"After being imprisoned for five days, Gu was lucky to see the sun. I thought it was the people in the palace who found it, but what they saw was the kidnappers. They put them in sacks and threw them into a carriage.

The carriage is not what the poor should have. At this time, he realized that the person behind the kidnapping should not be simple. With the carriage out of the city, children of similar age are constantly being sent to the carriage. From the conversation between the kidnappers, we can see that they want to sell the orphans to North Vietnam.

Every year in the war, the young and middle-aged people in the north and the South have suffered heavy casualties, and many villages and towns have lost their families. Therefore, many families with rich families will buy boys from renyazi as adopted children. When they grow up, they can take the place of their own sons to join the army, thus avoiding the tragedy of parents and children dying in battle. "

Tang Yue has to say that although such a practice is not kind, it can be understood. The greatest thing in the world is the parents, who will go through fire and water for their children.

Because of this, many tragedies happen because of this love.

"Your Highness was also sold to North Vietnam? It's a long way from Yecheng to Beiyue. Why don't they rob boys from the border? Isn't it safer and more convenient

"How many more boys do you think there will be on the border? People who can live a little bit more seriously than their lives. How can they be robbed easily? That's why they reach out to Yecheng.

There are many people in Yecheng, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. On the contrary, they relax their vigilance. Otherwise, they will not step into the trap by themselves

Tang more and more ungrateful smile, cough cough, "Your Highness was young at that time, it is excusable."

Prince Zhao glanced at him and did not agree. He still thought of that time and still felt that he was naive and ridiculous, which was too easy to cheat.

"In addition to Yecheng, the carriage went all the way to the north. After half a day's rest on the road, he was able to see the leader of the kidnapper."

Prince Zhao can't remember what the man looked like, but he still remembered their conversation at that time.

"You say you are the ninth prince? Son of the queen? The future master of the Southern Jin Dynasty

"Yes, you robbed the king. Do you know that this is a big crime of implicating nine tribes? If you still want to live, you will immediately send the king back to Yecheng! "

"Ha ha Judging from your bearing and clothes, you are really extraordinary. The grassroots believe your highness. But What makes you think we're sending you back? That's not a suicide

"It won't be long before the people of the imperial court will find you. At that time, not only you will die." It has to be said that the five-year-old Prince is also familiar with coercion and inducement.

"Hey, the mouth is very sharp. I heard that the son of the queen was extremely intelligent. He was recognized by the king at a young age. He must be a Ming Lord. But what does this have to do with us? We are a group of people living a knife edge licking blood days, precarious, no father, no mother, no children, alone, how come the nine ethnic groups? Ha ha... "

"The king can guarantee that as long as you send me back, I can let go of the past and give you rich rewards. You can catch so many children for profit. You can give you as many as you want."

This sounds more attractive. The kidnapper on one side is ready to move and winks at the leader.

The leader hesitated for a moment, and then sneered, "it's nice to say that you can let bygones be bygones, our king may not have this magnanimity, and the Queen's mother may not tolerate the culprit who robbed her precious son."

This person is not stupid, not easily blinded by interests. In fact, his concerns are all right. How can the head of a country tolerate such bandits? Even if you don't kill them openly, you can't let them live freely in secret.

"How can you let go of this king? Judging from your clothes, you must also be the people of the Southern Jin Dynasty. Are you willing to betray the imperial court and betray the Southern Jin for the sake of interests

The leader thought for a long time, and then looked at Prince Zhao for a long time. He said viciously, "if we had known the identity of your highness, we would never have touched it. But if we had already got it, we would have to die. No matter how much money we have, no matter how big the interests are, we have to have a life. So your guarantee can't convince the grassroots."

Prince Zhao was young in the end. He had no idea for a moment, so he could only hold on and not let himself show his timidity.

He racked his brains to persuade each other with his greatest wisdom.

"You don't want to be a bandit all your life, do you? What's more, if the king stealthily betrays your talents, why should you not be released from the army

This is not so attractive, but to the point. What is more exciting than money and silk is not power, but a bright road.

"Can you really do that?"

