The Girl at the Part-Time Job and Rumors

While doing my part-time job, I remembered what I talked about with Ichinose at school today.

Even though he had hints, the conversation had exposed the relationship between me and Saito. From the way he acted, I’m sure he wouldn’t spread it, but I didn’t expect him to be so insightful. Is he a detective or something?

Of course, it’s not like there’s no chance of it happening, it’s just extremely low. If it does happen, I guess I’ll need to improve my abilities. I don’t know if it has any relation to his desires that I saw at the end.

Ichinose said it already. He said, “if you know someone, you can easily recognize them even if they’re in a disguise. Of course, he probably said that to show he was exceptionally observant, but those words still lingered in my mind.

If that guy were to come to my part-time job, there’s a chance he would find out. Well, this place is on the higher side pricewise, so I won’t have to worry about students coming here too much. There was no point thinking about it, so I pushed them to the back of my mind.

What bothered me the most was that she denied the rumor. It’s her decision, so I have no right to say anything, but I was somewhat dejected. I looked so depressed that Saito came to me and asked [Are you okay?] to check on me. 

Of course, I couldn’t tell her what was bothering me directly, and I was left with a conflicted heart. Because of that, I let out a sigh.


[What’s wrong? You don’t look so good]

I didn’t expect to be called out, and my body trembled. When I turned around, I saw Hiiragi-san looking at me with a worried face. 

I guess she was talking to a customer just a while ago and came to me after they left and that she came over because she was worried about me. I felt a little happy about her concern and began to explain.

[I’m actually a little depressed about something…]

[What is it?]

Eyes that were beautiful, shaking with a little anxiety and gazed at me. A warm, somewhat gentle voice, seeped into my heart.

[We held hands, and it became a rumor at school. “Is she dating that man?” like so, and she strongly denied it. Even though she didn’t have to deny it so strongly… No, of course, it’s up to her, and I have no right to stop her, but.. I wanted to make my presence known at least a little]

What is it that I dislike..? An indescribable feeling lingers in my chest. It’s not like talking about it is going to solve anything. It’s just my pointless ranting. 

It doesn’t matter if she denies it. In fact, the less rumors, the less I’ll be suspected. Even so, there was something stuck in my mind and I couldn’t get rid of it.

[Ahh, I see. You’re thinking something like “You were rejected as a love interest” right?] 

Hearing my words, Hiiragi-san opened her eyes and chuckled. Her words became clear to me as I was momentarily stunned by her smile.

[…Yeah. Maybe so]

That may be true. As I was told, my feelings began to take shape. Once I recognized my feelings, the bewilderment I felt earlier settled down, but didn’t disappear.

[Don’t worry. She definitely likes Tanaka-kun. It’s impossible for her to see anyone but Tanaka-kun. It’s clear from what I’ve heard so far] (TN: She said it, nothing stopping you now, boy. Counting out your stupidity ofc)

Her eyes squinted and gave me a gentle smile. It was somewhat happy, but it was also warm. 

[Is that so?]


I was answered strongly, and my feelings became calm. Hiiragi-san really is a reliable person. I’ve been bothered for so long, and it disappeared just like that. Lately I’ve been asking her a lot, and I want to repay that kindness.

[I’m sorry for always asking for advice. Does Hiiragi-san not have any questions?]

She always listens to me, so I thought it’d be fine if I could help listen to her once in a while. So I asked her.

[Questions… is it?]

Hiiragi-san picks her chin and thinks about it. She let out a [hmmm] and pondered, unable to think of anything.

[Look, if you have any troubles with the guy you talked about before, I’m all ears] (TN: am I dumb or did this never happen)

It was the only thing I could think of that seemed to be in Hiiragi-san’s mind, so I suggested it. Then she looked away in a hurry.

[Eh!? T-That’s a bit..]

[Do you dislike it that much…?]

[That’s not it! It’s just, you know! A maiden’s heart is a secret! So, I’ll just accept your feelings. If you have any problems, please consult with me]

Her cheeks blushed even more as she explained, her body also twitched as she continued. Apparently, I was misunderstanding something. Hiiragi-san, who was trying her best to explain, looked like a little animal.

[So that’s how it is. I understand, I’ll rely on you in that case]

As we were talking about this, the store’s door opened. 

[ [Welcome] ]

We greeted the customers and went to serve them. When I stood in front of the customer and made eye contact, I froze unintentionally. The man in front of me tilted his head, looking curious.

[Is something wrong?]

[N-no, we’ll show you your table]

I managed to get words out without showing my panic. In front of me was Ichinose, standing with someone who seemed to be his girlfriend.

I have nothing to really share today, just feeling slightly better. I’ll try to get the next chapter out as quickly as possible, if my symptoms don’t get worse.