The whole Huanghua village was surrounded by soldiers. Tang Yue walked in for a while, and there was no one on the road. There was a simple tent on the road, making a rustle in the cold wind.

"There are three over there." Wu Taiyi pointed to a row of relatively complete houses.

Tang Yue saw a small head exposed in the middle of a tent, and soon he was dragged back. He could hear the grownup's frightening murmur: "die, there is a devil outside. Once we go out, our whole family will die!"

Tang Yue couldn't explain to everyone that epidemic disease is not equal to death. At least malaria can be cured. He checked his equipment and opened a door.

The old wooden door made a tartar creak, and the house was airtight and dark. A bad smell came to my face.

Tang Yue frowned and said to the guard beside him, "go and open the windows of these three rooms for ventilation. The patient is not suitable to live in a closed space."

Wu Tai doctor didn't obstruct him. Since he had no way to stay here, he could only rely on Tang Yue.

Soon, the light in the room lit up, and Tang Yue finally saw the scene inside.

Row by row of patients lying on the floor, wrapped in thick quilts, heard the sound of someone coming in, some turned to look, some even did not have the strength to open their eyes.

Tang Yue asked Wu Tai doctor to go out first. The guards didn't have to follow him in. He only needed to help deliver some things outside. He took Xiang an and two doctors from Hui'an hall to go in.

"Afraid?" Tang Yue asked them.

"If you were afraid of him in the past, it must be." An old doctor said with a smile.

This is not a joke. If it was in the past, no doctor was afraid of the epidemic disease, but after seeing many magical medical skills of Tang and Yue, they had a kind of heart-felt confidence in Tang Yue.

Xiang an did not wait for Tang Yue to speak, he ran to a shop and squatted down. Tang Yue was about to open his mouth and heard him shout: "he is dead!"

Three words fell, all patients were scared to wake up.

Tang Yue strode over and examined the patient's body. As expected, he had no breath. His whole body was cold. He asked everyone to examine all the patients separately and move the dead out.

For a time, people were in a panic. Tang Yue said in a deep voice through his mask: "don't worry, we will try our best to treat them in any case."

"Noble man, please, let me die alone, let my child go out, he is not ill..." A woman knelt down with her child in her arms and grabbed Tang Yue's trouser legs and begged.

The mountain outside the gate rushed in, picked up the woman and threw it aside, warning, "don't be presumptuous!"

Tang Yue stopped the mountain and ordered: "mountain, you take people to burn a few pots of hot water, clean up the house and the outside, and then let everyone take a bath."

"Bathing?" Wu Tai doctor thought that Tang Yue disliked the smell of the head here. He reminded him, "it's freezing at this time. Is it appropriate to take a bath?"

Tang Yue has been thinking about a problem all the way. If it is malaria, then is the protozoa really infecting people? The only way is that the villagers eat the food with protozoa by mistake, and the disease comes from the mouth.

"Senior, no matter what kind of disease you have, dirty things are forbidden. Patients are best treated in a clean environment."

Tang Yue went to the mother and son, squatted down and stretched out his hand to the child, "little friend, stand up to Uncle Well, will you show it to the doctor

Tang Yue subconsciously used to coax the child's tone, which scared the mother and son.

The woman rushed up again and said, "dear man, my son is not ill. He ran in by himself. Please let him out..."

Tang Yue carefully observed the woman's face and said definitely, "you have a fever."

The woman's face was red, her forehead was sweating, her legs were weak, and she fell to the ground with a plop before she got up. She was obviously very ill.


Tang Yue called Xiang an and asked him to bring in some broken ice. Then he took out a piece of gauze from the medicine box, wrapped the broken ice and put it on both sides of the woman's neck and armpit.

"There are big blood vessels here. Ice cubes can cool down quickly when placed here. However, if the ice is too low, you should take turns to massage locally to avoid frostbite. Other parts should be wiped with warm water..." Tang Yue taught Xiang an while he was doing it. The rest of them also studied it carefully.

Wu Tai doctor looked at it once, and spontaneously cooled the rest of the patients with high temperature. The rest of them followed suit, and soon the room got busy.

"Is there any cooling medicine?" Tang Yue asked Wu Tai doctor.

"I came in a hurry. All the herbs I brought were used up. The follow-up has not arrived yet."

Tang Yue also expected this kind of situation, let old Chen boil medicine.

"Lang Jun, do you still use small Chaihu soup?" Mr. Chen asked uncertainly. Before, they often applied medicine, and all they cooked were small Chaihu soup.

Tang Yue thought about it and said, "you can add Zixue Dan."

As soon as he turned around, he saw that the woman's son remained motionless beside his mother. The more gentle he said, "it's OK. It's just a fever. It's OK."

The boy immediately raised his head and revealed a thin cheek, "you Can you cure my wife? ""I try my best." Tang Yue continued to reach out to him, "you come here, can I help you see a doctor?"

