Date Planning With The Girl at The Part-time Job①

After having heard from Saito where she wanted to go and when the date was, I decided to ask Hiiragi-san’s opinion on the plan.

Hiiragi-san told me to let her know when I have my date plan prepared, so she’ll probably be happy to discuss it with me.

As usual, I spoke to her at the end of my part-time job.

[Hiiragi-san, can I ask you a few questions about the thing we talked about the other day?]

[…Yes, that’s fine]

Hiiragi-san quickly put up a serious expression and turned to me as if she was prepared.

[Actually, I’ve successfully gotten her to go on a date, and we’re going next week]

[I see. That’s good to know]

[Yes, I was quite nervous, but it’s worth it. She seemed really happy and took me up on the offer]

[Eh, did she look that happy?]

Hiiragi-san opened her eyes and froze, looking surprised. Was there something surprising about that?

[Yeah, well. She leaned forward and her face brightened up, so I knew she was looking forward to it]

[W-well, that’s certainly easy to understand]

[Yes, even I could tell that she was pleased with the offer]

She turned away from me, and turned her head down for a few moments. But then, she coughed and looked back at me.

[You seem pretty happy about it]

[Of course, it’s great that I could go to a date with someone that I like]

[I see]

The person I like is looking forward to being with me, and that makes me very happy. When I finished my sentence, Hiiragi-san squinted her eyes behind her glasses as if she saw something dazzling and let out a chuckle.

[So, you’re asking for my advice, right? About the thing we talked about before?]

[Ah, yes, that’s right. I’ve come up with a date plan, and I’d like to get your opinion on it]

[Yes, of course. Where are you planning to go first?]

[At first, I think I’ll play it safe and go to a movie]

I thought about it a lot, but I think a movie is the best. One of the reasons was that we could talk about it afterwards, and more importantly, I was interested in a movie based on a novel that’s currently popular.

[A movie? I think that’s good]

[Yes, I’m thinking of actively holding hands at that time]

[O-out of the blue!?]

Hiiragi-san raised her voice louder than usual while fumbling her words. Was it too soon? But it worked last time, I thought I had to be in the same line as last time to make her more aware of me… I’m getting more and more anxious about Hiiragi-san.

[Is it… no good? It’s dark, and I was thinking of holding hands on the armrest]

[N-no, that’d be fine. I see, hand holding so early…]

She muttered something and continued to look away from side to side. However, she suddenly froze and looked up as if she noticed something. Her cheeks are blushing.

[Is something wrong?]

[C-could it be, you plan to hold hands and then go straight into a kiss in the dark!?]

[No no no! I wouldn’t do that! What are you talking about!?] (TN: MC no balls)

I don’t have the courage to make that sort of development, and we’re not that close yet. Hiiragi-san started saying something strange and I hurriedly denied it.

[Ah, t-that’s right. I’m sorry, I imagined something outrageous. That was a weird thing to ask]

[I-It’s fine]

Perhaps noticing that she said something weird, she turned away embarrassed, with her head down.

As promised, 2 chapters for this week. And I learned something the past 2 weeks, it’s the fact that manual cars are a pain in the butt.