Date Planning With The Girl at The Part-time Job②

She turned away from me and remained silent for a moment, then coughed and turned back to me, while she was still blushing.

[I’m sorry about that… Anyways, I think it’s a good idea to hold hands at the movie]

[I see]

[Yes, it’s… no one hates to hold hands with someone they like]

Her eyes still looking down, hesitantly talking, as if her embarrassing comment from earlier still remained.

[I understand. For now, I would like to start with a movie first. Then after that…]

[Yes, where would you go next?]

[I’m thinking of going to a cafe somewhere for lunch since it’ll be around noon when the movie is over. We’ll have something to talk about after the movie]

[I think that’s nice… maybe set something up there too?]

[Etto… yes]

Holding hands was something I talked about before, so I didn’t feel too embarrassed. But when it comes to talking about other things like flirting, I still feel embarrassed.

[What will you do, by the way?]

[We would feed each other]

[…Uh, that means that right? The “Ahhh”?]

She looked around restlessly, and her cheeks went from red to crimson with a shy expression on her face.

[Yes. it’s a little embarrassing, but if it makes her feel shy, I’ll do it]

[W-well, I think that’s fine as well]

[I see. Then, I’d like to keep going]

She looked like she had some thoughts about it, and her voice was a little strained, but it seemed like she had no problem with it. I patted my chest in relief that my plan was approved.

[What are you going to do after lunch?]

[She likes cats, so I’d like to go to a cat cafe. I want her to genuinely enjoy the cat cafe, so I don’t intend to do anything special there. And that’s it, that’s where the plan ends]

[I see. I think the plan is good. It sounds like fun. But still. It’s surprising… Tanaka-san, are you used to dating women?]

She looked like she’s reluctant to say it, but she looked at me when she said it.

[No way! It’s my first time. What makes you think that?]

[You have a decent plan, and surprisingly, you’re… very aggressive with that girlfriend of yours]

[Ah, that’s what you mean. As for the date plan, I was just searching the internet and seeing what I could use]

I’ve never been on a date. Without the internet, I wouldn’t even be able to make a proper plan. I would’ve ended up going to a bookstore and stopping there. Well, I guess that means I was able to plan a date good enough for it to be suspicious.

[And, well, I guess I’m being aggressive because… dates are special]

[Special, is it?]

She asked curiously and tilted her head.

[Yes, when we’re together, I rarely do anything that makes her aware of me as the opposite sex. She trusts me and is always by my side, so I think it’d be disrespectful to her if I have an ulterior motive]

[…I see]

Hiiragi-san nodded her head after understanding my words. After all, it’d be difficult to be alone with Saito in a room and not have any ulterior motive. But, to show it would be a betrayal to Saito’s trust, so I usually spend time concentrating on books and not worrying about it.

[I want the one I like to be aware of me as the opposite sex once in a while. I want her heart to beat, and I also want to see her embarrassed] (TN: beat was originally doki-doki, but I didn’t put it like that cuz cringe smh)

[I-I know what you mean! Sometimes you want to feel the person you like to be aware of you]

[Ah, yes, that’s right]

Hiiragi-san’s voice suddenly rose and she began to fumble her words, which startled me for a bit. It looks like Hiiragi-san also has someone whom she likes, so I guess I could sympathize with her. (TN: get a f*ckin hint ya dumbass)

[Well, that’s why I’m asking her out so she can view me as the opposite sex. Of course, I wouldn’t do this if she thinks of me as just a friend, but that doesn’t seem to be the case]

[I see what you mean. I’m convinced. But please be careful, okay?]

Hmm, somehow, Hiiragi-san smiled somewhat confidently. Not understanding what she meant, I asked her back.

[Be careful?]

[Yes, because she might feel the same way. Maybe the next date, she’ll be more aggressive?]

[…I see. I’ll keep that in mind]

I can’t imagine Saito being aggressive, but maybe, that could be possible. For some reason, I couldn’t escape from Hiiragi-san’s devilish smile, which looked like it was teasing me, and it stuck in my mind.