[Well, now I know how much Tanaka trusts Hiiragi-san]

When he finished laughing at some point, he looked at me, his voice still bubbling with joy. There were even tears in the corners of his eyes, because he laughed so much. 

[Oh well]

[So, what are you going to do now? You’re consulting with Hiiragi-san to decide how to proceed with your relationship with Saito-san, right?]

[No? I haven’t decided yet]

I’ve thought about several things to do, but I just couldn’t come up with anything good. After all, this was the first time I liked someone, and I was unfamiliar with such methods of deepening the relationship between a man and a woman, so I couldn’t come up with anything that felt right.  

In the end, I didn’t do anything, and didn’t do anything new as we spent time together. We’ll probably get along if we stay as we are now, but I’d like something to happen. 

I could talk to Hiiragi-san about it, but I felt like a bother lately, especially since she’s been listening to me a lot. Suddenly, Ichinose, who was sitting in front of me, caught my eye.

[…Hey, Ichinose is popular, right?]

[Hm? Well, I think I’m as popular as anyone else]

[How does Ichinose get along with girls?]

Ichinose is popular, and I thought that if that’s the case, he might have some ideas for me. Ichinose’s advice might not necessarily benefit my relationship with Saito, but he does get along with girls more than I do, so it will at least be helpful.

[We exchange contact information, then exchange messages and stuff, then we meet up and talk a lot… Well, something like that]

Ichinose nodded as if he was convinced of something as he spoke. Ichinose’s ability to guess is amazing, after all. He grinned and guessed my intention easily.

[I know you’re wondering how to proceed with your relationship with Saito-san, right? Then there’s one good way]

[Ah, yeah. You have an idea. What is it?]

[A date. After all, when two people get to know each other, they need to go out together]

[Date… huh. Yeah, that’s nice. Then I can get some advice from Hiiragi-san]

That’s certainly a good way. The only time we’ve gone out together was Hatsumode, and other than that, it’s only when we stopped on our way home. Saito said that she hasn’t been out with her friends very often, so I think she will enjoy it. 

Besides, a date means an opportunity for a lot of things to happen, so it’ll be easier to get to know each other. It’s a chance to close the distance in one swoop. 

Before, I would’ve felt a little uncomfortable going on a date with Saito, but we got closer now, so she shouldn’t refuse… I’m sure I’ll get a lot of advice from Hiiragi-san, and this is exactly what I was waiting for. (TN: INSERT THE MEME)

[Hiiragi-san? Is there anything you need her for?]

He seemed to be interested in something I said and asked me with his eyes sparkling.

[Ah, I was told to tell her if I was going to do something next time. Maybe I would make Saito feel uncomfortable. So I thought I could ask Hiiragi-san, since she’s a girl and knows what and what not to do]

[Oh, I see]

He squinted his eyes and chuckled happily.

[That’s a really good idea. Thanks for telling me]

[No, not at all. I’m glad I could help. Definitely talk to Hiiragi-san about it, okay?]

I nodded, wondering why Ichinose was reminding me. 

[Yeah. She’s the best person to consult with]

[Next time, tell me what Hiiragi-san looked like when you consult with her]

[Well, fine]

I don’t know why he seems so curious about Hiiragi-san’s condition, but, well, it’s not something I need to hide and I don’t mind. I’ve decided to set my policy from now on and carefully plan for the date. 

Not much to say but sorry for being a little late, anyways, I posted the Saito POV, and make sure to tell me whether you guys want that more than the main POV xD