As soon as the monument of merit and virtue appeared, the atmosphere of the imperial court became much more active. The ministers seemed to have found a new goal in their life, and they were particularly passionate about doing things.

After a day and a night's sleep, Zhang Chun woke up, drank a bowl of hot chicken soup, then went to soak in a comfortable hot bath, and began to eat.

"I'm starving to death!" Seeing Tang Yue come in, Zhang Chun put meat in his mouth and said in a bolt.

Tang Yue sat down opposite him, watched him finish eating and handed him mouthwash.

After spitting water, Zhang Chun responded and said with a smile: "it's really good luck to let the Crown Princess bring tea and water in person."

Tang Yue knew that his mouth was often not straight line, so he did not invite the prince to see him. However, knowing that his temperament was such, he did not care about him.

"Thanks to you this time, my father said that he would invite you to dinner some other day. It seems that he regarded you as a brother of the same generation. I really didn't disgrace the earth people."

Zhang Chun said, "I don't know who I am. If I'm smart, I'm the second. No one dares to say the first. Lao Tzu has collected thousands of years of wisdom. How can these ancient people compare?"

This is an exaggeration, but there is a certain truth. In this era, the accounting method is still very simple, complex and cumbersome. As long as Zhang Chun changes the way, he can make the account books simple and easy to understand. Whether he wants to add, subtract, multiply and divide, or to deal with each other, it becomes much simpler.

"Hey hey, it's all from my family. What's polite? But your father is very interesting. One gut can connect to the end. You're a happy man at first sight."

Tang Yue agreed that the Marquis of Liyang was also very fond of him. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to integrate into that family as an outsider.

"Any more?"

Zhang Chun shook his head, touched his belly and said, "the small belly is growing fast. I have to lose weight. I don't want to live with my stomach when I'm less than 20 years old."

Tang Yue glanced, eyebrows picked down: "anyway, someone doesn't mind

Zhang Chun glared over and reacted fiercely, "don't mention him! Don't blame me for being a lobbyist. "

Tang Yue sighs, Zhang Chun's attitude is too big, let him have to doubt what bad means Wang Dingjun used to get people down.

When Wang Dingjun went back, he tried every means to take Zhang Chun with him, but in the end he did not succeed. However, after he left, the Lord Zhang Chun became strange. In addition, Tang Yue received a letter from Wang Dingjun, in which he mentioned the awkward and ambiguous tone of Zhang Chunshi.

Tang Yue's eyes moved, sighed and said, "speaking of it, Wang Dingjun is really not a good choice. You can see that he is back now. His family must force him to get married, marry a woman of the same family, have children and reproduce.

Moreover, he is now stationed in Taiyang City, and is about to face the attack of the king of Qi and the adherents of the moon. It is hard to say whether he is alive or dead. He is not a good match at all! "

Zhang Chun turned his face and asked in shock, "did he go to Taiyang city?"

Tang Yue pretended to be surprised and glared at him, "he didn't tell you? How do you hear that he will send you a letter every day? "

Tang Yue dares to use the bell to guarantee that it must be a numb love letter, because every time Zhang Chun receives a letter, he would like to tear it up, but he is reluctant to give up.

Tang Yue seemed to hear each other's grinding teeth, "ha ha, how could he tell me This bastard

Tang Yue didn't know whether to tell him whether it was good or bad. He knew Wang Dingjun, but he wanted him to be his brother-in-law at the beginning. Naturally, he was excellent.

"Come on, he's old. He's a big round faster than you. It's not suitable." Tang Yue shook his head with emotion.

"Don, you're not so shallow, are you?" Zhang Chun rolled his eyes, got up and walked around the room. "I have several branches in Taiyang city. What if there is a war No, I'm going to have a look. If I can, I'll close it, or I'll have a rest for a while

As he said this, he went to open the wardrobe to pack his luggage. Tang Yue saw his fierce appearance and knew that he was worried about Wang Dingjun's safety.

He didn't tell Zhang Chun that Prince Zhao had sent the dead men to assassinate the king of Qi. After all, it was not certain whether he would succeed or not. It was not right or wrong to create this opportunity for him.

But he can't watch them continue to waste time. If they can achieve a good result, it will be a happy event.

Tang Yue calls the boy in to help Zhang Chun organize his things. He wants to choose ten or twenty people from the guards to follow him, but Zhang Chun refuses.

"I have trained a lot of people in recent years. Don't underestimate me. It's OK." Zhang Chun's family is so big that no one will use it. He lives in the prince's house, which is the safest place. So these people didn't follow in. Instead, they were placed in the house outside.

Tang Yue didn't force him, but told him: "it's better to follow the official road all the way. Don't rush on in the dark. Don't leave your body. Don't worry about your business. Don't argue with others. The world is not so peaceful."

