How I Became Friends With The Most Beautiful Girl At School

[Hey, Tanaka]

[Yo, Ichinose]

When I arrived at school the next day, Ichinose greeted me with his usual happy smile. He seemed to be grinning. I made a suggestion to Ichinose, while I was wondering how to convey it.

[Then, why don’t we talk in a secluded area for a bit?]

[Yeah, I guess so. I’ve got some questions for Tanaka as well]

He nodded happily at my invitation and we moved to an empty classroom. On the way, we passed a few people and Ichinose greeted them lightly. I knew he was famous at school. His face was widely known. As soon as we arrived at an empty classroom at the edge of the building, I put my hands together and did a dogeza. (TN: Y’all should know dogeza by now)

[Please! Can you not tell anyone that I’m working part-time?]

[Eh? Y-yeah, that was originally the plan…]

[Is that so..?]

He had originally planned to keep quiet about it, and he froze, looking a little taken aback by my desperate request. However, he immediately nodded his head in agreement. I breathed out a sigh of relief that no one would find out about it. It’s not something good if the school knew about it, and I never know what might happen, so I can only thank Ichinose for keeping quiet.

[Thanks, man. For keeping it a secret]

[I don’t enjoy putting people down. Now I know why Tanaka gets along so well with Saito-san, and that’s enough for me]

He smiled as if he’s refreshed. But Ichinose’s words were a little puzzling. I tilted my head and asked him back.

[How Saito and I get along?]

[The reason why Tanaka is able to get close to Saito-san. It’s that Hiiragi-san from the part-time job, right?]

[A-Ah, I guess you know that much. I’ll admit. It’s thanks to Hiiragi-san I was able to get along with Saito]

Ichinose’s deduction powers are terrifying. It didn’t look like he was talking to Hiiragi-san, but how could he find out about my relationship with her? If he knows, there’s no point in hiding it, so I admitted honestly. Then Ichinose nodded in agreement. 

[I knew it. Because, you know, Hiiragi-san is…]

[Yeah, she’s my number 1 consultant] (TN: he’s still oblivious? geez)

[…Eh? Consultant?]

[Hm? That’s true you know?]

Ichinose told me he knew, but for some reason, he heard my words and froze. Did I say something wrong? When I looked at him, he pinched his chin looking like thinking of something, and then asked me if he was confirming something important.

[…When you say “consultant”, are you referring to the one you told me before, that you had someone you could rely on?]

[Yeah. I often ask her for advice after work. I didn’t tell Saito about it until now because if I told her, she would know I’m working part-time]

[…I see]

After pondering for a bit, Ichinose’s expression relaxed and his shoulders began to quiver strangely. He quivered as if he couldn’t stand something.

[So that’s how it is. Like that huh. Ahahaha]

He muttered quietly and started laughing out loud uncontrollably. I wondered why he suddenly laughed. I was confused by his reaction. I stared at him, hinting for questions.

[Why are you laughing all of the sudden?]

[No, it’s nothing. By the way, what’s this whole consultation you’re doing]

[Is there any reason to tell you? I won’t tell you]

[Don’t say that, come on, tell me. I’ll tell you what, take it as a compensation as keeping your part-time a secret]

[…How I get along with Saito, or something like that]

If it’s compensation for keeping quiet, I have no choice. Reluctantly, I told him. Well, I’m a little embarrassed but it’s not like I’ll be at any disadvantage.

At my words, his eyes seemed to light up in overwhelming interest in trying to get deeper into the heart of it.

[Hmmm~. So what did Hiiragi-san say to you?]

[She told me it’d be a good idea to hold hands. I took that advice and we held hands the other day] (TN: son aren’t you jumping the gun a bit too much?)

[I see, I see. That’s very good advice. I’m sure Saito-san was pleased, wasn’t she?]

He smiled and quivered while he giggled. He continued to laugh, not with his usual fake smile, but a sincere one. I don’t know what’s so funny about it, but it’s not bad to see Ichinose laughing like a regular person for once. (TN: I translated it this way cuz DeepL told me “human being”. DeepL got no chill man)

[That’s right. She’s the same gender, so she would know what girls want, and I can always count on her]

[Ahaha, that’s very reliable. Yeah, you’re right, I won’t stand a chance against her]

[You finally understand]

Apparently, he now understands how capable Hiiragi-san is. Since Hiiragi-san has been very helpful to me, I was proud that he praised her and couldn’t help but put on a smug face

[By the way, how did Hiiragi-san look when she gave you that hand-holding advice?]

[How was Hiiragi-san? She looked a little embarrassed, I think? I guess she was a little embarrassed to talk so openly about another maiden’s heart] 

[Is that so?]

Ichinose’s question didn’t get the point, but when I answered him, he continued to laugh in a hearty way.

I’m very sorry it took way longer than needed, I’ve gotten sick more times in 2 months than 2020 as a whole. I have once again caught covid, but I’ve been vaccinated so I should still be functioning properly. Now, I’ll be focusing more on my LN, so I’ll update this again in maybe 2-3 weeks. I’ll see you guys again