Today, Prince Li Zhao wore a deep black dress with gold thread on the edge, a python belt around his waist, and a jade crown on his head.

Tang Yue glanced at him several times and thought: I guess everyone can't notice the damage on his lips. Who is staring at his face?

Following him out of the courtyard, Tang Yuecai asked, "why does your highness appear in this courtyard?"

Li Zhao stopped, turned back and gave him a deep look. "This is a lonely new house."

New house Tang Yue was stunned. He blinked his eyes and looked at the courtyard again. It was really much more beautiful than Li Zhao's.

"Cough, your highness is really interested."

"Still like it?" Li Zhao didn't know why he wanted to change his courtyard. When Tang Yue lived in the palace, he didn't show dissatisfaction with the environment. He just wanted to give him a better environment.

In the past, there was no hostess or master in this mansion, and he was away all the year round, so he didn't care about the artistic conception of flowers and plants. He could live there.

Now it's different. A place called home can't be so simple.

Tang Yue hesitated and nodded. The courtyard was like a small garden, with flowers and grass, trees and ponds. It was natural to live in such an environment.

They appear in the living room together. Li Zhao stops before entering the door and walks in side by side with Tang Yue.

I'm afraid there won't be more than ten people in the world to have such treatment.

The living room was full of people, and the noisy atmosphere was calmed down by the arrival of his Highness the prince.

When they saluted, Tang Yue took the opportunity to return to the camp of Marquis of Liyang.

Several younger sisters kneel down behind Hou's wife, see Tang Yue come back secretly squeeze eyes toward him.

Tang Yue was embarrassed, pursed his lips and laughed.

"All your honor, you shall be well." Prince Zhao's voice was slightly hoarse. Tang Yue took back his eyes and knelt upright behind the Marquis of Liyang.

Compared with the previous banquet held by Prince Zhao, the atmosphere is much more relaxed and lively. There is no king Zixian to stir up the situation, and no one will find his royal highness uncomfortable on such a day. Naturally, he wants to be more and more happy.

When the food and wine were on the table, the cooks in the prince's house surprised the public. Since Tang Yue gave the menu of several dishes, the cooks have been studying how to innovate all day long, as if they were treasures.

Tang Yue ate a kind of cake, which tasted like ice moon cake. It was wrapped with fruit jam. It tasted quite good. Several of his sisters especially liked it.

In addition, a large number of star anise were brought back from Qinyang City last time. This time, several kinds of stewed flavor appeared on the table. However, animal viscera and corners of such a standard banquet menu can't be served. Otherwise, Tang Yue said that the taste of marinated duck tongue and neck is better.

After a contented meal, everyone didn't want to leave. Heng Guo joked publicly that he would send a cook to the prince's house to learn cooking skills. Prince Zhao unexpectedly replied: "seeing the son of a son is very talented. If the Duke of the state is willing to let him stay in the mansion for a few days, he will certainly be able to learn cooking."

The Duke of Heng is happy to mention his son now. Even if the boy is far away from talents, he can at least take him out.

Moreover, this time he followed the prince out to suppress the bandits. He won the king's praise and granted him a small military post. He would tell everyone about his son's deeds of fighting against bandits.

This is really in response to that sentence: father love boundless ah!

Compared with the Duke Heng, the Duke of Zhenguo is not so much like his own father. His attitude towards Zhao Sanlang is still the same as before. Even the king's land award did not make him laugh twice more. Instead, he severely criticized his evil conduct along the way.

Because of this, Zhao Sanlang almost didn't fight with his brother. All day long, he kept saying, "the God of ears must have gone to his father again to complain.".

As soon as the atmosphere of Zhenguo government was tense, Tang Yue's probability of seeing Zhao Sanlang would be higher, and the matter that he had promised to go to see a doctor for zhenguogong was delayed for a long time.

It's not that Zhao Sanlang is not filial, but that he can't find a chance to talk about it at all. If he mentions seeing a doctor a little, the Duke of Zhenguo will scold him like he was trampled on.

