Tang Yue suddenly red face, gently pushed him, did not push people away, also by him.

He felt Prince Zhao's steady heartbeat and solid chest, and felt a sense of security.

It's hard to imagine that he would feel this feeling from a teenager. Should we say that Prince Zhao was too precocious or that he had been too casual in his last life?

"Lonely is a person who has no interest. He can't talk sweetly. I hope the more you don't dislike it." Prince Zhao rubs Tang Yue's back and kisses his head.

Tang Yue looked at him with a smile, "that's the best. If your highness is a eloquent person, I really want to worry."

Tang Yue didn't ask him what the final fate of the group of kidnappers was, which is not the point any more. As long as he knew that from this moment on, the feeling of pity and reverence in his heart was enough to make his heart beat.

In this life, no matter how the outcome is, he always wants to fight for a feeling he wants first, even if it is a moth to a fire.

"The wedding is approaching. How are the preparations for the Marquis of Liyang? If you are in trouble, you can help. "

Tang Yue was reminded by him to calculate the days. It was not a few days later. His heart beat fast. He pushed aside Prince Zhao, touched his nose, and said with a slight embarrassment: "this kind of thing is decided by his family. It's not hard for your highness to take care of it."

"Lonely and willing to take great pains." If it was not for the Marquis of Liyang who was also a well-known family, he would have done everything for Tang Yue.

At the thought that he would be able to put Tang Yue under his wings and form a family together, Prince Zhao was full of longing for his future life.

Growing up in the deep palace and having experienced the baptism of war, Prince Zhao has not had this love of life for many years. Does this feeling seem to be happiness?

After that, Prince Zhao sent a car to send Tang Yue back. According to the custom, the two of them could not meet before marriage, but they were of the same gender, so no one would take this as an example.

At the door of his house, Tang Yue met Xiang an. The other side stopped his carriage directly and said, "master, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Tang Yue has been too lazy to correct his address, and directly asked: "Xiao an, you wait for me something?"

Xiang an nodded. First he looked around. Then he took out a bag from behind and handed it to him. "Master, look, I always think there is something wrong with this."

"What is it?" Tang Yue asked and picked it up. He opened the cloth bag and looked at it. His face suddenly changed. His eyes were staring like an ox's eye. His hands could hardly hold the bag.

Grass! He scolded secretly. Did the boy mean to frighten him? Who will take the human body parts everywhere and take them out like treasure?

"Well Where did you get it from? "

"Of course, it's the corpse. Does the disciple dare to open his belly from a living person?"

It's hard to say.

"What do you say about this thing?" Tang Yue wrapped up the cloth bag, put it into Xiang an's arms and walked in with his arm.

It's better not to talk about such indecent things at home. It's not good to frighten people.

After entering his own yard, Tang Yue changed his clothes, and the servants brought tea and meat. Tang Yue only took a glance and waved to let people carry it down. It was really impossible to eat barbecue after seeing bloody human organs.

"Sit down and speak slowly." Tang Yue poured a cup of tea to Xiang an and placed him on an equal footing with himself.

In this era, the relationship between master and apprentice is very strict, similar to the relationship between father and son, superior and subordinate, but not as equal as modern teacher-student relationship.

Tang Yue didn't want to accept apprentices. On the one hand, he felt that his Western medicine was difficult to inherit in this era. On the other hand, he felt that Xiang an was too paranoid and would always do unexpected things, which was too difficult to grasp.

Such children have a general term, called genius. But genius is often independent, easy to make achievements, but also easy to make big mistakes.

Tang Yue's existing medical skills are not suitable for passing on to a bold person. It is all about moving a knife on the human body, so you can't be careless.

Xiang an opens the bag and reveals the contents. Tang Yue covers his nose and looks at it. He soon finds out the crux.

"You see, at this time, the heart that I took from the dead seems to be different from what I usually see."

"Oh? What's different? " Tang Yue is not a physician, not deep understanding of heart disease, but what is the normal heart is still very clear.

"You see, the heart of ordinary people here And the gap here seems to be larger, and the blood vessel seems not so thin... "

Tang Yue nodded as he listened. This boy is really a good child to learn medicine. It's rare that he can teach without a teacher at a young age.

