Tang Yue was also worried that Zhang Chun would get into trouble in the past. He did not expect that two days later, the Marquis of Liyang personally sent the man back. He was polite and had a satisfied smile.

Tang Yue knew that things had made progress, looking at Zhang Da boss who was carried back, he asked in surprise: "what's wrong with him? Was he beaten? " Those two eyes are almost panda eyes.

The Marquis of Liyang glanced at Zhang Chun heartily. The affectionate mood of his eyes made Tang Yue cold. His father should not have taken a fancy to Zhang Chun. Would he like to have more sons? Or did he find out that the boy was his illegitimate son?

"I'm so tired that I haven't stopped for a moment these two days. I've been reading the account books except for courting. When I give the result to my father, I just go to sleep." If he had not gone to the doctor and said that he was just too tired, he would have thought that the little Marquis had passed out.

Tang Yue arranged for Zhang Chun to be carried back, and told the kitchen to prepare delicious food and hot water. When he woke up, he would provide it immediately.

The Marquis of Liyang looked at him in an orderly manner and took all aspects into consideration, just like a qualified hostess.

He sighed in his heart. The five-year period has come, but Tang Yue and the crown prince are obviously not at the end of their fate. It seems that his son is really not coming back.

"Father, have you found out what the problem is?" Tang Yue brought the wandering Marquis of Liyang back to reality.

A smile appeared on the Marquis's face. "It's just a clue. I have to go back to find evidence for my father How's your food collection going? "

"Don't worry, it's enough. There are still many people who want to send food. I'm going to register it and announce the world. If you can get the king's permission, you can also set up a monument of merit and honor and engrave your names on it. In this way, more people will be willing to donate food."

The Marquis of Liyang smoothed his beard and nodded with satisfaction. His son was not only highly skilled in medicine, but also appropriate in dealing with people. He could raise so much food in just two days, which shows that his appeal among the aristocrats and rich merchants is not weak.

Although those people will also see the prince's face, but more should still be moved by Tang Yue.

Tang Yue has cured a lot of patients in recent years, including nobles, civilians and slaves. Most of these people have a heart of gratitude. In addition, he is modest and kind-hearted, and has a high prestige among the people. It is not too much to say that he responds to everything.

The next day, the king of the Southern Jin Dynasty learned that the management of the granary had been neglected over the years. Every year, nearly 100 stones of grain disappeared, and nearly 10% of the new grain was replaced by old grain. The grain at the bottom of the granary even became moldy and deteriorated and could not be eaten at all.

Wang of the Southern Jin Dynasty was so angry that he ordered a thorough investigation into the case. At the same time, Xue Tingwei glanced at the Marquis of Liyang secretly. He didn't expect that this Wufu could be so careful.

This time, I don't know how many bad luck will suffer.

Remember to eat or not to fight, the court will never be short of bold and fat officials.

First of all, in order to reward the people who have come to the country to donate money, they also want to set up a monument for the country.

Most of the officials of the imperial court have given food this time. Some of them are more or less. Once they hear it, they can make their names known to the public and make them famous. Naturally, they all agree.

To think of the role of role models, Tang Yue suggested that more than one such monument should be set up in each main city. In the future, the donation of money and grain should not be limited to Yecheng, and other places could also be set up.

However, Tang Yue did not intend to do too much, and at present, he did not want to do charity as a cause, just to understand the urgent need.

After the influence of the 21st century, he knows that such charities are prone to corruption and corruption. He does not advocate doing too much charity when there is no absolutely perfect system.

Duke Heng submitted the list of grain donations. The king of the Southern Jin Dynasty looked at it carefully, nodded from time to time, and asked one of the officials with a smile, "isn't Ma Aiqing the most frugal, an Iron Rooster who can't get rid of nothing? Why did he donate 1000 Jin of grain this time?"

The official surnamed Ma quickly stood up and said, "the king, the crown prince and the imperial concubine are right. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Only if the Southern Jin Dynasty wins early, can we officials enjoy the happiness as soon as possible. If the skin is not preserved, how can Mao be attached?"

"Oh? It's the princess who talked about you. It's not easy The king of Southern Jin silently chewed the words he had just said in his heart, and nodded in his heart. Tang Yue was indeed a good daughter-in-law, in addition to the fact that his gender was not enough for the royal family.

If he can become an official in the dynasty, rather than limited to his status, he must have made greater contributions.