Tang Yue had also met many such patients with such a bad temper. In addition to the gentle coax, there was really no good way.

After the banquet, Zhao Sanlang secretly pulled Tang Yue aside, and said with an inexplicable look, "I see. You really have made me suffer."

Tang Yue is confused, pursed his lips to look at him, doubt this boy is cerebral apoplexy, how can always have some inexplicable action.

"Don't deny it. I have investigated it carefully. You colluded with his highness when you were healing his wounds. I'm afraid you'll be OK then."

Sleeping trough! Where did this come from?

Tang Yue shakes his head and denies: "heaven and earth can be learned from. There is absolutely no such thing. Where did you hear that?"

Zhao Sanlang looked scornful and regretful. "I thought I was brothers. I didn't think you even kept such a big thing from me. It really disappointed me."His finger touched Tang Yue's lips, hit the wound, shook his head and sighed: "it's so fierce that you dare to lie. Tang Xiaolang, Tang Xiaolang, I really don't know what to say about you."

Tang Yue rolled his eyes and patted off his hand. "Nothing else? The young master left first. "

Zhao Sanlang didn't want to let him go. He pulled his sleeve and said, "Tang Xiaolang, you can see that you are getting married. Why don't you go to the Marquis house to spend the last time with you?"

"You want to live in my house?" Tang Yue did not immediately agree, with a look of inquiry at him.

"No way?"

"It's not impossible, but why do you want to live in Houfu?" See Zhao Sanlang mouth to talk, Tang Yuexian blocked him: "do not say is to accompany me."

Zhao Sanlang is not stupid. He directly moved Pingshun out. "You must be busy recently. Pingshun can't bear to run home. I feel sorry and go to accompany him."

"Well, you win." Tang Yue was too lazy to investigate his reasons. Even if he committed crimes, he was not a cover up. Moreover, he was really busy and didn't want Pingshun to stay in hengguo government. It was good to have someone to accompany him.

"The young master will send someone to carry the luggage now!" Zhao said excitedly.

Tang Yue was afraid of his childe's attack. He told him again and again: "there should be Marquis's house. You just need to take a few sets of clothes." Don't move the whole house here.

Zhao Sanlang hemmed and hawed a few times and reluctantly agreed. When he left, he still heard him murmuring behind his back: "careless in making friends!..."

Tang Yue would like to kick him to fly, on making friends carelessly, how should he be right.

A Zhao Sanlang, a prince of hengguo, a madman and a fool, let's see what kind of people he makes friends with.

"Who are you talking to?" Prince Zhao came out of the dark, only in time to see Zhao Sanlang's back.

Tang Yue also did not conceal, "Sanlang, said to go to live in the Marquis of queryang some days."

Prince Zhao eyebrows a pick, did not express opposition, but after a few days after Tang Yue went back to find that the person who had agreed to come and live had not come.

It was only after sending someone to ask him that Zhao Sanlang had been asked by the army to continue to be a grain officer. Together with the prince of hengguo, he was also carried into the army and became a small leader.

Of course, these are afterwords.

"Your Highness, is Zhang Chun's case closed?" Tang Yue finally thought of his little fellow countryman.

"Who is Zhang Chun?"

“……” too bad! The more stunned Tang was, he was quick to speak for a moment, so he called out Zhang Chun's real name directly.

Wait, what's the name of that kid here? In his case, the probability of having the same name and surname is very small.

He had an idea and said innocently, "did you remember the wrong name? It's the small city owner of Qinyang City. I helped him to see a doctor before. He was diagnosed with heart disease and has not yet recovered completely. "

Prince Zhao moved his brow, but did not expose his lie. "Huangfuchun was young and did not deal with things. Although he was not in a good position, he could be excused. The father has made a decision on this matter, and it should be announced tomorrow."

"The other man..."

"Is he very ill?"

"It's not It's just that he has not been observed for too many days, which aggravates his condition. As you know, a patient with heart disease like him will attack when he attacks. " Tang Yue looked up at the sky and did not dare to look at him.

