I’m grateful to Saito. She lent me books so many times, and even though it’s only 1 book, it must be quite a hassle to bring them everyday.

But she still brings them to me properly and lends them to me, and I’m starting to worry about her sincerity these days.

Since she has been good to me, I wanted to give her something in return, so I came up with the idea of helping her to make someone she could call her ‘best friend’.

Even though I have the idea, I don’t know how to execute it and help her.

When I thought of something that could be helpful, I remembered the girl from my part time job.

She has an air about her that is somewhat similar to Saito, so if I ask her, I might be able to get some clues.


[Hiiragi-san, can I have a word?]

[Yes, what is it?]

When I asked her after the shift was over, Hiiragi-san slightly tilted her head.

[Hiiragi-san, do you have anyone you can call your best friend?]

[….. Yes? Why ask out of the blue?]

Her voice sounded somewhat alarmed. After I started talking, I think I skipped too much of the conversation.

In a hurried manner, I explained how I came up with the question to lower her guard.

[Oh, no, actually…]

[I see, that’s what you meant. If that’s the case, please explain it first. You surprised me, you know?]

She let out a small sigh, and said [Huh] in a dumbfounded manner.

[Sorry about that]

[Well, it’s all right. As it turns out, I don’t have anyone I trust that much. I have friendships, but I’ve never been close to anyone in particular]

Hiiragi-san tried to cut the conversation off with a chilly voice. She frowns as if she remembered a bitter memory somewhere.

Her response was predictable in a way. I only talk to her in my part time job, so I don’t know her all that well, but after working with her so many times, I inevitably know her personality to some extent.

She was somewhat unsociable, cautious, and tended to be shy, which I discovered when she began to teach me at my part time job.

I didn’t expect her to have lots of best friends. If she had one person close to her, I was going to ask that as a reference, but apparently not.

[Oh yeah…]



I was about to give up after she said she doesn’t have any, but she quickly said something again and I listened to her.

[You remembered the person who helped me before, right? If you mean someone who could be a good friend, I think it’ll be him]

[Is that so?]

[Yes, he’s the most carefree person I’ve met, and I feel like he accepts me for who I am, so I feel comfortable talking to him. It hasn’t been that long since we met, and I’ve never met anyone like him before, so I don’t know yet..]

Hiiragi-san became soft and fluffy when she talked about him, and told her thoughts in a warm voice.

I can’t help but be drawn in by the gap of her usual demeanor and this one

(TN: Pretty sure it’s called Gap Moe)

I could tell she was opening up to that person by the way she talked about him.

(Oh, this is it…)

The way she smiled, her mouth slightly relaxed and softly speaking was like a flower, and was very attractive, and from the way she spoke, I could imagine that she trusted him more than before and that they became closer.

I don’t know if he’s a friend or not, but she seems to favor him a bit.

[…. You’ve met a nice person]

[Yes, but I don’t know if it’s useful information for you]

[Well, it’s enough]

It wasn’t something I expected, and we both looked at each other and laughed.

After all, a trustworthy person has a strong element of coincidence, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

I’ll let Saito do her best on her own.

I came to that conclusion and discarded my plan to help her.


Ok, I uploaded this a bit late, but here’s the daily chapter. As usual, huge thanks to Animu for proofreading, and a few words from the team. It seems our move to WordPress is going to take a while, so we’ll make sure to notify if that happens. Next, Our discord server decided to make a new TL group and I am taking part in that. We have no idea how long it’ll take, but when we finish it, high chance I am going to move the series to that website instead. Last but not least, we finally added roles in our Discord channel and join us there if you don’t want to wait at least 10 minutes before the novel gets approved by NovelUpdates. That is all, thanks for reading ^^