"Tang Xiaoying Tang Xiaoying... " A rapid cry came all the way from the gate of the mansion to the backyard, and the bodyguards who passed by did not stop them.

Finally, Wang Dingjun blocked the man down and asked in a micro pen, "why is Zhao in such a hurry?"

Zhao Sanying gasped out of breath and grabbed Wang Dingjun's arm. "Quick, where is the princess? I want to see him. "

"You all know it's a princess, but what can you see if you want to? And you probably forget where this is. " Wang Dingjun kindly reminded him that if his royal highness really wanted to investigate, a crime of breaking into the prince's house would be enough for him to eat a pot.

Zhao Sanying's eyes were eager, pushed him to the side and continued to rush in, "I'm really in an emergency. Life matters to heaven!"

Tang Yue was practicing calligraphy in his study. He vaguely heard the noise and went out of the house. He asked the housekeeper who was running in a hurry: "what happened?"

"Mr. Ying, it's Zhao Sanying who has come and said he wants to see you."

Tang Yue was confused, "then let him in." He did not say that Zhao Sanying was not allowed to enter.

The housekeeper didn't know how to explain, and whispered back, "he just broke in directly." In the prince's house, there is no such rule.

Tang Yue strode out of the yard, frowned and said, "it must be a matter of great urgency." With Zhao Sanying's character, even the prince's residence is not willing to come, let alone break in.

When he saw people, the other side's eyes were really bright. He rushed to drag him out and said, "follow me quickly."

Tang Yue held his hand and stood still. "Don't worry. First, make it clear. Where are you going? Do what? You have to prepare me first. "

Zhao Sanying was stunned and slapped himself. "Yes, I haven't brought the medicine box yet My mother was seriously injured, and all the doctors in the house said that I couldn't. I didn't dare to delay. I came to you for help

Tang Yue was so surprised that he didn't dare to delay. He ran back to the room and took the medicine box. He asked huiantang to be ready to receive the medicine at any time.

Zhao Sanying came on horseback. Tang Yue was too slow to ride, so he simply rode a horse with him and rushed to the town government.

When he got to the government, he had time to ask, "where is the injury? How did it hurt? "

Zhao Sanying clenched his fists, his veins on the back of his hands were full of blue, and his teeth clattered and clattered.

"It's the thief, and My father Zhao Sanying was almost biting his teeth and spitting out the word "father". Tang Yue saw full of hatred in his eyes.

He was startled. The relationship between the father and the son was not good at all. It was not easy to ease up some time ago. Why did he make trouble? Did the Duke of Zhenguo do something to make people and gods angry?

They walked all the way, and all the servants they met on the way were pale, without a smile on their faces.

After rushing into the backyard, Zhao Sanying grabbed an old woman and asked, "Xing Yu, what's the matter with my mother?"

Seeing Zhao Sanying, the old lady was happy and then shed tears. "Sanying, please go in and have a look at his wife, madam, she..."

Zhao Sanying legs a soft, fortunately Tang Yue timely help him, pull him to run inside.

The room was full of people, men and women, old and young, full of sad atmosphere and crying voice, which made people feel sad for no reason.

"Get out of here Zhao Sanying grabbed a woman's arm, threw the person aside, and then violently separated a road.

The room was quiet for a moment, and everyone looked back at him. Tang Yue found that many women's eyes were red, but there was hidden joy in their eyes.

He sighed secretly. These women must be zhenguogong. Who would really feel sad for their competitors?

"The trouble does not concern the person to go out, too many people, not conducive to the patient breathing!" Tang Yue spoke faintly.

Most of the people present did not know Tang Yue and were still guessing who he was. They were caught by a group of guards who rushed in and threw them out.

All of a sudden, the sound of crying and Howling was heard in the yard.

"Rebellious son! You are too bold, how can you be rude to your elders? " Then came the angry roar of the Duke of the town.

"Well, I don't admit that there are my elders here!"

Tang Yue didn't pay attention to their father and son's argument. He ran to the bedside and pointed to a maid who seemed to be close to him and said, "you will come together with the situation of the injuries of the Duke and wife of Zhenguo Send for hot water and clean white cloth

Seeing that maid was stupefied and unresponsive, Tang Yue yelled at Zhao Sanying: "Zhao Xian, did you take the wrong medicine? It's such a noisy time

Zhao Sanying came back to his senses, but he was a little sober and assigned tasks one by one, which made Tang more smooth.

"I need to take off my wife's clothes and check her body, leaving two people to help and the rest to go out!"

"No!" The Duke of Zhenguo was the first to oppose, and Zhao Sanying's eyes turned red again.

Tang Yue was angry and funny, "Lord, don't forget that I'm a doctor. Do you think you don't want to save your wife's life?""But you are also a man! How can... " The Duke of Zhenguo widened his eyes and looked for Tang Yue desperately.

Tang Yue turned his mouth and replied, "so what? I'm also a princess. What's the relationship between a man and a woman? Don't delay me to save people, or... " He glanced at Zhao Sanying and said, "maybe the Duke of the state can write a letter of divorce and deny this wife, but I must save him."

Tang Yue's words are right and strong. Zhao Sanying thinks that he will drive his father out directly, and he doesn't want to say a word.

He knew that even if his father would divorce his wife, he would not let his mother die.

Without hindrance, Tang Yue asked people to take off the clothes of the Duke and wife of Zhenguo. After a careful inspection, it was found that the most fatal injury was on the back waist. According to the description of the maid just now, it should be here that she bumped into a hard object, and when she fell down, her head was hit again, which led to her not only losing too much blood but also shock.

