate from a slave rather than from a minister's children?

Isn't it popular to read with a companion?

Ke had no choice but to smile, "the court situation is complex, and there are crises everywhere. Some people were killed foolishly, and some were able to block the disaster for the master."

Tang Yue couldn't imagine what kind of a dragon's den it was. He couldn't even let go of such a small child. He couldn't imagine what kind of life Li Zhao lived from childhood to adulthood.

Perhaps, he was tired of the court's intrigue to choose to go to the frontier at such a young age?

It's not easy to think that this teenager can survive step by step in such an environment.

"Here we are, young master. Please come in. The master is waiting for you in the room." Coe takes people outside a courtyard and doesn't go in.

Tang Yue lived in the mansion for a month, and he knew something about it. He remembered that the courtyard was empty before his eyes. At that time, he only felt that the scenery in the courtyard was beautiful, but he never went in.

He went in and planted some evergreen trees along the way, as well as regular one by one flower beds. Now only some chrysanthemums are blooming.

The style of this courtyard is quite different from that of this mansion, and I don't know what it is used for.

The door was not closed, Tang Yue stood at the door for a few seconds, coughed twice, and asked, "is your highness there?"

"Come in."

A few days have not seen, Tang Yue suddenly hear his voice, unexpectedly feel a little excited, still some nervous.

He walked in with his hands and feet, and turned a corner to see what Li Zhao was looking at behind the desk.

When Tang Yue came in, he asked, "why didn't you ask me to come here?"

"Come here." Li Zhao waved to him and handed him what he had in his hand.

Tang Yue took the sheepskin and found that it was an architectural drawing, which was much more complicated or intuitive than modern drawings.Modern architectural drawings are mostly lines and numbers, while the architectural drawings of this era are more like a model, and the details are clearly described.

"What is this?" Tang jiejie didn't understand what he meant.

"Don't you feel familiar?"

Tang Yue nodded and then shook his head. He felt familiar. However, the buildings of this era all look similar, and they can't be distinguished.

"This is your medicine shop. You are ready to open it at any time."

"Eh?" Tang Yue listen to him say so, busy will the drawing again several times, always feel that there is something wrong.

"It seems that It's much bigger than what I saw before. " Although the building area is not marked on it, from the perspective of the structure of the yard, it is definitely not as simple as a small shop.

"The lonely man surrounded the neighborhood and the backyard, so that the front of the door is a shop, and people can live in the back. If you are tired, you can also have a place to rest."

So sweet? The more surprised Tang looked at him, "this is not the same as we said before."

Li Zhao squinted at him. "Before, now is now. Do you think that the relationship between Yigu and you now should pay attention to fair trade?"

Tang Yue suddenly had a feeling of being taken care of, "this Nature is the best. "

He thought of the box of gold that the other party gave Zhao, and asked tentatively, "does that box of gold you gave to Madame Hou have a special meaning?"

"I thought she was short of money." Li Zhao didn't care much about her reply: "seeing her negligence to you, she thought that she was short of money to use and couldn't find out what she liked, so she sent gold to spend it with her."

Tang Yue wanted to give him a thumbs up and said with emotion: "this gift you sent is really right."

"What? Is she really bad for you? " Li Zhao frowned, and there was a tendency that Tang Yue would seek justice for him as soon as he nodded.

"It's not bad, but it's inevitable that I don't like it. Who let me be an illegitimate child?"

Tang Yue thought that if Li Zhao had a child with another woman, he would not like the child.

"The eldest son of the Commons is embarrassed. Zhao's family background is very good. If she really does something to hurt you, she will never let it go."

Tang Yue reached out his hand and touched his cheek, "Your Highness should care so much about me? Should Vietnam feel honored? "

Li Zhao holds his disordered hand and pulls Tang Yue to his side. He kisses his lips.

Tang Yue is just slightly stunned and begins to respond to his kiss. This is the second time they kiss. Compared with the first time, Li Zhao's skill is more than a little more skillful, and I don't know if he has ever been trained by anyone.