"You come alone." Prince Zhao turns and walks in another direction, signaling Tang Yue to follow.

Tang more placidly touched the heart, "is really wronged you, in front of this master lies, always feel guilty fierce."

After Prince Zhao walked around half the mansion, Tang Yue came to a remote courtyard surrounded by soldiers with swords and guns, which was like a cage.

As a matter of fact, it is also a cage. As soon as Tang Yue went in, he found a strange atmosphere. In the courtyard, there was only a faint light shining on it. The wing rooms around were dark, and there was a sudden roar from time to time.

"Let me out Let me out... "

Tang shuddered coldly, "that Huang Fuchun is locked up here? " Poor baby, I'm afraid I haven't had a good life since I came to this world?

"It's just house arrest. It's all very good except that you can't go in and out freely."

Tang Yue's eyes gradually adapted to this brightness. After looking around, he found that it was a very ordinary courtyard, which was very similar to the courtyard where Li Zhao lived before.

It must be much more comfortable here than to remember, and there must be no problem of starvation after listening to the man's angry roar before.

The guard beside Prince Zhao winked. The other side took the key and opened the door of a wing room on the west side. Tang Yue followed him and stood at the door and whispered, "is huangfuchun here?"

The room was quiet and could not hear any sound. Tang Yue thought that the other party was asleep, so he let people light a light to go in.

Prince Zhao took his hand and followed him. As soon as they stepped into the room, they heard a dull hum in front of them. Then they saw the guard fall on the ground, and the oil lamp was also knocked over on the ground.Prince Zhao took Tang Yue's hand and pulled the man behind him. At the same time, he pulled out his sword and pointed to the bottom of the table and said in a deep voice, "come out!"

There was still no sound in the room. Tang Yue stretched out his head from behind Xiaozhao and whispered: "huangfuchun, I Tangyue."

With the sound of friction between the corner of the table and the floor, a half sized boy appeared under the table. He rushed to hold the man and said, "brother, you've come to save me. If you don't come, I'll suffocate..."

Tang Yue saw his hands and feet on Li Zhao. His eyes hurt. He went to pull the man apart. "Don't see anyone calling me brother. Don't open your eyes to see who is in front of you!"

All the people who can be the prince's highness and elder brother are dragon sons and grandsons. You can really stick gold on your face.

Zhang Chun cried, and when he saw who he was holding, he was so scared that his hands and feet were loose and he fell down and blossomed.

"It's not This is not... "

"Cough, this is the prince of the Southern Jin Dynasty. Haven't you seen it before?" Tang Yue reminds him.

"Ah, Prince..." Grass, such a high-end identity, a bit creepy how to do?

Zhang Chun got up from the ground, pushed out a smile and asked Prince Zhao, "Your Highness, when can you let me out? People are going crazy in this room. "

Prince Zhao sneered: "is it? See you live very well, but also stun the guard

Tang Yue turned his eyes to the big man lying on the ground. He couldn't help but praise Zhang Chun. What kind of a fool was this boy before? He could knock out such a big man with such a small body.

Is it true that the people who run the Dragon suit all require high-level martial arts?

Zhang Chun looked for his hair awkwardly. "You have to listen to my explanation first. Every night in this yard, there are all kinds of crying and howling. I am very old and weak. I can't sleep all night because I'm scared. My spirit is bound to be a little tight. So I'm sorry for this, right?"

He squeezed his eyes toward Tang Yue and asked, "brother Tang, you are a doctor. Do you think so?"

Tang Yue thought about it carefully and said in a professional tone: "it is true that some patients will have this kind of situation. The patients are psychologically weak and their nerves are fine. Any slight disturbance may stimulate their fragile nerves, so as to cause hormone imbalance in their bodies and make some inappropriate behaviors."

"Yes, that's the case with me Ouch, I feel like my head is in a mess now... "

Tang Yue glared at him and motioned him not to overdo it, nor to see who was standing in front of him!

Prince Zhao was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth, "in this case, we will first change the city master of Huangfu to another place to detain."