Tang Yuexian gave her hemostasis, but this amount of blood loss can not be achieved without blood transfusion. However, if blood transfusion is needed, he can only carry her to Hui'an hall. He is not sure about the first blood transfusion operation.

Zhao Sanying stood on one side biting his fingers, and did not dare to disturb Tang Yue. Seeing him for a long time, his brows were locked, and his heart was almost jumping out.

"What? My mother, she She... " Although Zhao Sanying has a blind sense of trust in Tang Yue, he also knows that not all injuries can be cured.

Tang Yue analyzed the advantages and disadvantages in his brain, waved to him, and told him the situation first, "you decide whether or not to have blood transfusion. The risk is very high. First, the equipment is still in the experimental stage. Second, I can't guarantee that the patient will not have rejection after blood transfusion."

Zhao Sanying couldn't understand what he heard. But the thought of pumping blood out of one person's body and infusing it into another person's body gave him a creepy feeling.

If these words let those doctors of the Taiyi Department listen, I don't know if they will scold Tang Yue as a madman.

He bit his lower lip and looked at Tang Yue firmly: "I believe you! Do what you think is the best. No matter what the result is, I believe it is the best result! "

Tang Yue was relieved and moved at the same time. He patted Zhao Sanying on the shoulder: "you make me responsible for this!"

"Find eight bodyguards with the same height and strong body. I will carry my father to Hui'an hall, and then find more than a dozen healthy people who have not suffered from serious diseases for three generations in our ancestors. There is no limit to men and women. I want to match blood types!"

Zhao Sanying did not dare to delay. In this family, he was also a half master, so it was not a problem to find some people to work.

The Duke of Zhenguo didn't know Tang Yue's diagnosis and treatment method. He thought that he wanted to take people to the drugstore and take care of them nearby. After training Zhao Sanying for a meal, he asked the housekeeper to find all the good herbs in the warehouse and send them together.

In any case, he didn't want his first wife to die. It was not good for him to be public or private. What's more, the cause of this incident is still so hard to reveal.

Just, as long as she can live without worry, no matter what she looks like, the position of the Duke and wife of Zhenguo will not move.

If Zhao Sanying and Tang Yue know his idea, I'm afraid they will sneer or sneer.

Out of the gate of the town hall, Tang Yue called out: "wait a minute!" Seeing everyone looked at him suspiciously, Tang Yue got together to Zhao Sanying's ear and asked, "San Jia, do you mind Zhao's reputation?"

Zhao Sanying didn't understand his meaning for a while. Tang Yue explained it. The other side really mocked him and said, "that's the reputation of their father and son. What do we have to do with our mother and son?"

"That's good. Let people make the show bigger and find a few more eloquences to polish up today's affairs and spread them out."

Tang Yue would never use this method if his wife was only slightly injured. After all, he had to take into account the face of the Duke and wife of Zhenguo. But now that people are dying, what is the use of face?

At the thought of the chaotic relationship of the family, Tang Yue couldn't have any affection for the Duke of Zhenguo.

"Well, do as you say."

So, when Tang Yue arrived at Hui'an hall with his men, the scandal that the Duke of Zhenguo spoiled his wife and connived at the concubine's beating and injuring his mistress came out of the teahouse and restaurant all the way.

"I heard that I was about to die at that time. Several doctors said that they couldn't do it. It was Doctor Tang who rescued the man."

"Is it really such a God in the Tang Dynasty?"

"There's no doubt about this. Doctor Tang can cure the patients with sharp sword and chest piercing. However, I heard that the Duke and wife of Zhenguo may not be able to recover. It is said that she has lost too much blood and has not passed the critical period."

"Tut Tut, the privacy of this high-ranking family is really chilling. How could the Duke of Zhenguo be so confused when he was also a famous number one figure?"

"In my opinion, perhaps the concubine's room is too beautiful?" There was a low, lewd smile.

"I don't believe it. That concubine gave birth to a eldest son, and she must be a lot older. How beautiful a woman is when she is old?"

"Bang, isn't there any lyrics called charm still exist?"

"Ha ha...""Ha ha..." Several people looked at each other and laughed one after another.

However, speaking of this kind of words, we dare to whisper a few words in private, and do not dare to publicize it. However, the news spread all over Yecheng very quickly.

As soon as Tang Yue arrived at Hui'an hall, he immediately asked people to clean up the operating room, and ordered Mr. Chen to take people for blood test.

The three old doctors in the drugstore had done experiments with Tang Yue and knew how to draw blood for blood test, but they still couldn't accept such a theory.

However, today came such a ready-made case, they are all in high spirits, take out the spirit of twelve points, and proceed cautiously.

"Lang Jun, I decided to transfer ten helpers from other hospitals." Mr. Chen reported to Tang Yue.

"Well done, Mr. Chen has rich experience. Please give me a hand in the operation."

"It's a great honor!" Chen looked at Tang Yue excitedly. He could see such an operation in his life. He died without regret.

Xiang an came in from behind the crowd. "Master, I'm going to help too."

Tang Yue's mouth a draw, hit him a record, "you are too young, learning is not solid enough, don't add chaos, to help blood difficult blood, remember! We must find a matching blood source, starting with Zhao Sanying first! "

As soon as Zhao Sanying heard that he was going to draw blood, he ran over, lifted up his sleeve and pulled out the dagger. He wanted to cut his wrist. Tang Yue was scared and scolded: "what are you doing? Are you so reckless? Go in and listen to the doctor

Zhao San Ying put down his sleeve and looked at Tang Yue with begging eyes. Of course, Tang Yue understood his feelings and worries and patted him on the shoulder, "I will do my best!"

Thank you Zhao Sanying said, drooping his shoulders.