[I’m giving it back. It was really interesting]

The next day after school, I visited the library with the book I borrowed.

In the end, the book was so interesting that I was captivated and I stayed up late reading.

I feel a bit sleepy now, but my eyes are still bright filled with excitement after finishing the book.

When I called out to Saito, she slowly looked up and stared at me.

Her eyes widened up in surprise.

[Hey, what happened? You have bags under your eyes you know?]

I haven’t checked in the mirror, but it seems I looked rather unhealthy.

She looked at me with a somewhat worried and melancholic  expression.

[Aah, about that, the book you lent me was very interesting that I ended up staying up late reading]

[…. I’m glad you enjoyed the book, however don’t forget to take care of yourself, okay?]

[…. Got it]

I knew I was doing something I shouldn’t do, but Saito’s worried face made me lose any will to argue, and just obey what she said.

[Oh, thank you for returning the book]

Saito bowed and thanked me when I returned her book.

[No, that’s my line. Well, thanks a lot, bye]

Truth be told, I wanted to talk more about my impression of the book, but she was reading her own book, and I thought she would be bored talking to me, so I quickly tried to leave.

[Oh, wait]

However, I was stopped by a little pinch on my sleeve.

[What’s wrong?]

[Actually, that book is part of a series, and there is a second volume. If you want, you could borrow it as well…]

She took out a book that’s similar to the one I borrowed before and gave it to me.

[I didn’t know it was part of a series. I’d like to borrow it but I can’t borrow too many times….]

Can you borrow someone else’s property for 2 days straight?

Besides, it would be a problem if someone saw the two of us. A mob character like me and the most beautiful girl in school are together. My life would be in danger. School life of course.

Of course, she might not care about me being a mob character, but I’m still a little bit hesitant about being involved.

[I’ve read it already, so rather than being covered in dust at my house, it’d be better if someone uses and reads it]

[… If that’s the case, I’ll gratefully borrow it then. If you treat me kindly like this, I might misunderstand what you’re doing you know?]

[Well, do you?]

[No, I don’t]

There’s no way I can misunderstand by the way she looks at me coldly, as if she’s saying ‘what are you on about?’

In the first place, I can’t imagine the most beautiful girl in school giving a favor towards me who had nothing to offer and was not attractive .

It often happens in novels that the main character, who is a reticent person, starts to get involved with a girl who is on top of the caste, and starts dating her. However such development can’t happen in reality. (TN: number 1, don’t remind us, number 2, how the tables have turned) (PFN: Shut up ;-;)

Her view of me might be, at best, someone who also likes reading just like her. Maybe I’m also someone she knows.

[Then it’s fine. By the way, I also have that series for quite some time now, so I’ll lend you more when you finish reading]

[Yes, thank you]

She continues reading the book as if her business was finished, so I left her and went to my part time job.


After finishing my part time job, I quickly began to read the book I borrowed.

[As always, it’s interesting]

The first volume was already intriguing, but it seems that volume 2 was even more interesting, and I couldn’t stop reading.

I didn’t sleep too well today either.


And that’s todays chapter. Massive thanks to Dead for proofreading this (yes, I made a mistake, my bad). If you see any mistakes, don’t be hesitant to tell me. Also, I have some news and a question. First up, we’re currently facing a situation where we are in need of money, for potential light novel translations pick ups in the future, and for that, I have a question. Would you guys prefer a ko-fi link or ads? if you have your answers, comment down below. That’s it for today and I, once again, am saying thank you for reading ^^