Since the day we went home together, I felt like the wall between me and Saito has thinned by a little bit, but that doesn’t mean we’re getting closer.

We have no relationships outside of the library, and even when we’re there, we only make small talks.

The other day, she told me to get some sleep. Her words were harsh, but I realized she is a girl who takes good care of herself and cares about others.

She nailed it down and threatened me, so I slept well and soundly just like before.

[Yes, I understand. Okay, I’ll be on my way]

Today, as I was heading to the library to return a book, I got a phone call.

It seems one of the part timers had to be absent, and they wanted me to fill in for them.

I didn’t have anything to do other than returning the book, so I agreed.

They asked me to come as soon as possible, so I tried to hurry to the library and finish my business.

[Thanks for the book]

[You’re welcome. Anyway, why are you in a hurry?]

She must’ve seen me rushing into the library and asked in a slightly surprised voice.

[Yeah, I’ve got a few errands to do… ]

I have to keep my part time job a secret, so I’ll cover it up for now.

[Oh, I see]

She doesn’t pursue my words any further, and hands me a new book as always.

I accepted it gratefully and exhaled slightly as she handed it to me.

[….. I really appreciate it that you always lend me a book every time, but I’ve never had the chance to tell you that. Sorry]

[I’m not asking you to thank me for anything…]

[Is that okay? I can at least kneel down you know?]

[No thanks, please don’t do that]

I chuckled as she looked at me as if I’m an idiot.

The subtle mix of seriousness is probably because I couldn’t make her open herself more.

She made me come across such interesting books, and I felt bad to keep on doing this day to day. So I wanted to show my gratitude, even if it’s a little bit.

I would like to give her something in the future.

[…. Can I ask you a question?]

[What is it?]

When I asked her that, she tilted her head.

[What’s the benefit of lending me a book?]

As of now, we have a relationship where it is normal for us to talk, but back then, we had almost never met each other.

Normally, I wouldn’t lend something to someone like that. Especially if they’re famous for being cold to others.

I wasn’t going to think that she was quite fond of me, but I can’t help to wonder.

In response to my question, Saito looked up as if she was thinking for a moment, and without a change of expressions, she said [It’s my own satisfaction]

[You are the first book lover I’ve met whose face I knew. And I like to discuss what I’ve read. Besides…]


[It’s easy for me because you genuinely love books without any ill intents towards me, and it’s satisfying for me to talk about books with you]

[…. Is that how it works?]

[That’s the way it is. So don’t worry about it, and think of it as a good luck that happened]

[I see]

She didn’t seem to have any intentions of asking more questions, so she opened her book and began to read with her eyes focused on it.

(Is that how it is…)

I don’t think I’m someone who you can lend something for free, I thought of that as I headed to my part time job.