[You… What are you doing?]

Saito, who should have left school earlier, stopped in front of an ice cream shop sign.

How long has she been there?

In order to let her get ahead of me, I left about 5 minutes after she left, but the fact that I caught up with her means she’s been stopping at the sign for quite some time.

[I was waiting for you]


[There’s a limited time offer for ice cream that ends today. Please come with me]

[Why do I have to go…]

[You said that you’d go with me if there was no one else to go with, right?]

Thinking about it, I did say that. I said something like that the last time we went here together.

At that time, it was just to put her at ease though…

[I did say that… But why don’t you go alone?]

[It’s because… I’m nervous if I’m alone…]

Unlike her usual self, her slightly sullen look was very cute and amusing, causing me to laugh.

[What are you laughing at?!]

[No, it’s nothing. Let’s go then]

It seems that she liked ice cream a lot that made her willing to eat in an unfamiliar place. Or maybe she’s interested in the limited time offer.

Saito is still a girl after all.

I was somehow convinced by her reason for going, and I had no choice but to go with her.

[I feel like I’m treated as an idiot]

Her cheeks puffed up, and she looked as if complaining about me laughing at her.

[I’ll be the one ordering this time. What would you like?]

[Oh, thanks. Then I’ll get a matcha flavored]

[All right]

When I told her what I wanted, she walked to the cashier, but I wondered if she’d be fine.

There are other things to order besides the ice cream, though.

[What?! Toppings as well…? What should I do….]

Sure enough, I heard her say that.

I managed to place my order, hesitantly.

She seemed to finish her order, somehow. And looked as if she completed something great.

[Number △△]

They called our number and we went to get our ice cream.

She held the ice cream awkwardly, probably because she wasn’t used to it.

I burst out in spite of the appearance of her holding it with a tense face.

[What is it?]

[Don’t worry. It’s nothing]

I just found it amusing that she’s still tense because she’s nervous.

But I don’t want to laugh anymore, because I felt like she’ll glare at me with a serious look if I do.

I sit down on the chair of the place, and she sits next to me.

I almost laughed again based on her awkward movements, but I refrained myself cause she’s next to me.

She sits down and looks at the ice cream in her hand, with eyes that seem like they are shining.

[Well, let’s eat]

[Yes, I’ll eat it]

When she said “itadakimasu”, she brought the ice cream close to her mouth, and ate it carefully.

Limited time offers usually have a different flavor, but is it good? I asked her.

I looked at her, and she seemed to be enjoying it. She rolled her eyes as she described the taste, and her mouth relaxed slightly.

Lately, I felt like the amount of her being expressionless has decreased drastically.

Every time I take a bite of the ice cream, my face naturally relaxes as I enjoy the taste.

[…? What is it?]

She realized I was staring at her intensely, and tilted her head curiously.

[I just thought you’re enjoying the food]

[Of course. Because it’s delicious]

[…. I see]

She smiled softly and said “it’s delicious”. She had a face of a flower blooming, and was very eye-catching.

It felt unbearable to look at it, so I looked away quickly.