Speaking of it, he has not been out in recent years. In this backward era, the traffic is so bad that Tang Yue doesn't want to go far when he thinks of the ox cart that slows to the extreme and the horse bumps to the egg pain."Well, you're almost my mother No, my mom never talked about me like that Zhang Chun laughed at himself and held Tang Yue in his arms. "I didn't expect to live a lifetime again and meet a good friend. It's so good!"

Seeing this scene, the boy in the room bowed his head and recited silently: do not look at others if you are not polite! If the prince's highness saw this, he would have to suffer for the little marquis.

How did you punish him last time? It seems that cockroaches were thrown in in in the middle of the night, causing the little marquis to take a bath three times a night.

Although there is no evidence to prove that it was the prince's highness, they all put the blame on the prince in private.

Tang Yue also had some feelings. They came from the same world. They had a kind of feeling that they were not clear about the road. So he was willing to take care of Zhang Chun from the beginning. After a long time of getting along with each other, he found that he was not bad, and he was not as confused as he seemed at first, so he gradually became intimate with each other.

Up to now, their feelings are not much worse than their brothers, which is one of his great gains.

Tang Yue took him to say goodbye to Prince Zhao. Naturally, the latter was willing to leave. At the beginning, Wang Dingjun didn't take people away, but he gave him a few white eyes. He almost didn't let General Wang hold his breath.

Zhang Chun is not afraid of him now. Although he can't get close to him, he still dares to joke.

"Is there any farewell gift for Goff? You can't bully my brother when I'm gone, or I'll come back even if I'm separated by a thousand thousand miles! "

Prince Zhao glanced at him with awe inspiring eyes. He took out a box from the drawer and opened it. Then he took out a stack of silver tickets and handed it to him, "take it. Don't lose the face of the prince's house!"

Silver note is still a new thing. It is the financial system gradually established by Prince Zhao after listening to Tang Yue's narration. The whole institution is controlled by Prince Zhao.

Nowadays, with the rapid development of Commerce in the Southern Jin Dynasty, people did not want to carry a large amount of gold with them, which was not safe and convenient. Therefore, as soon as the banknotes were issued, the merchants first sought after them, and then the aristocratic families with rich wealth.

Zhang Chun was moved. He took the silver note with both hands and burst into tears. He could guarantee that it must be his "brother-in-law" that touched the sensitive nerve of this adult somewhere.

How enviable!

Outsiders are not optimistic about this pair. Absolutely, the prince's Royal Highness can't live without concubines or concubines. However, as a cohabitant, he can see clearly that Prince Zhao loves Tang Yue to death.

As long as there is a little bit of damage to Tang Yue, Prince Zhao will not allow it to happen, and this man is stingy and jealous, which is really annoying.

"Thank you very much. I will bring you a gift from Taiyang city."

"No, you just have to do two favors."

“……” Zhang Chun has a big mouth. He can even help the prince work one day? Or two.

He solemnly guaranteed: "you say, it's no choice but to go through fire and water!"

After Zhang Chun finished, he obviously felt a cold wind blowing. Prince Zhao glanced at him and said faintly, "you don't have to go through fire and water. You just need to help Gu take some people to Taiyang city. In the name of your guard, you can take Luoluo and let him go out to experience."

This time more than Zhang Chun was shocked, even Tang Yue was stunned. He was the first to oppose: "the current situation is in chaos, how can we master Luo Luo to go out? He's only five years old

Tang Yue is full of disapproval. A five-year-old child has just learned to stand on his own feet. In modern times, he is still a babe who can't do anything. How can he be taken away from home?

"Five years old is not too young. He doesn't need him to grow up at the age of five, but he must go out at this age to see the rivers and mountains of the Southern Jin Dynasty and experience the life of ordinary people. Otherwise, it will be in vain for him to learn more policies of governing the country."

"But Can't we wait two years for the war to subside and the world is at peace, and we'll take him out? "

Prince Zhao pulled Tang Yue to his side. "I know you can't give up, but the war can't be stopped. Luo Luo didn't grow up all the time. No, he has to endure more tests than his peers if he wants to be a Ming emperor."

Zhang Chun almost fainted, shook his head against: "no, no, no, it's too dangerous, I can't afford this responsibility." The only son of the prince's house and the only TAISUN of the king of the Southern Jin Dynasty would not be able to pay for the accident even if he died ten times.

And the child is still young, how can he leave his family to face the cruel world alone? It's cruel.

"This matter has been decided. Zhongyong Hou doesn't have to bear any responsibility. Lolo has his own people to take care of him. You're just taking cover along the way." Prince Zhao decided where Xiao Luoluo was going.

Tang Yue pursed his lips. He knew that Prince Zhao was right, but he couldn't give up and didn't worry, "I'll go, otherwise you don't want to think about it!"

He said, regardless of Prince Zhao's reaction, he took Zhang Chun to run out, and then went straight back to his room to pack up.

Prince Zhao sits alone in the study, and sighs after waiting for someone to leave. This is hard to do.