Just as the sun was about to set, Jin Niang carried her small cloth bag and was about to go out. Seeing it from the back, Su Moyan asked in concern, "Do you need my help?"

Jin Niang glanced at him, "You?" She looked her up and down, then shook her head, "No need, I can do it myself."

Su Moyan: "…" Was he being disliked by this little girl? What was that look?

Jin Niang did not have any intentions of going to the side, she just felt that he was dressed in scholarly clothes all day long, and asking him to go up the mountain to pick wild fruits was too discordant and out of line with her status, that's why she refused.

Su Moyan originally thought that since she had such a little sister, she should be concerned about her. After all, this little sister was quite sensible and knew how to cook!

The last point was the key!

Who would have thought that he would be rejected so mercilessly without a trace of hesitation? Otherwise, how could he be so straightforward? Don't you know that this is very hurtful?

The sun was about to set, so he quickly went to pick some up while it was still cool. If it was too late, then it would be too dark and he wouldn't be able to walk on the road.

With her small body, she really didn't dare to overestimate herself, so she was in a hurry. Where would she find the time to talk to Su Mo?

Even when she left without the slightest hesitation, Su Moyan became even more depressed. This little girl was not cute at all!

Jin Niang was glad that the place she found was not very far from there, because Su Mo Yan's house was at the side of the mountain and acanthopanax was growing at the side of the mountain.

When she went out, she wrapped a piece of cloth around her hand. There were always some thorns in the bushes, so she didn't want her hand to be riddled with holes.

He should think of a way to make the gloves later. That way, it would be much more convenient and he wouldn't need to spend half a day to wrap his hands around the gloves every time he went out.

Nodding, yeah, that's it. I'll go back and discuss it with mom.

Xia Lanqing had always been nice to her, so she was willing to do this. Jin Niang wasn't an emotional person to begin with, so she wouldn't do such a thing.

They quickly arrived at the location, and even though they did not meet anyone on the way, Jin Niang quickly and nimbly began to pick the fruits.

There were a lot of acanthopanax trees in this area, and many of them could already be harvested, but some of them were eaten by bugs or birds. She did not touch any of those things, so she had to leave some for these animals.

After picking up enough bags, she hurried back. Even though she could faintly hear the villagers' voices, she was still scared that it was going to get dark soon.

A small cloth bag weighed around four to five kilograms, but she was still struggling to carry it. Jin Niang once again despised her current body.

Unexpectedly, when she walked out of the mountain slope, she actually saw Su Mo Yan rushing over. Her expression was still somewhat anxious, but when she saw her, she suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

Jin Niang was a little touched. This big brother was not bad, to actually know how to be concerned about him.

Seeing her strenuously carry a bag of items, Su Mo Yan quickly walked to her side and reached for the bag on her back. "I'll carry it."

Su Mo Yan was already ten years old. Although he had not started to draw longer, he was still much better than Jin Niang. Furthermore, boys were born with greater strength than girls, so these things were not considered much to him.

Su Moyan took it and weighed it in her hands. It was quite heavy! He looked at Jin Niang with astonishment, as if he did not expect her to move so quickly.

However, he still warned her, "Next time, don't be so late. Mom will worry."

Jin Niang nodded, "I got it, I didn't go too far, I'm just over there." She pointed to the hill she had just gone to.

Su Moyan followed the direction of her finger and saw that it was indeed not too far away. However, when he saw her hand, he became even more curious and asked, "Your hand is injured?"

Jin Niang looked at her own hand. Injured? Why didn't she know?

Then he went to untie the cloth and said, "I don't think so. I'm very well wrapped!"

Su Moyan: Why are you so tightly wrapped up if you're not hurt? It was impossible to communicate!

She undid it and shook her head in denial. "No, look."

Su Moyan: "…" Don't remind me that I can't communicate with you!

In the end, she couldn't help but ask, "Why did you pick up your hands?"

"There's a thorn. It won't hurt even if you wrap it up." She answered matter-of-factly.

Su Mo Yan thought about it and agreed. He glanced at her and said, "You're quite smart!"

Jin Niang looked at him. Why was the tone of voice so uncomfortable?

"Are you praising me?"

Su Mo could not hold back his laughter as he nodded. He discovered that this little girl's expression was always very funny. She was clearly unhappy just now.

But he still nodded, "That's right, I'm praising you."

Jin Niang did not want to talk to him anymore. On the surface, this man only looked at the beautiful scenery but in reality, she was secretly scheming!

I don't want to play with him anymore! Inner black was something that was most detestable. Not only did he have a little heart, he even liked to dig holes for others.

