Tang Yue is not idle, taking advantage of the blood test time, he re checked the operating room, the preparation of the tools, the preparation of medicinal materials, can not be left behind.

These are used to doing, in his previous life, he has been on the operating table countless times, but this time, it is more nervous than his first time on the operating table.

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

The blood type matched quickly. Fortunately, Zhao Sanying's blood type followed his mother's, but there was less trouble.

However, Tang Yue still let them continue to match, with the blood loss of the Duke and wife of Zhenguo, Zhao Sanying alone could not withstand it.

Zhao Sanying thought that he would faint after being drawn blood, but he could still watch his blood enter his mother's body through a tube.

He pressed the needle hole for a quarter of an hour according to Tang Yue's order. After a quarter of an hour, he found that there was only a small spot left in the blood drawing place, and he could not even see the wound.

He called out miracles and became more confident in Tang Yue's medical skills.

Tang Yue's operation was not very smooth. He didn't have western medicine and oxygen bottle. Fortunately, they were not necessary. After two hours of busy work, he finally walked out of the operating room.

"How is my mother?" Zhao Sanying hurried forward to ask.

Tang Yue hesitated for a moment, or decided to tell the truth, "your mother's head injury does not matter, fortunately deviated from the temple, there is a slight concussion, there is no congestion in the brain, but her spine ninth and tenth section of the fracture, and spinal cord injury is serious, oppressing the mind, not sure what the final consequences are, but you have to be prepared in mind."

Zhao Sanying looked at him blankly, "you say, what is the most likely result? I listen. "

Tang Yue took a breath and spit out four words: "hemiplegia."

Spinal fracture oppresses nerves, the most serious consequence is general paralysis. Tang Yue is sure that Madame Zhenguo will not be paralyzed, but the possibility of paraplegia is very high.

"That is Still alive? "

Tang Yue nodded, "yes."

Zhao Sanying wiped his face. His expression was more ugly than crying, "OK, I know." He stood at the door of the ward and looked at it, then turned around and rushed out.

"Zhao Sanying..." Tang Yue called after him, but he ran away without looking back.

Several bodyguards of the Tang Dynasty said, "follow me and have a look. Don't let your childe do anything stupid?"

Tang Yue didn't know what Zhao Sanying would do. He sat down with three old ladies and talked about the later treatment of Zhenguo Gong's wife. The three cobblers were better than Zhuge Liang. Tang Yue never thought his medical skills were the best.

After they had made a plan and wrote the recent prescription, Tang Yuecai had time to rest.

"The installation of obedient selling, cleverly carrying food in," master, eat something quickly, you must be hungry. "

Tang Yue took the chopsticks and picked up a few mouthfuls of food. The food in his mouth was tasteless, but he didn't care too much. After eating 70% of his food in a hurry, he put down his chopsticks.

Seeing Xiang an's eyes twinkling at him, Tang Yue pinched his nose, "how? Are you still angry? "

Xiang an shook his head. "No, master's words are reasonable. I will follow you into the operating room one day."

Tang Yue laughed and said, "no, you should say that one day you will lead an operation and ask for help."

"Well." Xiang an nodded confidently.

"But master..." Xiang an licked his lips and asked, "the original blood can be transmitted to each other. It's amazing."

"As long as the blood type is the same, it is OK in principle, but it does not rule out that there will be rejection. Once there is rejection, the only way is to release the blood from the patient, and then re-enter fresh blood..."

Tang Yue explained it in detail. Seeing Xiang an listened carefully, he told him seriously: "remember, life is the most important thing. No matter what you do, the starting point must be to save life. You must get the consent of the patient's family members, and you can't act automatically."

"I see." Xiang an ran to clean the utensils with several senior brothers. Everyone was careful about the centrifuge. Even the exploration was careful, for fear that it might be damaged.

Tang Yue stayed in the drugstore for the night. He didn't dare to leave. He had to keep an eye on the patient's condition, just in case.

When Prince Zhao heard about it, he personally gave him a night snack. They ate the supper together. Tang Yuecai asked, "I'm afraid it can't be done well."

"That's also Zhao Sanying's housework!" Prince Zhao said calmly.

Tang Yue approached him and said, "if Will your highness support me if I intervene in this matter? "

Prince Zhao pointed to his lips. The other side knew that he bit him hard and left two teeth marks on his lips.

Prince Zhao didn't dislike it either, so he answered with the two teeth marks: "this has violated the moral principles of the Duke of Zhenguo. Tomorrow, the imperial censor will impeach him. Whatever his wife wants to do, he will be responsible for it."

Tang Yue was satisfied and didn't care that someone said it was someone else's housework. He was full of thoughts about how to get justice for Zhao Sanying's mother and son."Your Highness, go back first. I have to be on duty here."

You frown at his lonely eyes

Tang Yue wants to, but he is also afraid to affect his rest. He knows how busy Prince Zhao is recently.

"It doesn't matter. I don't do business tomorrow."

"Well, there's a day off at last." Tang Yue made fun of him. He was just a prince. He was busy without weekends. When he became emperor, he didn't even have time to eat, go to the toilet and fall in love?

Tang Yue naturally is willing to have someone to accompany him at night, two people say the sky says the earth, occasionally flirt, time flies.

