Tang Yue went back to clean the inside and outside first. He put his white coat, mask and gloves into the boiling water and boiled it. Then he brought a bowl of cold proof soup to Prince Zhao himself and watched him drink it.

"You've been busy for a long time. Go and have a rest." Prince Zhao forced him to the bed and covered him with quilts.

The quilt was warm and warm. Tang Yue touched it and found a hot water bag. He held it in his arms and breathed out a long breath. "Is it cold to sleep at night?"

Prince Zhao also took off his clothes and went to bed. Tang Yue originally wanted to move in, but he was forced to hold him in his arms. "One person is cold, two people are not cold."

“……” Tang Yue felt the temperature of his body and was reluctant to push people away. He said in his heart: it's so cold that two people can sleep together to prevent colds.

The next day, the herbal medicine was sent before the light. Tang Yue fell asleep and felt the cold around him and opened his eyes.

"Keep sleeping and go out alone."

"Don't..." Tang Yue held him, "it's no use if you go, or I'll go. The artemisinin should be extracted as soon as possible, otherwise it will be more dangerous."

Tang got up and dressed quickly, washed his face with cold water, and then walked out of the tent. It was still dark, and there was a little light in the East.

Prince Zhao followed him and came out. Tang Yue had no choice but to work with him.

Extract artemisinin from Artemisia annua L. don't boil at high temperature. Tang Yue instructs people to unload the medicine, and then ask people to take all the salt from the camp, marinate it with salt water, and then squeeze out the juice to take it directly. It must be fresh.

"Lang Jun, I'm afraid the salt is not enough." Mr. Chen trotted over. In addition to being tired and excited, Mr. Chen could make medicine to cure the epidemic. He died without regret.

Tang Yue did not speak, Prince Zhao first ordered to go down, "go door to door to collect salt, and then send people back to the city to get salt. How much is missing, you can count the number of reports."

Mr. Chen answered and turned to work. There was a word from Prince Zhao. These are all small problems.

Tang Yue saw that everyone was busy and orderly, so he went to visit the patients in the village. After a night's protection, the disease was rarely aggravated, but he did not get much better after pouring several cooling drugs.

Wu Taiyi was in charge of the last post. When dawn came, he was exhausted, but his spirit was very high. He wanted to watch the patient take the antidote.

"Xiao Lang, just put this Is the juice of Artemisia annua taken by patients

"I can't say it's all good, but as long as it contains artemisinin, it will certainly have an effect!" Tang Yue nodded and said.

"It used to be called Artemisia annua. I've seen it before, but I didn't expect it could cure epidemic diseases." Wu Tai Yi took a plant of Artemisia annua and studied it carefully, "can this thing also treat other kinds of diseases?"

"Artemisinin is mainly used to fight malaria. It has good antimalarial effect on plague, malaria and human malaria, and it can also resist parasites. Therefore, even if it is a more comprehensive drug, the effect is very good."

Wu Taiyi laughed a few times, "if it is true, the epidemic will not be terrible in the future."

Tang Yue shook his head. "There are many kinds of epidemic diseases. It is a difficult problem to understand the causes, transmission routes and results of an epidemic disease. Sometimes, most of the time is spent in the process of exploration. This time, it happens to know the cause of disease, so that we can prescribe the right medicine."

Tang Yue is more aware of malaria because this disease is very common in Africa. If it is replaced by a small range of special diseases, he may not be able to come up with a cure method.

Soon, the juice bowl by bowl was squeezed out, Chen Lao brought a bowl over, asked Tang Yue: "Lang Jun, do you want to feed medicine now?"

"Give it to the critically ill patients first, and closely observe the effect for two hours. Then, pay attention to the record."

"Here it is." Chen brought the first bowl of medicine to the woman who fainted last night. At this time, she was awake. She heard that the medicine was prescribed by a miracle doctor, so she drank the medicine with his hand.

All the patients in the room drank the medicine, and they fell into a long wait. Mr. Chen and others shuttled among them, taking their temperature over and over, observing the patient's face and pulse. An hour later, 10% of the patients had fever, and their condition was much better than before, which showed that Tang Yue's medicine was effective indeed.

This result not only made the patient look happy, but also let Tang Yue breathe a sigh of relief, as if this winter is not so cold.

Prince Zhao looked at Tang Yue all the way. His medical skills are really admirable, but what is more admirable is his selfless spirit. Such an important prescription was taken out without hesitation.

In addition to the villagers who have taken the medicine, every one of the villagers has to drink the medicine.

Treat the disease with disease, expel the insect without disease.

