Winter break is the only thing left after the test is over.

Today, I was borrowing a book at Saito’s house, when something caught my attention and I asked her about it.

[Thanks for the book… By the way, do you have any plans for winter break?]

[No, not really. I don’t have anything planned in particular and I’m just going to read books at home]

I had a feeling it’ll be like that, and I was right.

Being just as expected, I wryly smiled at the way she spends her time. 

[I don’t have many friends to play with, and I refuse invitations from boys, so I can’t help it]

She is very cold and wary, so it was easy to imagine that the boys who had invited her with faint hope were cut down quickly.

I don’t know how I can ask her out. I don’t think I’ll be able to recover if I were to be cut down like that.

[…Do they really want to spend time with me?]

[Well, I guess they’re trying to close the distance between you and them]

[I’m not interested in dating…]

I felt bad for the people who tried asking her out. If they heard that, they’d be in tears.

[I had a feeling that might be the case, but you don’t have any interest at all?]

[No, I don’t. I can’t imagine dating with people who have ulterior motives]

There are only a few people who can continuely ask her out with her cold attitude. 

If they really liked her, they would have second thoughts about her if they heard her response. 

As a result of being categorized, maybe the ones who talk to her are considered as bad guys in her eyes. 

[…Well, there are people who recognize you properly and invite you out, so don’t be too dismissive. You know who doesn’t have ulterior motives, right?]

[Yeah, I know what you mean. You’re different, right? You didn’t seem to be interested in me from the start]


I’ve had an urge to pat her head a few times, but it’s more of an urge to pet a small and cute animal. I have no desire to do anything else to her.

If I had any ulterior motives, she would’ve noticed right away, and ignored me.

She marked me as a safe person, so she stayed with me. If I show any form of ill intent, she’ll be gone in no time.

I wasn’t particularly interested in having a girlfriend, and it’s a matter of life and death if I wasn’t allowed to borrow more books. So I don’t want to change our current relationship.

[That’s why I trust you]

[Well, thanks]

I’m not unhappy with her perception that I am a harmless man, but I’m not sure how I should feel as a man.

[…So, I’ve been wondering, do you have any plans?]

[No, not at all. I’ll just stay at home like you]

[Then why did you ask?]

[No, I was wondering how we’re going to be borrowing and lending books. Since we aren’t going to meet up at school, is there a temporary solution for the time being?]

I’ve always been an indoor person and don’t bother to go out if I don’t have to.

I’d love to read the series, but it’s too much trouble going out to get it.

[I see, that’s right…]

At my question, she blinked her eyes and I think she lowered her eyebrows just slightly.

[…. That’s fine, but… would you like to spend some time with me at my place?]


She was thinking of something, and said something outrageous.

I look at her, but she looks indifferent and unconcerned.

[I said, would you like to spend some time with me at my place]

[No, I heard what you said but…]

As expected, my ears didn’t hear wrong, I’m still a healthy high school student. Rather, I want to know how she got that crazy idea.

[You can read all the books at my house, and you don’t have to bring them back]

Well, that’s true.

If it’s her house, there’s a lot of books, and if I’m there, I can read a lot of them. It would be worth going out, but… 

[No, but, you know…]

Yes, she’s a girl. If we had been the same gender, I would accept no hesitation, but this is the opposite gender. 

I know she suggested this because she trusts me.  

I’m not exactly conscious of it, and I’m not planning on doing anything weird, but the idea of a boy and a girl spending time in the same room is kind of awkward. 

[Are you sure? You can read all you want…]

She said something attractive, as if she’s teasing me about it. 

If she says that to me, it’ll make it harder to decide.

[…I’d like to talk some more about my impressions]

We had exchanged our impressions of books in the past, but since we were outside, we couldn’t talk for very long. I guess we’re both book lovers and wanted to talk more about them.  

When she lowered her eyebrows and expressed her desire in a small voice, there was no way I could refuse. I had a lot on my mind, but when she said that, I had no choice but to nod. 

[… Okay. I’ll do it]

[Yes, I understand]

Her mouth relaxed at my reply, and her eyes lit up. 

She smiled and turned away casually, and it was kind of hard to look at her directly.