Tang Yue every half an hour to check the room, ward also arranged for people to take turns to watch the night, a moment did not dare to go away.

"Lang Jun, eat something." An old man came in carrying a food box, and Tang Yue did not refuse. After thanking him, he put the box on the table and brought out three small dishes from inside.

The old man rubbed his hands awkwardly, "the little old man is not good at cooking. I hope you can forgive me."

The old man was the one who came to see the doctor with his grandson on his back on the day of the opening of Hui'an hall. After his grandson got well, Tang Yue saw that there was no servant to clean and cook, so he left them and arranged for them to do something.

This is a great help to the homeless grandson and grandson. Since then, I am very grateful to Tang Yue.

Tang Yue casually ate a few mouthfuls, but he was not hungry. Prince Zhao did not move his chopsticks at all and murmured whether he would ask people to bring some food back to his house.

He dares to say that the whole Southern Jin Dynasty, no, the whole world is probably the most delicious food in his prince's house.

Thanks to Tang Yue, this man's wife is definitely not a loser.

The next day, Tang Yue heard a piece of news about him before seeing Zhao Sanying.

It is said that Zhao Sanying was beaten 30 times by the Duke of Zhenguo last night and expelled from his home. He is no longer the Zhao family.

Tang Yue was shocked and sent for him. He didn't worry about driving out of the house, but worried that he would do something stupid when he got angry.

That was his own father. No matter how reasonable he was, since ancient times, only Laozi beat his son, not his son bullying Laozi.

Before the people sent out came back, Zhao Sanying came to the door first. He was still wearing the same clothes he left yesterday. However, at this time, his clothes were bloodstained and his good clothes had many holes.

Tang Yue took a breath and drew the man closer to the ward. He took a medicine box to deal with the wound. At the same time, he said, "are you a fool? If you run and get beaten at this time, you won't be afraid that you will fall down and no one will take care of your mother? "

Zhao Sanying kept a straight face throughout the whole process. He didn't even say a word when alcohol touched the wound. After half a sound, he said, "I just went to take care of my mother better in the future."

Tang Yue cut off his clothes like Bu Wu with scissors. He glanced at the bloodstained skin. He hated Zhen Guogong even more. He had never seen such an unreliable father. He was in vain!

He was really glad that he had a good father in his life. Compared with him, the Marquis of Liyang was indeed a father of twenty-four filial piety.

The wound is too many, Tang Yue treats bit by bit, Leng is to spend half an hour to help him apply medicine to the whole body of the wound, serious place also bandaged up.

"Tell me, what are you going back to do? How did you get kicked out of the house? "

Zhao Sanying lowered his head, twisted his fingers, stood up and said, "how's my mother? I want to see her. "

"She just woke up for a moment, drank the medicine and went to sleep again. Just watch at the door."

Zhao Sanying nodded and hurried to the next door. After seeing the people, he came back and said, "Tang Xiaoying, if he is no longer a noble son and has no illustrious family background, will you still regard me as a friend?"

Tang Yue chuckled: "make it with your previous family background is very prominent like!"

Since Tang Yue was a child, he received the education of equality for all. Naturally, he would not have any class concept. Besides, he and Zhao Sanying did not seek anything from him.

Hearing this, Zhao Sanying immediately laughed, "I knew Yesterday, when I came home, I asked my father to write a letter of divorce and remove my name from the genealogy. From yesterday on, I was no longer the Zhao family. "

No wonder the Duke of Zhenguo was so angry that he would beat people. If his son said this, he would kill people.

Tang Yue patted his forehead and looked at him speechless.

"Do you think I'm stupid, too?"

Tang Yue nodded honestly. He admired Zhao Sanying's courage to let go, but he didn't think it was the best result.

"I know..." Zhao Sanying bit his lower lip. "I originally wanted to improve myself, take the place of the son of heaven with justice, and then drive the mother and son of bitches out of the town. But yesterday, I suddenly felt tired of it.

I'm tired of that family and father like that. The whole town government has no attraction to me. Even if I get it, I won't feel happy. After yesterday's events, it will become the sad place for our mother and son. What's the use of it? "

When a person does not care about the same thing, even if it is precious, it can also be abandoned as my shoes.The more Tang understood his mood and choice, he stopped saying, "it's OK to drive you out of the house, but how could your father agree to write a letter of divorce?"

Zhao Sanying's mouth slightly raised a sarcastic arc and drew out a piece of cloth with blood from his still complete sleeve, which was the letter of divorce.

"I told him that if he didn't write the letter of divorce, I would burn the town hall with a torch, and not only that, I would kill the mother and son of the bitches, and I could do it if I could say it!"

Tang Yue eyebrows pick pick, I believe he really can do it, I do not know from when, he initially knew that naive, playful and playful Zhao family San Jia changed little by little.

"Well, since you have left, don't think so much. Do you have a place to live?"

Zhao Sanying suddenly changed his expression and said with some complacency: "are you not prepared for these annual meetings? The old man has spoiled the son of that bitch since he was a child, and even wanted to make him a son of a son. I started to buy property outside secretly a few years ago. At that time, I didn't think much about it. Even if I was driven out of the house, I would not starve to death on the street. "

In the Tang Dynasty and Yue Dynasty, he gave a thumbs up and said, "sure enough, the children of the aristocratic family are not fuel-efficient lamps.".