Chp 65

Visitors at My Part-Time Job

[I’ll guide you to your table]

Why are you here!? No way, right!? My heart is beating like crazy. But I can’t lose my cool. There’ve been several times where people from my school have come here, so I just have to deal with him the same way. I kept telling myself that, and managed to keep my composure. I took the menu and led them to an empty table.

[Right this way]

After I led the way, Ichinose sat down facing the woman.

[This is the menu. Please ring the bell and let us know when you want to order]

Pushing down my panic, I tried to follow the manual as best as I could without biting my tongue and handed them the menu list. Just as I was about to relax, thinking I could leave, Ichinose called out to me.

[Thank you very much. …Is your name, Tanaka-san, by any chance?]

[…Yes. Is something the matter?]

I’ve been looking at him with the same penetrating gaze I showed him in the classroom. If I look away, I might be suspected, so I have to try and feign ignorance.

We looked at each other for what must’ve been a short time, but it felt very long. The air was tense for a moment, but then Ichinose relaxed his expression and smiled cheerfully.

[No, it’s nothing. I’ll call when we’ve decided]

[Yes, please excuse me]

I hurried away with a forced smile on my face. I came to a point where no customers could see and exhaled heavily.

Haaah. I didn’t expect Ichinose to come. I’ve had people from the same school come before, but this is the first time someone I knew came over. It would be okay if it was a random classmate, but Ichinose of all people? (TN: Your co-worker/senpai is your schoolmate, even more so, your crush)

That guy has really good instincts. I wonder if he noticed me. At any rate, if I get involved with him any further, he’ll find out. (EDN: He literally called your name he definitely knows bro)

When I was wondering what I should do about Ichinose, I was unexpectedly approached by Hiiragi-san.

[Tanaka-san, is something wrong?]

[Ah, Hiiragi-san… Actually, there’s someone I know, or rather someone I’m a little uncomfortable with here. Can I ask you to serve that table?]

I realized if I leave it to Hiiragi-san to deal with Ichinose, I won’t have to be involved anymore, at least not today. It pains me to make a selfish request, but please forgive me this once.

[…Yes, it’s fine]

After thinking about it for a bit, Hiiragi-san nodded.

After that, things went smoothly. I glanced over at Ichinose’s table and saw that she was taking good care of them. He had his food served and I was relaxed just waiting for Ichinose to leave.

Plash! I heard something crack echoing through the restaurant.

I hurriedly looked back, and saw Hiiragi-san on her knees. In an instant, I understood she had fallen and broke a dish.

I hurried over to Hiiragi-san. Her glasses seemed to fall off when she fell, and she was picking them up and putting them back on. Her back was towards me, so I couldn’t see her face. (TN: he was right there)

When I was about to apologize to a nearby customer, the table was Ichinose’s table, and for some reason, he opened his eyes a little and stared at Hiiragi-san, who was putting her glasses back on.

[Please excuse us]

[Ah yes, it’s okay]

He seemed to notice me and returned to his usual tone.

[Hiiragi-san, are you okay? Are you hurt?]

[Yes, I’m okay. Let’s just clean up the broken dishes for now]

[All right]

I hurriedly grabbed a broom and cleaned up the dishes. Once the dishes were safely cleaned up, the restaurant returned to its original quiet atmosphere.

[I’m sorry you had to help me]

[No, no, I’m glad you didn’t get hurt]

We had this conversation as I put the cleaning tools away. Still, it was unusual. Hiiragi-san is someone who doesn’t make mistakes, so maybe she feels a little uncomfortable.

[Are you okay? Maybe you aren’t feeling well…]

[…No, it’s nothing like that you know?]

[Is that so…]

She tilted her head curiously, so it looks like I was wrong. Well, that’s good, so I don’t really mind.

[That really helped me. Now then, let’s do our best again]

[Yes, let’s do our best]

From that point on, we acted as usual. Effortlessly. We served food, cleaned up the dishes after it was done, and so on. Nothing happened, as if the incident earlier, when Hiiragi-san fell, was a lie.

—Because of that, I was a little off guard.

(Ah! Ichinose!?)

It seems like he’s about to leave, walking from the other side of the aisle. I was careless. I’ve been so focused on work that I neglected Ichinose.

I swallowed my saliva and shifted to the aisle to wait. This is the manual for the job, so it can’t be helped. Besides, it’d look even more suspicious if I ran away now.

I bowed my head and thanked them as I waited for Ichinose and the others to pass by. I heard the sound of shoes approaching, and they came right in front of me. Something might be said… I prepare myself for that. However nothing was said, and they kept going.

(T-Thank god)

Just as I thought of that, a voice called out to me from behind.

[See you later, Tanaka]


I hurriedly turned around and saw Ichinose smiling at me. It was the kind of smile that meant he was convinced of my identity. I was so surprised my mind went blank and I froze, unable to say anything. This time, he seemed to finish his business and left, looking somewhat happy.

—Apparently, my cover was blown.

1 more to go, then I’ll go update more of my LN.