I am very grateful to Saito. She has lent me books so many times that I’ve lost count. Even now, I’ve been lent 2 books every day.

Although she doesn’t bring the books to school like she used to, she still has a man visiting her house almost every day. That would still have to be stressful.

Even so, she still lends me a lot of books, and I can’t get over how she’s very sincere nowadays.

I’ve always wanted to give her something in return since she’s been very nice to me.

I’ve been in her care for too long, and I don’t think I can repay her for everything.

But, if I do have a chance, what better way to return the favor than on her birthday?

If I gave it to her as a thank you gift, she’d probably refuse. However, if I gave it to her as a present, she wouldn’t be able to refuse it, right?

I know when her birthday is. I happened to see it when I picked up her handbook, it’s exactly 2 months after my own birthday, so it’s not too hard to remember.

I can’t let this great opportunity pass by.

[Hey, is there anything you want?]

Normally, when you’re giving a present to someone, you would want the recipient to be happy, though in my case, I have no clue what she would like.

There’s nothing I can come up with other than to ask her what she wants.

I should’ve thought of a better way to question her. When I asked her bluntly, she had a puzzled look.

[What is it, all of the sudden?]

I could tell she put her guard up fromher voice.

[No, it’s just that… I don’t know much about you and what you like]

[There’s no need. It’s pointless to tell you either way]

[Don’t say that. I’m curious. Tell me something]

[…. Fine]

I might’ve been a bit too persistent, but when I asked her like that, she gave a small sigh and agreed.

Luckily, she didn’t seem to notice I was asking with the intent to get her a present.

It might be a given. Since, on her side, she doesn’t realize I know her birthday, that thought

never came to her mind.


She crossed her arms and lowered her eyes, she looked like she was thinking very hard.

But as time passed, she kept being silent, and didn’t open her mouth.

[Is there anything?]

[Even if you ask, I don’t have a lot of personal belongings to begin with]

She’s trying to think of something to respond with, but it doesn’t seem like she could come up with anything, and looked annoyed.

[Hmm… Ah, there is one that I do want]

[Oh, what is it?]

[It’s a new book called □□] (TN: Yes, it is listed like that)

[…. Books, huh]

Even knowing her, I was still taken aback by her answer.

It seemed a little out of place for a beautiful high school girl to ask something like that. Normally, they would want cosmetics or accessories, not a book.

I could only laugh at the unexpected answer.

[…. Why don’t you buy it yourself?]

[It’s not that I can’t, but I don’t know if it’s good or not because it’s a new book. It’s also expensive because it’s a hardcover.]

[I see]

She never expected to get a birthday present, so she just said what she wanted.

But is it okay to give her a book as a present? I’m sure she’ll be happy if I give it to her, but it doesn’t feel right.

In the end, I had no clue what to get her. She looked at me with a curious expression and looked a bit confused.