At noon, the sun is shining, the temperature is gradually rising, the snow around continues to melt, taking away most of the heat, people still feel cold and piercing.Mr. Chen ran over and said, "Lang Jun, the Artemisia annua is almost used up."

Tang Yue was slightly shocked. When he collected this medicine, he didn't take it as the main medicine. After all, he was in charge of surgery.

It's hard to receive Artemisia annua again this season. "Did every villager drink the medicine?" He asked.

"All of them have been drunk, but our people haven't drunk them yet. I have left some of them for the patients to continue taking."

Tang Yue nodded, "you have done a good job. Our people are well protected. It doesn't matter if we don't drink. Let's stay for another two days and wait for the patient to completely leave the dangerous period."

The smile on old Chen's face has never stopped. "I listen to you. If this thing is spread out, it will certainly shock people in the world. I'm afraid no one doubts the name of doctor Lang Jun any more."

Tang Yue does not agree. He does not want this reputation from the beginning to the end. The most important thing to cure a disease is to symptomatic treatment. As long as you know what the infected disease is and use the right medicine, his condition will be greatly improved soon. He just knows more than them.

"Help me to tell the villagers that in the future, never eat undercooked meat. It's better to drink boiled water. Especially in summer and autumn, we should pay more attention to eating and the cleanliness of the surrounding environment."

Tang Yue knew that under the existing conditions, in the winter, everyone would eat whatever they wanted. When they were hungry, they could take care of the sanitation.

All he can do is to remind people to pay more attention to it.

After noon, the palace came to the will, let Prince Zhao immediately into the city into the palace, the king also sent Wang Zixian to take over the affairs of Huanghua village.

Tang Yue didn't understand what the king was doing. Prince Zhao just asked people to report back this morning, saying that the villagers in Huanghua village were not infected with epidemic diseases, but just ordinary cold and fever. After the diagnosis and treatment of the prince and princess, it was no big problem.

Now that there is a cure for the disease, Prince Zhao will have more to do than less. Once the news of the epidemic spreads, it will certainly make the people around him panic, just as Tang Yue saw those people who were staying outside the gate of the city.

"Go back and report to my father that the affairs of Huanghua village have been completed. There is no need for brother Sanwang to come." Prince Zhao originally came to understand the situation of the disaster to relieve the disaster. These things had already been done well. If it had not been for the sudden collapse of ordinary villagers, he would have gone back.

The internal servant who gave the order did not dare to refute Prince Zhao, so he had to take his words back to report.

Tang Yue thought that the matter should come to an end. Even if Prince Zhao went back first, there was no need for him to help.

"No, alone here with you." Prince Zhao shook his head.

Tang Yue giggled for a while, inexplicably sweet in his heart.

At the end of the evening, another message was sent that Prince Xuan would enter the palace. At the same time, they frowned and looked at each other suspiciously.

"But something happened in the palace?" Prince Zhao called the minister alone into the tent to ask.

The servant knelt down on the ground and carefully replied, "I don't know."

"Is the queen in good health?"

"Don't worry, your highness. Your mother is very healthy and has no pain."

"Oh, do you know what's important for father Xuangu to enter the palace?"


"Father in law Jin, I'll talk back when I think about it."

“……” The Chamberlain shivered, his forehead against the cold ground, and whispered, "Your Highness, your honor, servant The servant only listened to some things and didn't know whether the king called his highness into the palace

"Tell me."

"Some people in the court said that Huanghua village had become a dead village, and his highness killed all the villagers in order to prevent the outflow of epidemic diseases."

"Where can I start? Isn't Gu Shangzuo saying that there is no epidemic disease? " As soon as Prince Zhao's voice sank, the servant was about to bend lower.

"I don't know much about it, but I don't know who it is. His highness brought refugees from other places and pretended to be villagers of Huanghua village. In fact, his Highness has killed all the villagers here for the sake of It's for... "

"Go on Prince Zhao's face is expressionless, and his eyes are cold and terrible.

"Here Your highness is doing this in order to give the crown princess a name, and to establish the name of the princess's miracle doctor. "

"Pa!" Prince Zhao crushed the armrest of the chair, and stood up, "well, according to you, the villagers here are disguised as refugees who have been found alone?"

"Naturally, I believe in your highness. Your highness is open and aboveboard, and the crown prince's medical skills are excellent. How can you do such absurd things?"

The Chamberlain quietly raised his head, "Your Highness, look Why don't you go into the palace and talk to the king? "

Prince Zhao's mouth curled up a radian, with a chill, "no need. You go back and report to your father for you. When the villagers here are cured, you will take people back to report, so that everyone can see if there is a piece of cloth on it!"

I don't know!