Chp 56 

Rumors About The Most Beautiful Girl

The new school year had begun, but there was nothing unusual about it. 

It hadn’t been that long of a vacation to begin with. It was rare to see anything change. Well, as far I was concerned, there was so much going on recently that it seemed like a long time.

However, when I came into class, it was unusually lively inside. I pretended to be ignorant of the reason for the commotion, because I was involved in it, when someone called out to me.

[Hey hey, Tanaka]

[Hmm, what’s wrong?]

When I turned around, there was Kazuki Ichinose, the popular boy in my class.

[Do you know the rumors about Saito-san?]

[…Yeah, well. That’s because it’s famous]

Yes, the rumor that was going around the class, or rather school, was a rumor about Saito. The rumor was that she apparently went to do Hatsumode with a man. Needless to say, the man was me. 

I knew she was famous from the start, but in my mind, she was just a book lover. So when I heard the rumors, I realized once again how popular she was. At the same time, she seemed a bit distant, and I wondered if I could really like her. I felt a little uneasy.

I can understand why Ichinose, who loved to talk about such things, would make a fuss over a rumor, but what did it mean when he asked me if I knew? He often talks to me, and we talk to each other, but we’re not close enough to talk about these things. 

I couldn’t help but give him a confused look at his strange behavior. He narrowed his shoulder at my gaze, and with a little spark in his eyes, he continued to talk in a quiet voice as if telling a secret. 

[I thought that Saito-san’s partner is Tanaka, what do you think?]

[Eh!? …What are you talking about?]

The words that came out from his mouth with a light tone was not something light at all, and I gulped. It was so sudden. And that was all I could do to not show my agitation. 

I suppressed the urge to twitch and tightened my expression. I try to stay as calm as possible and act like I don’t care. I look at him to try and find out his intentions.

Then he grinned and moved closer to me.

[Well, there you have it. Just admit it]

The somewhat happy and excited face was strangely annoying.

[It wasn’t me. But why are you asking me that?]

[Eh? The school’s number 1 beauty and famous Saito-san’s love talk, you have to hear about it. She’s, well, she’s a little wary about the topic, so I thought I’d ask the rumored partner]

[I see. Well, it’s not me]

I could understand what he was saying. But if I confessed about it, he’d just make fun of me. In the first place, I already had someone to talk to, so there was no need. 

[Why did you think it was me in the first place?]

[You might think you’re hiding it, but I saw you two together at the library before winter break. Actually, Tanaka is pretty close to Saito-san, right?]

“Fufun”, he puffed somewhat proudly while presenting evidence.

[…Just because of that, doesn’t mean we went to Hatsumode together]

I was surprised that he had seen me, but I knew he’d find out at some point, and I can’t deny it. In fact, if I denied it, it’ll make it more suspicious that the rumored one was me. 

And I could guess there was no rumor about me because this guy hadn’t told anyone.

[Hmm, I guess that’s just my intuition after listening to a lot of different conversations over the years]

[I wouldn’t count on it at all. I stayed home all day that day]

[Eh? Don’t be so cautious. I’m still popular and I can give you relationship advice, you know?]

[What are you talking about? I don’t know who the one in the rumor is]

[Is that so? Well, if you need help, just let me know. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone it was you]

The fact that he didn’t tell anyone Saito and I were together made me relieved, and I felt like I could trust his words.

Even when I denied it, he laughed without worrying about it, and shook his hand and left. 

AN: We need more Saito…(~ω~;)))

Translator here, and yes, I said I might put it this on hold, but might isn’t will so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Anyways, thanks for reading and give me feedback if you want anything changed.