Xiang an stood up, knelt on his knees, put his palms on his forehead, and respectfully saluted Tang Yue.

Tang Yue also did not plan to charge any tuition fees, do a grand ceremony, told Xiang an to go back and tell his family about it, even if it was finished.

This is just in Xiang an's mind. He has few playmates of the same age. He spends all day with drugs or corpses. In the eyes of his neighbors, he is a freak. Naturally, he doesn't want to make a big deal.

"It's late at night. I'll live in the Marquis's house tonight. I'll go to another hospital with me tomorrow morning." Tang Yue remembered that he had not gone to another hospital for many days. He said that he wanted to set up a nursing team. In fact, the progress was quite slow.

Fortunately, the people selected by Prince Zhao have some experience and strong ability to accept. Of course, the most important thing is that they are obedient and diligent, and they are much easier to teach than modern students.

"Can I sleep with my master?" Xiang an lies on the table and looks up at Tang Yue.

Tang Yue originally saw his lovely expression and soft tone. Subconsciously, he wanted to nod his head and promise. However, he saw the heart on the table and drew out the corner of his mouth. "I'll let people clean up a room for you, and then I'll live there."

Xiang an drooped his head and said, "master, you should have a rest earlier."

Xiang an stood up and turned around and left. Tang Yue busily grabbed his sleeve and pointed to the things on the table: "take your It's taken away. It's taken away. "

Xiang an wrapped it up with cloth and weighed it in his hand. "It's a good thing. I'll take it to other hospitals tomorrow to show you, so that they don't even know what their heart is like."

Don't think I don't know that you are careful, don't you just want to make fun of others?

Others have experienced the bloody battles on the battlefield, and will be scared by your heart?

He sent Xiang an out and told him: "it's good to have self-confidence, but don't be too conceited, or you will suffer losses after all."

You can be assured that you are a good student

Tang Yuezhen wants to answer: it is easy to learn, but I really can't see where you are modest?

A good night's dream.

In the early morning of the next day, Tang Yue was wakened up by Xiang an and dragged him to have breakfast. Then Tang Yue sat on the side of the bed sleepily and ate his breakfast.

"Delicious! It's delicious How can there be such delicious food in this world Sure enough, I have meat to eat with master... " Xiang an rarely naive once, while eating and sending out feelings, a pair of hands and a mouth has not stopped.

When Tang Yue wakes up, he finds that the table has been swept by the wind, and there is no residue left in the food roll.

Take a look at the small table opposite Xiang'an. It's already bare, and even the dishes are licked.

The housekeeper saw this and asked people to send another breakfast. He wiped his cold sweat and thought: how come all the people who come to the door have become hungry. Have you not eaten this meal for three days?

Some of them are old enough to compete with Shigong.

Said that Cao Cao arrived, Tang Yue breakfast has not finished, smooth and Zhao Sanlang together on the door.

"What's up so early?" Tang Yue protects a plate of shrimp dumplings in his arms and stares at Zhao Sanlang who reaches out to grab it.

Zhao Sanlang's eyes were fixed on his plate, and he said with a smile, "it's not too early, it's just the time. My son and my son haven't eaten yet. The housekeeper is going to eat!"

"Wait a minute!" Tang Yue cried out and asked, "don't you treat my family as a restaurant?" The etiquette of this era is not fashionable. You can eat at other people's homes.

"Where, in our relationship, it's not normal to walk around each other? Or is Tang Xiaolang not going to entertain us when he is about to become a prince? "

Smooth skinned and thinner, he squatted in front of Xiang'an's table and smelled it. "My son seems to smell shrimp and beef. What's the same?"

Today's breakfast is crystal shrimp dumplings, West Lake Beef Soup, and the seafood pot that Tang Yue taught people to make today.

Xiang an picked his teeth with a toothpick, which he learned from Tang Yue. He belched and slowly gave the two boys luggage. "I've seen shiziye and gongzixian."

Zhao glanced at him, swept up and down casually, and asked Tang Yue, "why can he sit here for breakfast?"

He remembered that the boy appeared in Hui'an hall and worked as an assistant to Tang Yue, but he didn't know that the two were so close.

Judging from his appearance, it was obvious that he lived in the Marquis house last night.

Tang Yue laughed, "this is my new apprentice, who will inherit my mantle in the future."

