I got another review! I’m so confused and happy to receive so many. I read it with a grin on my face. 


I couldn’t sleep well last night. I couldn’t help but think about the emotional swings I had during the day and I kept thinking about them in bed. 

Thanks to the loneliness of losing my relationship with Saito alongside the relief of knowing that it wasn’t over yet, I didn’t know how I felt.

But I had never felt this way before, and I’m not sure what I was actually feeling. So I decided to consult the girl at my part-time job about it.

[Hiiragi-san, can I talk to you for a minute?]

[Yes? How can I help?]

When my shift was over and I had some free time, I approached Hiiragi-san. When I called out to her, she tilted her head a little curiously, and looked at me.

[It’s about the girl I’m close to that I talk about all the time, I don’t know how I feel about her, so I want to ask you a few questions…]

[!? T-That’s totally fine…]

I feel sorry for repeatedly asking her for advice about someone she didn’t know, but when I asked her, she turned to me and looked at me with her eyes widened. Her body jerked and she agreed in an upright manner.

She moved a little closer and looked at me. Maybe because she heard that I was talking about a romantic relationship, I could see her eyes glowing with interest behind her glasses.

[Actually, she and I have a relationship where I borrow books from her]

[I see]

[And just yesterday, I finished reading a series I borrowed, and when I realized that this was the end to our relationship, I felt kind of sad]


She wriggled uncomfortably. Her cheeks were red and her eyes wandered to the ground. 

[But then she started lending me her other books, and I was feeling relieved to know that our relationship would continue. I liked this relationship with her more than I thought…]

[T-Then… Doesn’t that mean you like her already?]

Her cheeks were slightly red, and she glanced up at me with an expecting gaze. The conclusion of Hiiragi-san, who let out a tone that seemed like she was expecting something just a little bit, was just as I expected.

I know somehow that this feeling that I have is close to fondness. I know it’s there, and I was beginning to recognize the feelings I have for her. 

However, it’s still not strong enough to say I like her as the opposite gender. It’s more than a friend, but it’s less than a romantic interest. I feel like it’s somewhere between those two

[That’s really the case huh… However, it’s still not to the feeling of like yet]


Hiiragi-san’s face stiffened with a cringe. Her eyes behind the glasses rolled up in surprise and her expression became tense. 

[I think I’m starting to like her as the opposite gender. And after what Hiiragi-san said, I think I understand how I feel]

[Ah, Is that so…]

She seemed to understand what I meant, and her expression softened. She smiled softly while looking at me. 

It seems that other people’s love stories are always fun. She seemed to notice that I have feelings for someone, and when I thought she was smiling, she looked at me with a sly grin.

[It’s nice to know you like her, right?]

[A-Ah… well…]

When she said it again in a teasing tone, I felt embarrassed and stuttered. I’m still not used to this kind of talk, so I couldn’t answer smoothly.

I knew that I was starting to like her, but I didn’t know what to do because I’ve never experienced it before, so I tried asking. 

[…Then, what should I do?]

[Eh? That.. Try your hardest to make someone like you, right?]

I think Hiiragi-san’s opinion is reasonable, but it doesn’t make sense to me somehow. If it’s true that she likes me, then the feeling is mutual, but I’m still not sure if my feelings are like that. 

Like is like, but I’m not used to this, super like kind of passionate feeling! (TN: Trust me, I have no idea about this line)

[Well, it’s not that easy. She’s a very important person to me]

[I-Important person..!?]

[Yes, she is. As someone of the opposite gender, she’s cute and beautiful, but more than that, she’s very kind and considerate, and I trust her very much]

[I-Is that so…]

She lowered her gaze and her eyes wandered around restlessly. I saw her squeezing the strap of the luggage bag she was carrying.

For some reason, her ears were red, which bothered me, but I was more focused on talking about my feelings, so I quickly forgot about it.

[Yes, so I don’t know if I should change this relationship so easily. I think she’s been opening up to me lately, but I don’t know if she sees me as a person of interest or not, so I’m not sure if I should be more aggressive]

[I see… right now, it’s hard to know about how she feels about you…]

With a somewhat determined expression on her face, she muttered quietly. There was a serious tone on it, as if she was reflecting and thinking. 

[Also, I don’t really have my feelings sorted out yet, so I think it’d be insincere to ask her out like that]

[That’s true. I think it’s better if you fall in love with her properly first] (TN: Mm, she’s going for it)

I could tell from her voice that she really wanted this to happen. After all, it’s better to make your feelings clear before going through something like this. 

As I was inwardly relieved that my idea seemed to be correct, Hiiragi-san crossed her arms and started to think.

She groaned and looked troubled, but then she seemed to have thought of something and looked up quickly.

[If it bothers you that your feelings aren’t clear, why don’t you leave it as it is for now? …That might make you like her more if she becomes aggressive, and you can be sure that she likes you, right? I think you should advance when you feel you like her properly]

[I see! There’s certainly no need to be in a hurry… I’ll try that]

There is no reason for me to act now. I’m comfortable with our current relationship, so I’m not going to rush into anything, and for now, I’m going to keep things as they are.