Since then, every day I borrow a new book and every time I return it, I inevitably talk to Saito more often.

There was nothing that changed drastically, but if there is one, then it would be that I had to stay up late to make sure I can return the book by the next day. Then I was told to stop that habit.

And since the complaints were coming out of concern for me, I couldn’t bring myself to argue with them, and it began to become my daily routine to listen to them quietly every time.

[You look awfully sleepy]

There were no customers that came at all, and as I was yawning during my part-time job due to boredom and sleepiness, Hiiragi-san, who hadn’t taken a shift in a while approached me.

[Yeah, I’ve been addicted to something lately, and I’m a little sleep deprived…]

[Is that so.. But you should take care of yourself, okay? Even if you’re young, you can still easily get sick]

[Someone else told me the same thing the other day]

[I’m sure,that person is also worried about you]

Saito’s manner of speaking was similar to that of a mother to her son.

She was too young and pretty to be a mother, but I couldn’t bring myself to reject her concern and caution.

[I guess so, I do think it’s a bit of nagging, but I’m listening to it properly]

[Either way, you are just listening to it and not reflecting on it, right?]

When I shrugged my shoulders, she responded with a sigh.

[Well anyway, was the thank-you gift well received? ]

It seemed like I would keep on getting blamed if I continued on this topic any longer, so I decided to bring up a topic that I was curious about.

[Yes, thank you very much for that time. Since I was told that it was delicious, I think it was well received.]

[Oh, well, that’s good to hear.]

Hiiragi-san bowed her head and thanked me. It was typical of her that she took the trouble to lower her head.

I was worried about her because she seemed quite anxious, but she seemed to have succeeded, and I inwardly patted my chest in relief.

[What kind of person was it who picked it up for you?]

[He is a nice person. In fact, I’ve had some interactions with him since then, and I’d say he’s an honest and kind person.……though he doesn’t seem to listen to my words]

Hiiragi-san let out a small, exasperated breath as if to say, “Oh dear”.

Although she was breathing out a sigh, she seemed to be enjoying herself.

I couldn’t help but stare at Hiiragi-san’s unexpected reaction.

[……What is it?]

[No, I was just surprised that you interact with men. I thought you didn’t like to interact with people]

She was only talking to me because she had to because of the job, and I had never seen her talking to anyone else in a friendly manner.

[Ah, I see. It’s true that I’m not good at interacting with the opposite sex and I refuse to do so, so you’re right, Tanaka-san. However, he doesn’t have any ulterior motives, and he’s not really interested in me, so I can talk to him in peace.]

Hiiragi-san’s expression, as she said this, was not as unsociable as usual, and she had a very soft smile on her face .

(Wow, Hiiragi-san can make this expression as well)

Her soft smile, which she rarely showed, was a combination of charm that more than made up for her plainness, and I suddenly thought that most men would fall for her if they saw her like this.

I was curious because she was making that normie comment despite her unremarkable attire, but I’m sure this smile was the reason.

[I’m glad to hear that. It seems like you’ve made a good friend]

He must be a really nice person if he can make her smile like this. She has a personality that makes people who she meets for the first time feel a barrier between them.

When I said that as a congratulations, Hiiragi-san’s eyes fluttered and she froze.

[Friend……. So this is what you call a friend huh..]

When she mumbled those words, her voice was bouncing just a little, and she loosened her mouth slightly.