“……” Zhao Sanlang and Pingshun are shocked and look at Xiang an again. The former sneers, indicating that the boy's eyes are loose and he is definitely not a wise man. He will certainly damage the honor of his school in the future. It is better to change it as soon as possible.

The latter bared his teeth, indicating how the boy could eat more than him! What should we do if such a disciple were taken in and ruined the Tang Yue family in the future?

Tang Yue PI grinned at the expression of envy, jealousy and hatred on their faces, and coolly returned them with a sentence: "this will not bother you two."Just as he said that, the housekeeper led the people to deliver a hot breakfast. Zhao Sanlang and Pingshun immediately stopped talking and enjoyed the delicious food wholeheartedly.

Pingshun's figure is close to the standard. He is tall, with delicate facial features and smooth lines. He is particularly attractive. His turning rate is 100% when walking on the street. But in xiaoxiang'an's eyes, I'm afraid there is no corpse attractive.

And Tang Yue also found that, in addition to the professional problems and food, Xiang an is usually very lazy, and his eyes are not as long as the focus.

After breakfast, Tang Yue and Xiang an are going out. Zhao Sanlang and Pingshun are busy now. It's not easy to get up early and come to the Marquis of queryang for breakfast.

The four of them went out together. Tang Yue was about to get on the bus when he saw the driver of Prince Zhao leaning over. As soon as the curtain opened, his suffocating face was revealed.

As soon as Zhao Sanlang and Pingshun stare, they want to run away. However, they are not allowed to do so by their upbringing, so they go forward to greet each other obediently.

Tang Yue also followed the example of a gourd, and Wen Zou asked, "where does your highness want to go at this time?"

Prince Zhao turned a pair of sharp eyes around the two people. When he looked at Tang Yue, he obviously had more temperature. He calmly replied, "nothing today. Come to see the Marquis of queryang."

Tang Yue blinked his eyes and said with tacit understanding: "my father has gone into the palace, but he is not in the house at this time. Is it better for your highness to go with Yue?"

He dares to use the head of his head to guarantee that the crown prince Zhao must have come to him specially. Is it interesting to tell the Marquis of Liyang?

"Good!" Prince Zhao climbed up the steps, ordered people to open the door, let Tang Yue get on his carriage.

Xiang an then wanted to get on the bus and was stopped by the guard. Tang Yue could not help but watched him get into his own carriage pitifully.

When the carriage was far away, Zhao Sanlang was relieved. "Your Highness, what you're looking at is too strict. Are you going to let us go back and forth with Tang Xiaolang?"

"If so, can we still stay in Yecheng now?"

"Well, the son of A-SON is really enlightened today. Congratulations!"

"It's better than salary to show intelligence since childhood. Tang Xiaolang has a saying that clumsy birds fly first, and diligence can make up for their own shortcomings. Those smart people who think they are right are often defeated by their own conceit."

Zhao Sanlang's eyebrows raised, "if you are close to the red, you will be black if you are close to the ink. If you don't learn Tang Xiaolang's real skills, you will learn ten percent of his harmful Kung Fu."

"Praise too much." Smooth end attitude and Zhao Sanlang obstinate, unexpectedly also did not lose, visible this period of time his growth speed is how fast.

On the carriage, Tang Yue straightened his legs against the wall, holding a thermos in his arms, and a humanoid heater that would automatically heat up beside him, narrowing his eyes comfortably.

He told crown prince Zhao about his apprenticeship. The other party just nodded and did not interfere.

"Where are you going?" Prince Zhao asked.

"I haven't taught in other schools for a long time. I'll take a look when I'm free."

"It's the hundred Nurse? " Prince Zhao felt that the term "nurse" was not used to it, but it was easy to accept it literally.

"Yes, at the beginning of next spring, if your highness wants to go out to war, you can choose the one who is good at learning to follow."

"It's up to you to decide. Today I'll go to see what your so-called nurse has."

Tang Yue pick eyebrows, "so soon to test the results?" To be honest, what Tang Yue can teach them is limited. What is more important is to accumulate experience, which needs a process.

However, this kind of talent training method is unprecedented after all, which must satisfy Prince Zhao.

Now Tang Yue just wants to build this team. The scale can be gradually expanded, the experience can be accumulated, and progress can be made while exploring, so as to lay a foundation for the future.