I’ve decided to go on a date, but it’s meaningless unless she agrees to do it as well. I don’t know what exactly I should do, but for now, I decided to ask her out. With that in mind, I was currently reading a book at Saito’s house.

Flip. Flip. The sound of pages being turned can be heard from next to me. Saito’s thin, white fingertips are plucking and moving the pages, which I spot out of the corner of my eye.

Winter break is over and the third semester has begun, but I still can’t get used to this distance. It’s not that I don’t like it, but I can’t get used to having someone I like at a distance where I can almost touch them if I move a little bit closer.

Moreover, this time I was so nervous about asking Saito on a date that I couldn’t concentrate on the book at all. I glanced at Saito from time to time and stared at the book I opened.

I looked at Saito to ask her out, but I couldn’t muster up the courage to do so, then I turned back to the book in my hand. This repeated a few times over.

[…Is something wrong?]

Saito turned to me and tilted her head curiously.

[What is?]

[That… you’ve been occasionally glancing at me. And it looks like the book hasn’t moved since a while ago]

Then she glanced at the book in my hand.

Apparently, she noticed I’ve been acting strange. I took a small breath. I had to ask her out anyway. If I had to ask her, now would be the time. I was embarrassed, so I looked away as I scratched my head as I spoke.

[A… Um… Why don’t we go out together sometime?]

[Where are we going?]

[I haven’t decided where to go yet…]


She still doesn’t seem to get it, and continues to ponder while tilting her head with her adorable eyes open. She probably has no idea why she’s going out when there’s nothing to do. She did say she doesn’t go out with people much to begin with, so it’s no wonder why she doesn’t know.

I was embarrassed and somewhat afraid to say it out loud, but if she didn’t understand me after all that, I had no choice but to tell her properly.

[That’s why I asked if you wanted to go on a date with me]


I felt my own face heat up as I spoke, and at the same time Saito’s cheeks blushed and her eyes opened wide.

I knew at first glance she didn’t mind, but I never asked her on a date before, and I was so impatient that I said something I didn’t mean to say.

[If you don’t want to go, it’s fine]

[N-no, I don’t mind going! I’ll go! I’ll definitely go!]

As if she was panicked by my words, she brought her face close to mine and said so strongly and with a serious expression. I can feel how happy she was through her voice, which didn’t sound like her.

The sudden approach of her face made Saito’s soft, floral scent tickle my nose and I involuntarily back away.

[S-sure. Well, are you free next Saturday or Sunday?]

[Yes, I’m free on Sundays, so Sunday is good]

[Well, um… See you then]

[Yes… I’m really looking forward to it]

I was speechless at the expression on Saito’s face as she smiled, squinting her eyes happily. Her cheeks were blushing, and the way she looked at me as if peering into my eyes was too cute not to look at. Yet I looked away as we gazed at each other.

[…Well, I’d appreciate it if you don’t get your hopes up too much]

[No, it doesn’t matter where we go. As long as I can go out with Tanaka-kun, I’m sure I’ll have fun anywhere] (TN: that’s unfair)

[O-Oh, is that so…]

I knew that she was smiling to reassure me. But that soft smile was so dazzling I can’t help but feel my heart thump faster.

Apologies for the rather late update, was preoccupied definitely wasn’t busy watching DBZ abridged

Anyhow, I’ll get more out soon-ish, so does my LN project