Tang Yue can't help but immerse himself in this deep kiss. One hand gradually climbs onto the back of each other's head and changes various postures.

Their lips and tongues were intertwined for a long time, and the sound of drum music outside came in without interrupting their passion.

For a long time, the two split lips, Tang Yue found that he was moved, and unconsciously close to Li Zhao's arms.

The height of the two is similar, Tang Yue is thinner, so leaning on it doesn't feel uncomfortable.

"Your Highness hasn't brushed his teeth yet?" Tang Yue asked teasingly.

"I never brush my teeth." Li Zhao replied to him, almost didn't choke Tang Yue to death.

How could he forget that people in this era don't brush their teeth. They just clean their teeth regularly and gargle with salt water on weekdays. It's amazing that there is no smell.

"Well Do you want me to make a unique toothbrush for your highness? "

"Like you, cut the pig's hair and stuff it in your mouth?" Li Zhao frowned into a Sichuan character, obviously not quite able to accept such things.

"It's all boiled in boiling water. It's detoxified. It's not dirty." Although Tang Yue thought about the smell of pig hair, it was hard to accept, but what was the way?

"Then our company can make you a wooden brush. Do you want to try it?" Tang Yue, in order to improve the quality of their kissing, it is necessary for him to cultivate Li Zhao's habit of brushing his teeth sooner or later.

"Thank you very much." Li Zhao returned his four words. He raised Tang Yue's chin and was about to continue his kiss when he was interrupted by the sound outside the door.

"Master, all the guests are here. The auspicious time has arrived."

Tang Yue blushed inexplicably, and quickly separated from him, adjusted the whole dress, the eye son looked up to the sky, "then go out quickly, don't let people wait for urgency."

"If they want to wait, will anyone dare to say anything?"

Tang Yue said "ha ha" and knew it was nonsense. Today's banquet was not initiated by the prince's house, but by the big families. I'm afraid the only one who can be invited by the prince's highness is the Marquis of Liyang.

Li Zhao gave the drawing to Tang Yue, "go back and have a closer look. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can choose your opening date?"

"When Zhengan Pai people go to buy medicinal materials, they have to wait for some herbs to be reserved before they open. It will take about half a month."

"Half a month..." Li Zhao pondered: "it will be set at the beginning of next month.""Why?" Tang Yue calculated the time, and it was only twenty days.

"Because it won't be long before you have time to pay attention to these vulgar things."

“……” Tang Yue speechless looked at him, the other side continued to say: "the wedding is coming, how can you have time to do these? Prepare for marriage at home. "

"Ready to marry?" Tang Yue eyebrows a pick, incredibly asked: "why do men marry people also have prepared to marry a say? Can't I make my own wedding dress? " Sorry, he is good at sewing, but he can't embroider.

Li Zhao said with a light smile, "even if you want to, you can't embroider by yourself. You don't want a wife in an ugly wedding dress."

"Wait, let's talk about the wedding dress first What style is it? "

"What kind of wedding dress do you want to wear?" Li Zhao deliberately teased him, "embroider Phoenix or embroider peony?"

My mother! Can I have none of them?

"Ha ha, we don't need that effort, simple and simple. The scarlet clothes are enough for women. It's not manly to embroider patterns again?"

Li Zhao pointed to his lips, "this is reasonable, but if the wife is willing to bribe Gu, Gu will let people change the style of the wedding dress."

Tang Yue stares, how is this feeling of being teased? Do you dare to be indecent?

"You said that." Tang Yue got close to each other's lips and took a heavy bite until he tasted the smell of blood.

He was laughing happily when the other party bit him while he was unprepared. Moreover, the angle he chose was quite tricky, which was the same as the chance he had just bitten.

The idiom "a tooth for a tooth" is really played out incisively and vividly.

Tang Yue thought: how can I get out like this? Is it necessary for everyone to know that he and his royal highness are hiding in the house and playing with each other?

If you think dirty, you may think that they just had a big fight. Although this premarital sex is not shameful, it is enough for people to gossip for a few days.

Tang Yue licked his lower lip and thought powerlessly: is it time to pretend to faint or urinate now?