"You should know that my grandfather is the Duke of an, who has a military power of 100000. It's too easy to put in a few people, and I promise I won't be noticed."

"Brother, let's promise him. It's a good idea. It's worth half our life if we're only half of our lives! "In such an era, being an official is a matter of great honor, much more iron than the modern iron rice bowl. Moreover, it is very difficult for civilians to become an official, which is almost beyond the reach of ordinary people in their lifetime.

"That being said, how can you believe a five-year-old? He said that if you can make decisions, you can make decisions. "

"But his grandfather is an Guo Gong. That old general must be a man of his word. We can contact him."

"What about the other children? What about the deal we've negotiated? "

"Well, when we become officers, we don't care about his business? Then I'll see if I don't carry a machete to kill those bastards! As for these little ghosts, let's put them back secretly. What do they know? "

"Yes, with such a good opportunity in front of us, even if we gamble, it's worth it. What do you think, brother?"

Just when Prince Zhao thought that these people would follow his train of thought, officers and soldiers in the rear suddenly caught up.

"No, it's the army of the court. Come on! Hide

The rest place for them was not on the main road, so it was not difficult to escape. The army roared past until the dust returned to silence, and the kidnappers did not dare to take their heads.

"Son of a bitch, are these people coming to save the ninth prince?" One of the kidnappers spat and said with fear.

The leader's brows were gloomy and terrible, and his sinister eyes were fixed on Prince Zhao, and he said, "throw the man on the carriage and proceed according to the original plan!"


"Brother, don't we..."

"Shut up!" The leader gave a sharp drink and said frankly, "do you think it is profitable to use the life of the ninth prince to do business with the court? How naive

They had to continue to sneak forward. They didn't dare to walk the official road all the way. They could only take the rugged path. Sometimes when the carriage couldn't get through, they had to let the children get out of the car and walk. They cried all the way, but they stopped after fighting several times.

"After walking for a day and a night, my lonely feet have been worn out, and my blood is dripping. I feel pain and helplessness. I hate my youth and my ignorance.

However, after walking this way, he also saw the world that he could not see in ordinary days. They were two worlds totally different from the royal palace. There were starvation, hardship, separation, death and even the exchange of sons for food.

Gu can't believe it. This is the Southern Jin Dynasty, which is the country that Gu future will be in charge of. Those people whose eyes are numb and miserable are the people of solitary future. "

"Is that why your Highness has such a persistent goal? Because you want to help these poor people out of hunger and cold? "

Prince Zhao nodded and continued: "after walking for three days, Gu Cai found a chance to make a mark on the roadside secretly, which was mentioned by my grandfather when he told me the story of the battlefield. They used such a mark as a contact in those years. He didn't know whether it was effective or not. He could only fight to death."

Waiting for death is obviously not the character of Prince Zhao, which Tang Yue has always known.

"The journey was extremely hard. Some children disappeared in the middle of the way. The children were weak. There was a person with a headache and a fever on the road. There was no way to cure the disease. They would find a buyer along the way and sell the person directly.

However, not all the children were lucky enough to find a buyer. He once saw a seven-year-old boy die in the middle of the journey because of vomiting and diarrhea. Even his body had not been buried. He died quietly in the wild mountains and mountains at a young age. The dust returned to the dust, and there was no one to report and offer sacrifices. "

What happened later was similar to what Tang Yue thought. The Queen's son had been missing for many days, and the court had already been in chaos. The king was angry and the queen was sad. Duke an sent all the people who could be sent out to look for someone.

It's only a matter of time before we find people.

Prince Zhao sighed and held Tang Yue's hand on his chest. "Tang Yue, Gu did make an ambitious oath. But as he grew up, it was too difficult for him to know that these things should be true. The war with North Vietnam alone can't be stopped."

Tang Yue said with a placid smile: "this is inevitable. You are a man of flesh and blood, not a God, but as long as you try your best to have a clear conscience."

The crown prince Zhao also laughed. He held Tang Yue in his arms and rubbed his chin against Tang Yue's cheek. "You know alone, you must be the most suitable companion for solitude. The lonely River and mountain will depend on Tang Yue's talent in the future. The lonely princess is the best!"