After being together with her for a few days, he could tell a bit of her temper. Furthermore, since he had already gotten to know her today, he would be family from now on. He was much more relaxed in front of Jin Niang compared to before.

"If you're not happy, I'll praise you?" he asked deliberately.

Jin Niang held back from rolling her eyes, this man was too strong! After thinking for a while, he said, "I was also very smart before." The tone of the statement.

Su Moyan: "…"

However, thinking back on her performance that day, she still nodded in agreement, "Indeed, that day you played dumb and fooled everyone."

Jin Niang:... This was settling the score after the fall? She said she had a spy?

This person was really not cute at all!

This was what they both thought of each other, as if they shared the same thoughts.

Seeing that Jin Niang was unhappy, Su Mo Yan did not continue to tease her. If she cried, it would not be fun, but he still had to rely on her for dinner.

"Come on, let's hurry back. Mom's worried about you." He quickly changed the subject.

During this period of time, Su Mo Yan could tell that Jin Niang had been really good to his mother, so good that he had an illusion that Jin Niang was treating his mother as her own responsibility, and she was taking care of his mother as if she was a small adult.

He didn't know why he had such an absurd illusion, but he couldn't fake Jin Niang's kindness towards his mother.

It was because of this that he was willing to acknowledge her, even though his mother had taken her as her daughter.

Sure enough, when she heard Su Mo say that her mother was worried about her, she immediately quickened her pace. She even turned around and shouted at him, "Hurry up too."

Su Moyan: "…" He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

When he returned home, he saw Xia Lanqing waiting for them at the entrance. Jin Niang quickly walked over to her side and said, "We're back."

Xia Lanqing smiled as she looked at them, then pulled Jin Niang into the courtyard, "Don't be so late in the future."

Jin Niang nodded obediently, "I understand. Please sit in the courtyard for a while, I will go cook." She then asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Su Mo Yan silently walked in with something behind his back: Hey, have you forgotten about me?

He put the bag down, and didn't know how to handle the acanthopanax. After Jin Niang saw this, he went to untie the bag, and then found a place to hang it up. He put the bag away and looked at Xia Lanqing, waiting for her to answer him about what she wanted to eat.

Xia Lanqing came over and helped her spread out the acanthopanax. After that, she had her go and clean it, and then said: "Go and eat some porridge.

Jin Niang nodded, "Do you want sweet or salty porridge?"

"Salty porridge and some vegetables."

Jin Niang: "Okay, wait a moment, I will immediately do it."

Su Moyan: "…" And me? Why didn't anyone ask me for my opinion?

Ever since he had taken on his sister, his status had plummeted.

But towards his own little sister, he could make demands, thus he said to Jin Niang: "I want to eat the biscuit you made." His appetite was not small, how could he be full just by eating porridge?

The cake that Jin Niang made was indeed delicious, layer after layer, it was crispy but soft on the outside.

After satisfying their respective requirements, the meal went very well. After a short rest, they washed up and went to sleep.

The only good thing about being here was that he had to live a very regular life. He would sleep at night and wake up at dawn, unlike how he was like before.

Jin Niang spent the next few days harvesting, early in the morning. In the evening, he would visit other things, and the harvest was not small, and she even found some bitter herbs and wild onions, and some wild chrysanthemums. She thought that she would come back to harvest them later to soak in water.

The acanthopanax s were all spread out in the courtyard to dry. Because the sun had been high recently, they basked in the sun very quickly.

She was still too young to walk deep into the mountains, and there wasn't much other stuff at the sides of the mountains. If there wasn't any food for the animals at the Heavenly Drought Mountain, it would be very fierce, maybe they would even head towards the mountain side. Jin Niang could not help but to be worried as he looked at where they were staying.

If the drought continued and the grass on the mountain didn't grow well, the number of herbivores would definitely decrease. Then would the carnivores come down the mountain without rations?

If they were to go down the mountain, they would live on the mountain side, and the first to bear the brunt of the onslaught would be them. Whether or not there was a strong labourer at home, it would be really troublesome.

Just as she was worrying about this, new news came from the outside, saying that the Emperor from the south had defeated the Emperor from the north and granted a general amnesty for the ascension of the new emperor.

At most, the village would only know of this matter and speak of it. They hoped that the new emperor was a good emperor who could let the commoners live a good life, while the rest were too far away from them.

No matter how fierce the battle outside was, it had nothing to do with the commoners. What they cared about the most was whether they could live a good life. If they could, then they would be a good emperor, no matter how much they thought about it.