Chp 63

Rumors About The Most Beautiful Girl At School

Of course, holding hands with Saito, one of the most well known people in the school, wouldn’t go unnoticed. Even the last time we went to the shrine for Hatsumode caused quite a commotion, so it was inevitable that the size of the commotion this time would be larger than the last.

The day after we held hands, the rumor spread throughout the school. But surprisingly, the rumor about her died down about 3 days later. I wondered what happened, but I was glad it stopped.

As I exhaled with relief, Ichinose came up to me with a smirk and happy face.

[Hey hey, there’s a rumor going around that Saito-san was seen holding hands with a guy from our school on her way home]

[What about it?]

[That was you right, Tanaka-kun?]

[No, it wasn’t me]

Ichinose had suspicions of me before, so that must be why he came to me. I denied it, but he didn’t believe me at all, and his eyes shone in determination as if he was convinced.

[Probably because there was a rumored suspicious person yesterday and you went home together because you were worried about that, right? And as a result, you held hands with her]

[H-How do you…]

I couldn’t help but be surprised that he had guessed exactly what had happened. Ichinose chuckled amusingly. 

[Fufufu. I’m a master at love. I can see right through you. You’re a person who is deeply involved with Saito-san, and she’s been in a good mood and high spirits lately. And considering the fact that she was seen holding hands with someone the other day, it’s easy to guess it was you] (TN: I’m utterly confused here, ED pls help) (EDN:I gotchu) 

[You… you’ve been observing that much?]

[Well, yeah. Observing is my hobby. If someone I know is wearing a disguise, I’m confident I can notice in an instant. The way they move, their tone, the atmosphere. That’s how I know who they are]

I couldn’t help but feel sweat dropping on my face as he looked at me, as if he could see right through me. When I frowned in alarm, Ichinose relaxed his expression.

[Don’t be so alarmed. I want it to work out. I want to help you do just that. If you want to talk about your love life, I’d be happy to help]

[As I said before, I’m not going to ask for Ichinose’s help. Besides, I already have someone to talk to]

[Eh, who? A classmate?]

[No, that’s…]

I can’t tell him it’s a senior of my part-time job. I’m working part-time, and that’s what I’m hiding.

He seemed to notice that I’m having a hard time saying it and lightly brushed it off.

[Ah, if it’s hard to say, it’s totally fine. I’ll just keep doing as I like]

[As you like?]

[Just things that don’t directly involve the two of you. Like, for an example, making sure the rumors don’t last too long, you know?]

[You can do that?]

When I looked at him questioningly, he explained it in a matter-of-fact manner. 

[If a bigger rumor spreads, it will naturally disappear. Especially if the rumors turn out to be true]

[Ahh, it was your girlfriend, right?]

He explained to me and I understood. It was true that Ichinose had a girlfriend, just like the rumor about Saito. Moreover, this time the labeled girlfriend was a famous senpai at school, so it was quite a hot topic right now. 

[Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. Thanks to that, the rumors about Saito-san died down. Well, I don’t think there was much need for me to do anything about it]

[What do you mean?]

[Eh? You don’t know? There was someone who asked Saito-san directly, [Are you going out with that boy?]. Well, it’s not hard to understand why they were panicking because a competitor suddenly appeared out of nowhere] 

[Well, yeah]

I guess that’s what happens when you’re that popular.

[So Saito-san denied it in a cold manner, without saying more. “Rumors are annoying, so please stop” she also said]

[Heeh, is that so]

[Well, that’s why the rumors are subsiding. At least to the point where it’s hard to talk about in a large group]

I could imagine why she denied it so strongly. After being around her, it was easy to see that she doesn’t like rumors and things being said behind her back. 

But when she denied it like that, it made me feel a little sad. Even though I knew better, I couldn’t help but feel down.

[…Then again, why would Ichinose go that far?]

That’s what I’m wondering the most about. It’s true that this guy has given lots of love advice to people, and I’ve seen him enjoy doing so. He’s also someone who doesn’t give up on people in need. However, I can’t think of any reason why he would help me when I’m not too involved with him.

[Because it looks interesting… won’t work huh]

When I looked at him with serious eyes, Ichinose wiped away the smug smile, cowered his shoulder and let out a small sigh.

[Well, I guess you could say it’s because I want to. Other than that, it’s a secret]

I guess Ichinose has his own secrets. He put up his finger and made a “shh” expression, it might’ve been cute if it was a girl, but it’s not cute at all when it’s a bastard.

[Don’t do that, even if you think it’s cute. It’s disgusting]

[You’re awful!]

When I gave him a bad comment, a glimpse of Ichinose’s inner thoughts were seen for a moment, and he laughed cheerfully without a particular concern.


I changed my last name. I think I’ve reviewed it, but if there’s anything that hasn’t been fixed yet, I’d appreciate it if you could let me know.(*・ω・)*_ _)

Translator here, so sorry for being late, if you aren’t on our discord, I was struck with dengue so I couldn’t do much. Anyways, regarding the comment the author made, I’m certain that I’m very confused on what he’s saying. Does he mean the characters or something else? Either way, I’m going to keep on translating what the author wrote, including names and such. Sorry and have a nice day.

PR: Totally not my fault this is so late I swear…