On the first day of winter break, I visited her house. 

I’ve been there multiple times, so it was easy to get to the front door. 

However, I couldn’t find the courage to ring the doorbell and didn’t press the button. 

I’ve never been inside the home of the opposite gender in my age range before. I had no idea that this would ever happen. 

Even though I had only just walked here, I was already mentally exhausted from nervousness and anxiety.

I agreed to her suggestion to personally pick up the books, but I let out a sigh, thinking that I might’ve been careless. 

Well, there was no point in dwelling on it any longer, so I pressed the button, and the door opened, revealing Saito on the other side. 

[Please, come in]

Instead of her usual uniform, she was wearing a gray hoodie with black pants underneath it, just like lounge wear. 

Perhaps she wore loose clothes because they’re comfy. 

Normally, such a look would be tacky, but when she wears it, it fits perfectly. I guess being a pretty girl has its advantages. 

[Excuse my intrusion]

I felt a little uncomfortable with her unfamiliar attire, but nonetheless, she led me to a back room I hadn’t seen before. 

[…There are books everywhere]

In front of me, there were several bookshelves lined with a massive number of books. 

I couldn’t help but smile at the room, which was far from the average high school girls, but it seemed very typical of her. 

I’ve never actually been in one, but I’ve often heard people saying that girls’ houses have scents like flowers or sweets, but the smell in Saito’s house was of paper. It was as if I was in a bookstore. 

[It’s okay right?]

[This doesn’t look like a high school girl’s house]

[Don’t expect me to be your normal high school girl]

She was aware that she was far from being a normal high school girl, and she told me in her usual cold voice. 

[Well, I like the smell of paper because it’s soothing]

I let out a small sigh as a follow up to her statement. 

It could be a strange smell for a normal person, but this is also calming for me.

I especially like bookstores because the smell is gentle and makes me feel surrounded by books. 

This house smelled the same, so the tension I had earlier was loosened.  

[…I see. I’ll go get some drinks]

She got up and went towards the kitchen. 

I wondered for a moment where I should sit, but there were two chairs prepared, so I sat down on one of them. 

I sighed in relief and looked around the house. I had a feeling she lived alone. Apart from the living room, there was a kitchen and a place that looked like her bedroom. 

I looked towards the kitchen and saw that she was brewing tea in a teapot. 

I was surprised, I couldn’t imagine her making a cup of tea, but it looked very good. 

She wasn’t just a girl who liked books. I could sense the quality of her upbringing from her refined movements. 

[… What is it?]

She seemed to notice that I was watching her, and with a slam, she put the tea down on the desk, and glared at me slightly. 

[It’s surprisingly homely]

[I don’t know if it’s homely or not, but I live alone, so I can do at least this much]

I don’t think it’s common to be able to brew tea in a teapot, but it seemed natural for her, and she looked at me with a dumbfounded expression. 

With a sigh, she sat down facing me. 

It became quiet, only silence remained. 

When it’s like this, I can’t help but realize that we are the only ones in the room. 

I had no intention of doing anything to her, but I was alone with the opposite gender, and a beautiful girl at that. 

The situation of being in a house alone is still somewhat tense and uncomfortable.

Trying to calm myself down, I took a sip of the tea and kept reading.