The next day, after receiving advice from Hiiragi-san at my part-time job. I was so nervous I couldn’t press the doorbell at Saito’s house at all.  

(Calm down. Just act like usual…)

I told myself in my mind and took a deep breath and repeated. 

I realized that I was starting to like her, but it was somewhat awkward and I didn’t know how to face her.

I rang the doorbell hesitantly, aware that the sound of my heart thumping isn’t calming down at all. 


The door opened and revealed her from the inside. Saito looked as usual, with her tied back in a single knot, wearing a loose hoodie and denim shorts.

In the past, the only objective impression I had would have been she was good looking and amazing.

However, maybe it was because I was aware of my own feelings for her that she seemed irresistibly cute. She was still a beautiful girl with a simple and expressionless face, and she had a certain charm that attracted me. 

When I became aware of her as a love interest, I realized once again how attractive she is. 

She has beautiful eyes and ripe fruit-like lips. And to top it off, she has beautiful black hair that shimmers with a lustrous shine.

I almost fell in love with it, and my heart pounded like crazy.

[Is something wrong?]

[N-no, it’s nothing]

I’ve been looking at her for too long, and she tilted her head and stared at me curiously. She’s still as blunt as ever, but I was a little happier that the thorniness was gone slowly and softer than before. 

There was no way I could say I was admiring her, so I faked composure, and she let me inside. 

[Please, come in]

[A-ah, yes]

Somewhat nervous, I raised my voice and went inside.

I went straight into the room and sat down at my usual seat. As I was going through my backpack to get my books, I heard a stomp and the sound of someone sitting next to me.

When I turned to look, I saw her sitting in her seat with a hint of red in her cheeks. 


[What is it?]

When I looked at her in surprise, she glared at me with a squint and a slight Tsun tone in her voice.    

[N-no, but sitting next to me…]

[Am I not allowed to sit next to you?]

[I don’t mind…]

[Then, it’s fine]

When she said so in a strong tone, I had no reason to refuse, so I nodded my head. When she heard my approval, she turned away from me in a good mood, opened her book, and started reading.  

I couldn’t help but be confused by her sudden behavior. I looked at her again, wondering what was going on, but there was nothing unusual about her. Her expression relaxed a little as usual, and she was happily reading a book. 

I don’t know what her intention was, but I didn’t want her to approach me at this time. While I’m trying to be as usual, when I get close to her, I begin to worry about various things.

I could smell her sweet floral scent that I didn’t get when we were face to face, it was really bad for my heart to have her somewhere in my reach. 

In addition, I didn’t care too much before, but now that I was aware of her as the opposite gender, I couldn’t help but be cautious of the distance between us.

I was curious, I wanted to see how she was doing, so I glanced at her. When I did, I saw she was also looking at me, and our eyes met. 

[What’s wrong?]

[N-No, it’s just…]

I hurriedly looked away, but I was surprised to be seen glancing at her. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I was really embarrassed to be caught. My cheeks began to heat up and I felt my face burning.

[…Is that so]

She rolled her eyes in slight surprise, then softened her expression and smiled with a chuckle. 

I think it was because of my sudden panic that she thought it was amusing. She looked at me with a grin and a happy smirk on her face. 

[What are you laughing at?]

[Hm? It’s nothing though?]

I was kind of embarrassed that she laughed at me, so I said it more forcefully, but she didn’t stop and laughed with a devilish smile, like she was teasing me. 

I was a little frustrated by that, but I couldn’t help but pay back her soft smile.(?)

[Ah, that’s right. Tanaka-kun]

[…What is it]

The frustration of her teasing smile when our eyes met still lingered, and I couldn’t help but blurt it out. 



[Do you have any books that you recommend, Tanaka-kun? I’d like to borrow it if possible]

[Ah, there is. Okay then, I’ll bring it tomorrow]

[Thank you]

I’ve been lent so many books, so it’s not a big deal if I lend a book or two myself. 

I nodded my head in approval and she bowed down as thanks.

[I’m looking forward to tomorrow. I’m curious to know what kind of things Tanaka-kun likes…]


She sounded a little uptight because of her nervousness. With her cheeks slightly dyed in vermillion, she had an embarrassed and shy expression that made my heart pound.

I could be wrong, but that look on her face makes me wonder if she sees me as someone of the opposite gender. Such a thought came to my mind, and my face became hot again. (TN: Wow, maybe our boy isn’t as dense as we thought?) (EDN: Bet in the next chapter he’ll prove you wrong)