The boy moved his position, one hand still pulling his mother's clothes, the other hand extended out toward Tang Yue.

"This But the doctor? " A young man stared at Tang Yue for a long time.

Tang Yue wanted to shake his head, but after hesitation, he still nodded and said, "if brother refers to the man who cured Prince Zhao's legs, it is me."

If the status of miracle doctor can make these patients more optimistic, he doesn't mind self promotion once.

"Really It's really Brother, father, we are saved. It's a miracle doctor It's a miracle doctor... " The young man exclaimed excitedly. The numb and desperate patients in the room turned their heads. When they understood what he meant, their eyes burst out with astonishing light.

A pair of hands extended toward Tang Yue, "miracle doctor Help me I can't die yet... "

Tang Yue's scalp was numb. He clenched his fists, showed a smile, and said gently as far as possible: "don't worry, don't be afraid. Your highness is here, we will try our best to cure you."

"Your Highness Your highness Good people

"The miracle doctor is also a good man. The miracle doctor is the Crown Princess..." The young man said happily before: "I also had the wedding banquet of the princess."

Tang Yue thought, no wonder he can recognize himself, must have been to Yecheng.

It's not true that some of the news of Zhaozi's marriage to the capital city of Zhaozi in ancient China is not like this.

With this cardiotonic, everyone's mentality is relaxed a lot, even a little smile on the face, the atmosphere in the room is no longer oppressive and breathless.

When the hot water is well cooked, Tang Yue organizes people to come in and clean up, and then divides the patient into three rooms according to the severity of the disease, so as not to let the disease light the secondary infection.

"I don't want to be separated from father Doctor, let me be with my father. I can take care of him The young man held his father's hand and refused to leave.

He was not seriously ill, and Tang Yue even suspected that he was not ill, but in this case, he did not dare to let people out.

"You can go to the next door to recuperate. There is no shortage of people here." The soldiers in this camp are the best helpers. Besides, Tang Yue brought a lot of people to work.

At one time or another, he tried to persuade people out. It was dark. Tang Yue got up and said, "keep the room warm and dry. Don't close all the windows. Let's leave a gap for ventilation. Our doctors will take turns on duty at night and give you a fever reducing medicine every two hours."

"Mr. Lang, we'll stay here. You'd better go back and have a rest. The patients here depend on you." Chen sighed.

If this disease can be cured in his lifetime, he will be worthy of death.

He had the same idea as Wu Taiyi, "yes, your highness is waiting outside. If you don't leave, he will rush in, ha ha."

Tang Yue looked out of the door. There was a man standing under the big tree not far away. Even though he could not see the other party's expression, he knew that the other party must be looking at himself.

A warm heart, he nodded and said: "that's it, but there are special circumstances, please inform me in time."

Quinine and quinidine are the best treatments for malaria, but this ingredient should be extracted from the bark and root of the cinchona tree. If he remembers correctly, the cinchona tree first appeared in South America, and it is unknown whether there is any in China.

In addition to quinine, artemisinin is also used in the clinical treatment of malaria. Artemisinin is extracted from Artemisia annua. In the history of traditional Chinese medicine, artemisinin was extracted from Artemisia annua, but the effect was not good.

Artemisia annua, also known as Artemisia odorifera and Artemisia alopecuroides, has a strong aroma, also known as Vallisneria. It was born in the area from 1500 to 3606 above sea level. It blooms and bears fruit every year around the beginning of autumn. During this period, the whole grass is cut and dried to be used as medicine.

Tang Yue was glad that he had gone to Taiyang city. There was Artemisia annua near Taiyang City, and there was also this kind of herbal medicine he had purchased.

He rushed out of the door and ran to Prince Zhao in front of him. "Your Highness, please send someone to Huian hall to get the Artemisia annua from the warehouse."

Prince Zhao holds his hand. Once his hand is warm and swollen, it gives off numbness and dull pain, which makes Tang Yue take a cold breath.

"If you know it, it will arrive before sunrise. Your hand..." Prince Zhao's eyes are straight at Tang Yue's hands. Just now he used ice to treat the patient's fever. Tang Yue's hands were red and swollen with cold.

Tang Yue wants to take out his hand, but he doesn't let it go. He laughs and says, "it's OK to go back and apply some Chilblain Cream."

Prince Zhao tucked his hands into his great banner and dragged him back to the tent.

Tang Yue briefly reported the malaria situation on the road. Because of the cold weather, it was not conducive to the spread of the disease source. As long as the prevention is good, the scope of malaria this time should not be expanded.

"Can it be cured?"

"Yes Tang Yue is not sure that he can save everyone, but as long as it is malaria, most people will be cured.

If the whole village of Zhaojian was burnt by the patient, the more likely it was that the whole house was not burned like this.