The king of the Southern Jin Dynasty glanced at the calm prince, and his spirit came back. In recent years, he asked him to accept the imperial concubine more than five times. As a result, he pushed him away every time for different reasons. He did not know how the Prince did it, whether it was a coincidence or his design.

If it is the latter, is he not playing with applause?

The king of the Southern Jin Dynasty cast aside this idea, looked down and said in a deep voice, "this monument of merit and virtue should be erected not only, but also a high prison, which should be seen by the people of the whole country. Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. This should also be conveyed."

Tang Yue absolutely did not know, because one of his own ideas contributed to the construction of the monument of merit and virtue which has been handed down from generation to generation, and it is also the largest and highest monument of merit in history.It is said that later, each generation of emperors raised these merit tablets and engraved the names of those who had great merits. By the end of a thousand years, many of them had collapsed or damaged, but they were still one of the ancient cultures most loved by archaeologists.

Many of the names on the monument of merit and virtue are indistinct. Some people recognize one of the characters named "Tang Yue". After a lot of investigation and research, it is known that he is the only male concubine in history. Since his appearance, science and technology seems to have taken a stimulant, and the speed of development is like taking a plane, rising in a straight line On the level of smoothness.

Therefore, historians have made various conjectures and verifications on this character, and the answers are not consistent with the facts. No one can imagine that this character has gone through more than a thousand years, brought the technology of more than a thousand years to the ancient times, and spent his whole life to change that era, and made extraordinary achievements.

Tang Yue didn't know that the old habits would last forever. When he heard that the king of Southern Jin agreed to build a monument of merit and virtue, he temporarily stopped accepting food donations. Hearing this, all the people who came to donate grain formed a long queue outside the prince's house.

"If you have a word, please ask your adults to take the grain back. The grain raised this time is enough. But don't be discouraged. The war will not end in one day or two days. If there is a need in the future, I hope you can be as brave as you are today."

Tang Yue does not care whether these people come for fame or sincerely, as long as they are willing to pay, it is natural to get the reputation they deserve.

In modern times, many people will criticize those stars or rich people who donate money in order to earn their fame. Tang Yue thinks it unnecessary. At least people donate so much money, so what does it matter for them to earn some fame?

"There is no reason to pull back when everything has been sent. This steward, why don't you ask Lang Jun to take the things first, and when you want to use them in the future, you can take them as he likes." A noble Lord protested loudly.

A lot of people agreed, "yes, yes, we pull the grain in a big way and then pull it back. What will others think? Where do we put our faces? "

The steward laughs helplessly. In this world, only those who ask people to ask for things, but not those who force people to send things. What's more, these grains are not the private property of the prince's residence even if they take them.

The crown princess has warned severely that no one can move the grain. Once in and out, they must remember clearly and announce it to the public for supervision.

Many people think that it would be superfluous to do so. In the future, the world will be the crown prince's, and everything in the Southern Jin Dynasty belongs to his royal highness. What and how to use it is not a matter of his Highness's words? Why should it be so complicated?

However, in view of Tang Yue's usual prestige, no one dares to follow others.

"What is the use of this so-called supervisory desk?" When Prince Zhao asked Tang Yue about this sentence, Tang Yue took the opportunity to tell him about the modern social supervision system.

"There are corrupt officials in every dynasty and every generation, especially when the monarch is not virtuous or benevolent, it is easy to breed corruption. There are only so many people in Yushitai. Even if a person has ten pairs of eyes, he can't take care of it. Therefore, it is most appropriate to use the common people to supervise the words and deeds of officials."

"It's not easy for a newspaper official. Few people can get through the 50 boards alone." The Crown Prince wanted to remind Tang Yue that the status of officials and civilians in this era was not equal, and the gap between them was more than a gap?

Tang Yue also thought about this practical problem, but he thought, even if it can not do a perfect social supervision system, but at least it can play a certain role.

The greater the power of officials, the more supervision they need.

"It's not to let the officials of the civil newspapers. Each city can set up an anonymous letter box, which can allow the people to report the daily violations of officials. Naturally, the court needs an independent department to collect such information, and dare to report and disclose it. If it is only formalized, it will be meaningless."

Prince Zhao did not accept this opinion at this time. Although he knew that it was a good method for supervising officials, it was more difficult to implement than to implement education for all.

However, a few years later, when he sat on the throne, he remembered Tang Yue's words. Little by little, he overcame the public opinion and established the first censor in history. During his reign, the number of officials who died at the hands of the court made this department a thorn in the eyes of officials for a long time.