"Master, do you think that the cause of death of the deceased is death?"

Tang Yue shook his head, "you only show me a heart, can see what cause of death?" Even if the victim's heart has a problem, doesn't it mean he died of heart disease?

"My father has checked, there is no trauma, no poisoning, really can not find the cause of death, and some witnesses said that the deceased died suddenly in conversation with others, and asked the family members, all said that the deceased was in good health and there was no disease of dying.""Died suddenly?"

Xiang an nodded, "it's true. Do you think it's going to be sick?"

Tang Yue did not directly answer his question, but pointed to several parts of the heart and said: "the dead's heart is indeed problematic, should have congenital heart disease, this disease is mainly pulmonary artery stenosis, aortic stenosis, ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, aortic malformation, aortopulmonary septal defect and so on..."

"However, if the deceased had never been ill before, he would not have died suddenly, unless he had received too much stimulation."


"Yes, it is mainly verbal or emotional. Patients with congenital heart disease are the most taboo to be stimulated. Their emotions should not fluctuate too much. Otherwise, their heart rhythm is unstable and blood supply is insufficient, which will easily lead to shock."

"Shock What do you mean? " Xiang an holds his cheek and looks at Tang Yue with a look of curiosity.

Tang more unconsciously smile, such a child if he is a student, will be better than blue and blue.

"Shock is an acute syndrome. In this state, the effective blood flow of the whole body decreases and microcirculation appears disorder, which leads to ischemia and hypoxia of vital organs. To put it bluntly, the patient will suddenly lose heart beat and stop breathing, which is a phenomenon of suspended animation

Xiang an did not remember a word in his heart, although he did not quite understand the meaning of this sentence, he asked: "people can live without breath and heartbeat?"

"The real death is defined as brain death. As long as the heart can be beating again and breathing function can be restored, it is not death."

"The man in shock didn't die? Can it be saved? " Let the heart beat again, let the people who did not breathe resume breathing, this matter is just listening to the Arabian fantasy, Xiang an swallowed his mouth saliva, felt that he was listening to the story.

"Nature! But it depends. "

Xiang an, a pair of beautiful eyes, was staring at Tang Yue brightly, and burst out a surprise light. "Master, please accept me. I will certainly carry forward the school!"

Tang Yue didn't refuse firmly this time. It's not easy to meet such a good young man. Moreover, he is of moderate age. If he can learn from himself for a few years, he may become a famous doctor in the future.

He pondered his tone and said, "my medical skills are of its own, which are quite different from the existing ones. Are you sure you can accept them?"

Xiang an nodded fiercely: "as long as the medical skill that can cure the disease and save people is good medical skill, there is no division of factions."

"You can see it Tang Yue murmured in a low voice, but also had to agree with his words. Maybe he had too much division between Chinese and Western medicine, and always felt that these ancient people could not accept western medicine.

"If you are a student of mine, you must listen to me and obey a series of rules. The most important thing is that you can't do experiments with living animals at will. Otherwise, if you find out, you will be expelled from your school and sent to the government for punishment."

"What do you mean? One day as a teacher and all my life as a father, you will be my second father!"

"Cough..." Tang Yue was choked by his own saliva, and said in his heart: this boy will take advantage of it, but if he is only a few years old, how can he give birth to such a big son?

"Don't be happy. I will give you a month's inspection period. If you pass the examination, you will be accepted as an apprentice. If you fail, don't blame me for not giving you face."

"A month..."

"What's the problem?"

Xiang an grabbed her hair and hesitated to say, "you are going to marry into the prince's house. I'm afraid you can't do anything in a month? What's more, I can't get into the gate of the prince's house. Why don't you shorten it

Tang Yue was reminded twice in a day about the issue of the approaching marriage date. It was difficult to think of anything wrong.

Once the big man got on the sedan chair, Tang Yue was quite embarrassed when he talked about his marriage. "Then I'll extend it for a few more days and let you go in and out of the prince's house freely in the future."

Thank you very much Xiang an happily called out that he would go back to tell a father that he would praise himself and let him have a look at it. He was not completely mischievous. He would be the imperial concubine's disciple in the future!