The Most Beautiful Girl Wants To Spend Time Together

One afternoon, with only a few days left of winter break, Saito was studying, which was unusual for her. 

Normally she would be reading a book next to me, but today she was writing something in her notebook, and I was curious about what she was doing.

[That’s unusual, you’re not reading a book. What are you doing?]

[It’s a school assignment. Winter break is almost over]

[Ahhh, I see. I was surprised that you are doing it at the end of break. I always thought you were the type who finishes it right after break starts]

This is my own opinion, but I thought of her as someone who would finish her tasks quickly and spend her vacation in comfort.

Of course, it was just my assumption, so that was that. When I inwardly tilted my head, feeling a little strange, she continued.

[Normally I would, but…]


[Uhm… This time, I had something on my mind, and I was so distracted I forgot to do my assignments…]

She muttered in a slightly jumpy voice. Her gaze shifted from me to the side and her cheeks were tainted red. 

Her face showed that she was embarrassed.


I nodded, wondering if forgetting an assignment was such an embarrassing thing. 

She is a serious person, so she might have been embarrassed that people knew she made a mistake. 

[Have you finished your assignment, Tanaka-kun?]

[Of course. I finished it all in the first couple of days of winter break. I did that so I could read my books comfortably]

Once, I was so excited about a new book that I prioritized it, but there were times where I couldn’t concentrate because of the lingering feeling of assignments in my mind. 

So, since then, I always do my assignments first when I have a long vacation. For the sake of reading, I will spare no effort.

[…What can I say, it’s really like Tanaka-kun]

When she heard my words, she opened her eyes and froze in a daze for a moment. Then she relaxed her expression and chuckled. 

[I don’t feel like that’s a compliment]

I’m aware that I’m blind when it comes to books, so I couldn’t find words to argue, I could only shrug my shoulders and let out a bitter smile.

[Oh, by the way, what are you going to do after winter break? Can we go to the library like before?]

[No, as long as it’s Tanaka-kun, my house is okay]

[Really? I’m sorry you had to go through all of this for me…]

It was unexpected, but I felt happy that she trusted me this much. When I tried not to grin, she opened her mouth in a gentle, soft voice.

[It’s very comfortable to be with Tanaka-kun… and…]


She turned her head to the side, blushing profusely, as if she was having a hard time saying something. She glanced slightly, like she was peeking at me.

Her eyes, which seemed to be somewhat feverish, were entrancing and attracted my gaze.

[And… I can be next to Tanaka-kun at home…]

A sweet toned voice tickled my ears. The moment I heard those words, my head went blank and heat ran up to my face.

[O-Oh, i-is that s-so…]

I couldn’t hide my surprise, and my face was hot. I hurriedly looked away, trying to escape the shame.

(Damn, that’s really bad for my heart…) (TN: not just you, buddy) (EDN: You get used to it)

My heart was beating so loudly, I could audibly  hear it. An indescribable, frustrating pain and numbing sweetness spread through my chest.

Translator here, sorry for the really late updates. School changes schedule every 2 weeks and it’s messing up my whole plan. Well, here’s this quick update, I might put this series on hold for a bit, until I get Saijo no Osewa chapter 2 done, since volume 2 is coming right up in December. Anyways, have a good day.